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Groentjuh's Server Forum Index » Downloads - Categories » Savage: The Battle for Newerth » Movies
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Download! No deductions from user account. Small pred tutorial    A small pred moving tutorial for newbies and maybe ppl of average skill level made by Royal.

11.73 MB 15 / 15
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Shagroth Movie No.3    This is shags latest movie enjoy! 239.9 MB 0 / 0
Download! No deductions from user account. Savage Freeware Promo Video    Show this video to your friends. It gives people an overview of what savage is all about. 80.55 MB 13 / 13
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! SKOPE's savage movie    This is a well made movie by SKOPE enjoy. 38.91 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Nymph, Shagau & Friends    This is a long, high quality, professionally movie showing of some funny stuff, noobs falling down walls, shagroth expert dueling, plus much much more. 390.27 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Blados Movie No.1    This is the first movie made by blados. 54.01 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Coil Headshot!    A Quake style short savage movie and uses Divx! 5.47 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Profile of a sadist.    A classic savage movie one of the best around. If you havnt seen it its well worth downloading the 250mb zip file. Its divx format again.
Included in this zip is the codex to play it plus a read me.
I would suggest downloading the latest codec from
251.46 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Savage1 beta movie!    This is a old skool movie back when summoners had a melee attack!

You'll need divx to play it and can download the codec from
23.39 MB 0 / 0
Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Shagroths Movie No.2    Shagroth's first savage movie from the EUL days. (This movie is based on what clanmember Loke started, but never finished) 38.36 MB 0 / 0
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No more overall traffic or file/category traffic left this month! Not enough traffic or posts (3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked! Download! External source. No deductions from user account. Free download without traffic count for registered users Download! Traffic will be deducted from user account. Download! No deductions from user account. New download Updated download
No more overall traffic or file/category traffic left this month! Not enough traffic or posts
(3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked!
Download! External source. No deductions from user account. Free download without traffic count for registered users Download! Traffic will be deducted from user account. Download! No deductions from user account. New download Updated download

Remaining overall Traffic for this month: 750 GB
There are overall 68 downloads with a size of 2.2 GB / 90 GB including 1 external Downloads.
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