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Groentjuh's Server Forum Index » Downloads - Categories » Savage: The Battle for Newerth » Mods
Category Files Description
SEP  Savage Enhancement Project SEP3T+ (Mac)
Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:54 am
EX2  This old abondon mod EX2... If you want to use this mod you will have to use the "Skip (LAN Games Only)" button since the auth server is down (meaning no icons or stats recording unlike SEP). Notes: On SEP-2 Servers you will need to type "/ref playanyway" to join a team. EX2 5b Win (Final)
Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:54 pm

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Download! No deductions from user account. FPS GUI Mod    This mod is a new improved version of the savage first person user interface (very simple)

1. Rename the download to the next guiX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is gui6.s2z rename the file gui7.s2z

2. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.

Works with latest SEP2C
4.32 KB 13 / 13
Download! No deductions from user account. S2Jesse Human Skins    These skins by S2Jesse.

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z

If you have any problems installing them ask in the forum.
8.55 MB 8 / 8
Download! No deductions from user account. Evil Savage Voices    This is a mod that changes the voices for kill streaks in savage to those found in UT.

Install Notes:

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z
533.35 KB 3 / 3
Download! No deductions from user account. Sexy Savage Voices    This is a mod that changes the voices for kill streaks in savage.

Install Notes:

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z
803.74 KB 7 / 7
Download! No deductions from user account. Savage2 Behe Skin    This is a mod that changes the skin of behe's to that found in savage2.

Install Notes:

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z
3.16 MB 2 / 2
Download! No deductions from user account. Zombie Pred    This is a mod that changes the skin of preds's so that they look like zombies versions.

Install Notes:

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z
2 MB 5 / 5
Download! No deductions from user account. Pirate Lego    This is a mod that changes the skin of lego's so that they look like pirates!

Install Notes:

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z
2.5 MB 2 / 2
Download! No deductions from user account. Colour Enhancement for Units    This mod should help you see who is your enemy easier in 3 and 4 team maps with each team having a unique brght colour.

1. To install this mod copy the download to the savage/game/ folder.
2. Rename the download to the next savageX.s2z for example if the last file in the sequence is savage7.s2z rename the file savage8.s2z

NOTE: This will overwrite Jesse's Skins mod
8.55 MB 3 / 3
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(3 posts required). Do not spam! Spammers will automatically be blocked!
Download! External source. No deductions from user account. Free download without traffic count for registered users Download! Traffic will be deducted from user account. Download! No deductions from user account. New download Updated download

Remaining overall Traffic for this month: 750 GB
There are overall 68 downloads with a size of 2.2 GB / 90 GB including 1 external Downloads.
Download MOD v5.0.16   (c) 2002 - 2006 by Hotschi, Demolition Fabi, OXPUS

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