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Groentjuh's Server Forum Index » Downloads - Categories » Savage: The Battle for Newerth » Mods » SEP
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Download! No deductions from user account. SEP1F Win Final    Incase you have an old computer and cant get the latest version of sep to work download this.

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.

On SEP-2 Servers you will need to type "/ref playanyway" to join a team.
7.54 MB 4 / 4
Download! No deductions from user account. SEP3T Win (Final)    This is the latest sep mod for savage including 128 slot server, 5 new npc's countless new props, rain & snow weather plus many other new features and bug fixes!!

To install point the installer to your savage folder.

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
33.41 MB 44 / 44
Download! No deductions from user account. Hotfix: SEP3T+ (Windows)    SEP-3T+ hotfix!
Fixes keyboard input and a few minor issues. Sufficient to patch from 3T to 3T++ if the auto-updater doesn't work for you. If you auto-updated before October the 3rd, you most likely need this fix. Note: main menu will still display 3T, as this is only a minor release.

To install point the installer to your savage folder.

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
2.19 MB 31 / 31
Download! No deductions from user account. SEP3T Linux (Final)    This is the latest sep mod for savage including 128 slot server, 5 new npc's countless new props, rain & snow weather plus many other new features and bug fixes!!

Just untar:

tar -zxvf SEP-3T.tar.gz

to your savage dir.

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
51.63 MB 2 / 2
Download! No deductions from user account. Hotfix: SEP3T+ (Linux)    SEP-3T+ hotfix!
Fixes keyboard input and a few minor issues. Sufficient to patch from 3T to 3T++ if the auto-updater doesn't work for you. If you auto-updated before October the 3rd, you most likely need this fix. Note: main menu will still display 3T, as this is only a minor release.

Just untar:

tar -zxvf SEP-3T_3T+-r2.tar.gz

to your savage dir.

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
3.17 MB 9 / 9
Download! No deductions from user account. SEP3T+ (Mac)    This is the latest sep mod for savage including 128 slot server, 5 new npc's countless new props, rain & snow weather plus many other new features and bug fixes!!

To install:
(You need to have the "Savage: The Battle of Newerth Mac + SEP-3T pack" installed! This package can be found in the download section: "Savage")
1) Right click on the savage app
2) Click Show Package contents
3) Open contents folder
4) Open Resources folder
5) Open game folder
6) Drag everything from the sep3t download into that folder

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
84.19 MB 27 / 27
Download! No deductions from user account. Hotfix: SEP3T+ (Mac)    This is the latest sep mod for savage including 128 slot server, 5 new npc's countless new props, rain & snow weather plus many other new features and bug fixes!!

To install:
(You need to have the "Savage: The Battle of Newerth Mac + SEP-3T pack" installed! This package can be found in the download section: "Savage")
1) Right click on the savage app
2) Click Show Package contents
3) Open contents folder
4) Open Resources folder
5) Open game folder
6) Drag everything from the sep3t download into that folder

[If you experience problems with the score board being missing rebind it to tab in the options menu]

For the savage orginal manual in pdf check the "Savage > Utils" download section.
634.76 KB 7 / 7
Download! No deductions from user account. SEP Extra Pack v1    SEP Extra Packs are unofficial releases that have no guarantee of functionality or stability, although I'm not sure why they'd be causing problems anyway. But more importantly, they are NOT compulsory upgrades.

You should install this version over your 3T+ Windows install.
Linux versions will be coming at a later time.

This version adds advanced demo playback functionality, as per Shagroth's and Spung's requests, and others' too I guess. It sports the following features:
- Automatic demo recording will stop/restart at map changes.
- The demos now have a different format; here's an example: "Uttar-bunker-10.22.2006-2.demo"
- You can now pause the demo playback with "demo_pausetime", in addition to your pause key which already did that in 2.00e.
- You can go forward in time by a specific amount, via "demo_forwardTime X" where X is a number of seconds, and may be floating point.
- You can go to a specific point in the demo with "demo_setTime X" - you may not go backwards with this feature however, and there is no plan to add that option.
2.02 MB 14 / 14
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Remaining overall Traffic for this month: 750 GB
There are overall 68 downloads with a size of 2.2 GB / 90 GB including 1 external Downloads.
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