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*First of all, the idea has been around since starcraft, and you/starcraft orTjens idea was never in dispute.

*Secondly, be a man and stop deleting/doctoring my posts and account on Newerth, if you want to talk to me, stop coming over here where you have zero control.

*And finally, I have over 30 emails between Tjen an Myself regarding the autominer project that you showed fuck all interest in (WITH DATES) until you realised I was actually building one. you think that Newerth is proof of anything when you doctor posts and delete my account?


DO you really want me to post these e-mails that basically prove what you just said as a dirty lie? or can you be civil and admit to doing the wrong thing for the first time in your sad life?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:14 am
Last edited by djinghis on Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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This is basically the same shit, you couldn't handle that someone had done something you could not, and yet again you stole the project. and did a sub standard job of it.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:18 am
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Joined: 17 Oct 2015
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So exactly how did i steal your idea and/or design since all i did was grant Tjens' request of modeling an autominer as per the drawings he supplied?

If there was anybody who stole anything from you, it was Tjens. But you admitted yourself that you did work with Tjens on the concept Smile. So since it was his baby just as much as it was yours, how much of a braindead must you be to accuse me of stealing your blueprints?

SOMA, what do you think? Smile

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:05 am
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Daemon wrote:
So exactly how did i steal your idea and/or design since all i did was grant Tjens' request of modeling an autominer as per the drawings he supplied?

If there was anybody who stole anything from you, it was Tjens. But you admitted yourself that you did work with Tjens on the concept Smile. So since it was his baby just as much as it was yours, how much of a braindead must you be to accuse me of stealing your blueprints?

SOMA, what do you think? Smile

these are the words you've replaced with the one word I've consistently used throughout my posts "project"
~ shit, idea, design, blueprint.

You did not steal my shit, idea, design or blueprint - you stole my project(s).

The damning facts lay hidden for now within my many e-mail correspondences with Tjens, proving that you + anyone else were not interested in creating it from his initial concepts up until you discovered I was involved in making one. The point in time where you suddenly showed great interest.

Having to drag someone else in to an argument nobody really gives a fuck about is looking desperate on you part, try to debate on your own, w/e sycophant you can summon can't provide the substance and facts I have at my disposal. You and Hakugui can't even give me my space on Newerth without spamming it with irrelevant links and abusing me in PM, but OFC I can't prove that as my account was deleted - go figure.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:48 am
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djinghis wrote:

The damning facts lay hidden for now within my many e-mail correspondences with Tjens, proving that you + anyone else were not interested in creating it from his initial concepts up until you discovered I was involved in making one. The point in time where you suddenly showed great interest.

And how exactly did i discover you were interested in making one? Do you imply i had access to your e-mail? Sheesh... you keep bringing your e-mail correspondence as some kind of proof. I know you Australians like to snoop in someone else's e-mail inboxes, but I'm not Assange, you know...

djinghis wrote:

these are the words you've replaced with the one word I've consistently used throughout my posts "project"
~ shit, idea, design, blueprint.

You did not steal my shit, idea, design or blueprint - you stole my project(s).

I hate to be the one shoving English language arguments in your native English speaker face, but lookie here:

It says "project", "design", "blueprint", are synonyms. In your case, i'd add "shit" as well.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:04 am
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014
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Ignore the point and point to a thesaurus, that's the basis of your argument? you can't deny being a liar so that's your "go-to". And for your information, please absorb it, words Synonyms with "project" do not strictly share the same definition. you can't simply replace project with design or blueprint, and it's naive to think they are one and the same. A project can encompass designs and blueprints, the words are different and project is correct, your words are not and are out of context. So spare me the dictionary thesaurus argument I've seen oh so many times coming from you. This is what I mean about substance-less debates from you...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:48 am
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I think this mistake happen by Tjen as he couldn't organize "Auto-miner" idea with Daemon or djinghis, he just share separately to you and he just want to apply it, and it was on daemon's mind long time ago as he mentioned. so the miscommunication came from this point.

Tjen Post it to Daemon on forum so the chance for djinghis to share or to inform that he is working on it was possible that time. even daemon could know that.. so it was possible to avoid this conflict. like why we're not informing admins before start!

we're happy to see auto miner uploaded in the IF possible, how about solving all this conflict between daemon and djinghis. and prove this with a new project, if you want to call it.

lets start with djinghis Frist if you want new Start/chance with Savage community let admins and moderators discuss about it again, whether accepted or give a new chance.etc .. please go ahead and reply or simply there is no point keeping this post up and just reply to this topic without income.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:10 pm
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Notice that when i made Tjens' autominer, and thus contributed to the game by actually adding a layer of strategy it did not have before, djinghis blamed me for supposedly stealing his project, that nobody but he knew about.

But when Secret came with a minor Scavenger skin improvement with little to no consequence to the game other than reducing FPS, djinghis, although he also has a marginal Scavenger skin modification, does not accuse Secret of stealing his great idea of a Scav reskin, but supports him.

Instead, he keeps on blaming me for w/e, like supposedly scaring Secret away although i offered to include his skin in XR. So the only thing he can do is cry "I blame Daemon!" like a broken record.

What do you think? Is his brain not working or he's just out to cause grief? Either way, he's not a man worth a penny, even more so after hacking Groen's server.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:59 pm
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exactly, this is a good point to say that savage XR is a good place to apply a "New Projects" not only the auto-miner. you can improve all units, weapons, Red stone or fixing exploit maps ... etc.

just give the idea to Administrator, get it approved so they can provide you the standard info you need to follow based on your project, simply you follow the steps that can lead your project success.

so djinghis if you really want to end this , please decide now whether you want to show something in a pro and official way..and no matter the conflict happen regarding auto-miner its not the last project that you can work on, and lets Admin decide please. or you simply can consider it closed.

Last thing i want to say that we all like to support any improve in savage XR but let it be build on a trust or more official way. i don't like same way of this new guy who came and post a new 1st topic to show us his sacv.. and simply he don't want to share info about himself.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 5:51 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:23 pm
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Joined: 01 Apr 2007
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Ok guys, Loving the drama! This is wonderfull - I'm feeling all kinds of feels, but to awnser all of your questions: WHAT HAPPEND???

I remember a long time past, where I was playing a game of Savage on a 4 team map, I was intoxicated and I might have inhaled a certain kind of Chemical that made me connect more with the world of Savage and the people inhabiting. In this time I got in on an conversation with a player on my team about the excitement about powermining. The talk steered towards more combat-oriented stance about early game mechanics and we came speaking about the concept of an Autominer, but I have no recollection on whose idea it really was. I might have added a couple groundrules as shown in this post.

Next thing, I started working on a design for an Autominer indeed as I connected to Djinghis about wanting to implement the idea itself, and loosely based the following design based on this. The design was solid mechanically-wise, we even discussed some of the nuances as shown as some screenshots send by Djinghis as shown here. When Djinghis posted his proposition on the Newerth forum as shown here I encouraged the developers (as wich time I was unbeknowlged to whom they were) to implement a gold-miner variant. Keep in mind I worked together with Djignhis on the autominer the whole time! It was a great time working with someone willing to improve Savage !

Me and Djinghis continued conversation trough mail and it came clear the fued between Djinghis and the staff halted any progress on getting the design implemented. As the post gave no reply or incentive from the crew to implement or work with the design given, after a while I decided on modeling my own version! I build entire drawnings for construction purposes so I thought why not switch to game-rendering! It was a mistake. Daemon was willing to model the design, so I contacted Daemon on Skype to talk about the idea, and he seemed enthusiastic so I expanded on my first designs and got to the result.

Thats all bros

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:29 pm
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If anyone is curious what Easter eggs Tjens laid in his blank post, below is its original ending. He seems to have deleted it in his final post because he messed up the URL syntax and could not make it work.
Tjens wrote:
[...] Daemon was willing to model the design, so I contacted Daemon on Skype to talk about the idea, and he seemed enthusiastic so I expanded on my first designs and got to the result as shown here. If you ask me as the designer; it's an amazing, truthfull, root to it's core Savage architecture piece of work that's entirely truthfull to it's original design, and perfectly matched with the aesthetics in the world of Savage, and I'm amazed that I got to be involved to work on a project like such.

If there is any blame to give on stealing any design, it's on me. The only thing I would like you to remember is that both Daemon and Djinghis have a passion for the game of Savage and whatever their reasons - I apploud their commitment on working and contributing on the game in their own way.

Thats all bros

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:32 am
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Daemon wrote:
Notice that when i made Tjens' autominer, and thus contributed to the game by actually adding a layer of strategy it did not have before, djinghis blamed me for supposedly stealing his project, that nobody but he knew about.

But when Secret came with a minor Scavenger skin improvement with little to no consequence to the game other than reducing FPS, djinghis, although he also has a marginal Scavenger skin modification, does not accuse Secret of stealing his great idea of a Scav reskin, but supports him.

Instead, he keeps on blaming me for w/e, like supposedly scaring Secret away although i offered to include his skin in XR. So the only thing he can do is cry "I blame Daemon!" like a broken record.

What do you think? Is his brain not working or he's just out to cause grief? Either way, he's not a man worth a penny, even more so after hacking Groen's server.

Despite unequivocal proof that you

1: had no interest.
2: Learned of my involvement.
3: Took over the "project"

You draw comparisons with two modders that are not admins, that are making mods not game changing patches "mods" that happen to be similar. I could say that "secret sole my idea" but that's something you would say, our mods are vastly different. Mine is a goat for starters, his is a mesh improvement afaik. vastly different.

Daemon wrote:

What do you think? Is his brain not working or he's just out to cause grief? Either way, he's not a man worth a penny, even more so after hacking Groen's server.

And is this pettiness really necessary? everyone of you posts on your account on these forums has been about me in some way or another, so I hope you don't get payed too many pennies an hour.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:12 am
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Joined: 27 Feb 2015
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by logic what the benefit/income daemon will get when he make auto miner before you? and why he want to do this?
even if he know that you're working on Auto-miner simply he may upload the one he did not yours, or he maybe reject the idea from the beginning.

i mean the root cause still exist. the reason is, there is no official pro communication from the beginning. no matter what you or daemon trying to prove.

please look for a solution not a prove to avoid any future "project"

Im done with this.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:36 am
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Pathetic. Especially djinghis.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:28 am
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