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Referee request Hey groenth mate.. as you probably know I'm online on teh servers for like 10 hours a day, from the early morning until the late evening.. Several hours of them i see no referee being on the server, but still we have noobs commanding, retarded spammers and kotlewa for example destroying games.
I'm probably one of the fairest players and persons you'll meet online and you absolutly don't have to worry that i'm abusing my refstatus in any way.
I think you might anybody whoms oppinion counts for you and he'll confirm what i just said.
Now you might worry about me getting pissed from time to time.. even if it looks like im losing control i'm still aware of myself and know exactly what I'm doing. I know an abuse could possibly end in my refstatus being taken away.. that's obviously not my goal, so i repeat myself saying: you absolultly don't have to worry.
I promise to always act for the people and not for my own advantage or for people i like more than others.
Those are mostly the reasons i'm requesting the referee password.
Thanks for your time!
Cheers, Inder!
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:29 pm
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Joined: 07 Dec 2009 Posts: 291 Location: UK
I totally support your request to become refree man. but in the mean time. if u need anything serious just hit me up on msn and i'll come online to sort it out.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:04 am
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Re: Referee request Well, normally I don't think I'd even consider you for a ref, and I definitely don't remember you as:
Inder wrote: ...I'm probably one of the fairest players and persons you'll meet online and you absolutly don't have to worry that i'm abusing my refstatus in any way...
However, this is a nice application. I'll look into it and let you know soon.
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:23 pm
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
No offense here mate.. but let me remind you that you're online once in a century, while i'm online 24/7
Inder wrote: I know an abuse could possibly end in my refstatus being taken away.. that's obviously not my goal, so i repeat myself saying: you absolultly don't have to worry.
I'll try to get some refs here to confirm the statement you're questioning
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:13 am
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
hey guys, did you come to a decision yet?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:50 pm
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Not yet. And you'll have to be prepared to wait a bit longer, because I'm not convinced. One more thing. We looked through the server logs and found an incident (from a few days ago) that caught our attention. Perhaps you can explain:
Edit: Quote removed.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:27 pm
Last edited by Skuggi on Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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please post the stuff RoM said, post the demo of the game and watch it through. I think it explains itself.
Also it's not quite fair of you to post the only bad thing you could find.
Did you know that Nelson Mandela had a fights in prison? I think that's not what he got famous for.
Did you know that Gandhi cheated on his wife when he was a young kid? i think that's not what he got famous for.
Did you know that Louis Armstrong was involved in a bad car accident before he was the first human being on the moon? I think that's not what he got famous for...
Further more i'd like to quote myself again:
Quote: Now you might worry about me getting pissed from time to time.. even if it looks like im losing control i'm still aware of myself and know exactly what I'm doing.
By the way, if had the possibillty to look through any server log, I'm sure i'd find you saying something bad anywhere.. Would that give me any Information about your person?
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:44 pm
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Right... My point is simply that as a ref, you should know what an exploit is. Because going into the (base) waterfalls on eden2 is most definitely exploiting, and that's why I asked you to explain. I don't have the demos, I just quoted the server logs. Also, as a ref you should not lose your temper so easily (because there were other displays of that). Even if you won't abuse your ref status I don't want the refs shouting and calling names, you understand. I'm sorry if I come off as rather harsh, because there were some good things in those server logs as well.
Finally, I think those comparisons are irrelevant (and it was Neil Armstrong, not Louis Armstrong who was the first person to set foot on the moon).
Quote: By the way, if had the possibillty to look through any server log, I'm sure i'd find you saying something bad anywhere.. Would that give me any Information about your person?
That's not helping, quite the contrary.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:09 pm
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Then i need to apollogize. I wasn't aware that going through the waterfall on eden2 was an exploit.
What made me lose myself is the simple fact that some of the DAs (e.g. RoM are those kinda ''LOL NOOB i pwn you SO EASY because I'm simply THE BEST you'll ever meet''- dudes, until they start losing.. if they are losing they mostly ALWAYS go like ''OMFG SUCHA FKIN STACK'' or '' INDER YOU CAN ONLY REACH STUFF WHEN EXPLOITING!!!''
I'm only calling people Idiots or noobs (what they simply deserve when they act like this), I'm not actually calling them names.
When i'm losing myself i try to make my point clear to anyone. And this is working in 90% of the cases. I really don't wanna act the ''i know everything better anyways'' now, but i'm playing this game since nearly 7 years, and i know what's right and what's wrong. I'm saying this because if you're going to look into the server log again, you'll find certain situations i'm blaming my team for the lose.
All i can say is, i'm online 24/7, I'm a good guy, I'm friendly if you don't wanna fight with me and I'm fair.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:44 pm
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Quote: What made me lose myself is the simple fact that some of the DAs (e.g. RoM are those kinda ''LOL NOOB i pwn you SO EASY because I'm simply THE BEST you'll ever meet''- dudes, until they start losing.. if they are losing they mostly ALWAYS go like ''OMFG SUCHA FKIN STACK'' or '' INDER YOU CAN ONLY REACH STUFF WHEN EXPLOITING!!!''
I deny this statement.
You can be sure that not only "some of the DAs" might insult you for exploiting.
Btw, when you call people idiots or noobs you are actually calling them names. Also, you played 7 years and you didn't know that that zone was an exploit and then you say that you know what's right and what's wrong? Interesting...
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:19 pm
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you see what happens Skuggi? please post the demo, the start and the rest of the discussion of the server log, or delete that quote again. I know you didn't want to, but all you reached with what you posted was to discredit me and lower my reputation. Thanks alot.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:43 pm
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I've removed the quote, I can post it again with context if necessary (again, I don't have the demo). I'm sorry if you feel offended, but this proves my point because that's exactly what you'll have to face when you lose your temper - even more so if you're a ref.
You seem to have some sort of attitude towards me and I keep wondering why I haven't declined your request yet. However, you are active, and I'd like to think you're a nice guy. So if you're ready to work on those things I'm ready to give you trial ref. Seems quite fair to me.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:56 pm
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i absolutly got no problem with you mate, sorry if i sounded like that.. it's only that i have (that's how it feels like at least) a really good reputation in savage.. i'm having nice chats with loads of dudes the whole day, but everytime i request a ref, be it on evo servers or right here, my reputations going to sink deeper and deeper and deeper because people point out all the bad things i do leaving all the good stuff behind. I think that's human nature to be honest, so you're not to blame.. everytime you see the news in TV, they're telling you 20 bad news leaving all the good things happening in this world behind too.
I agree on recieving a trial ref but i can't promise to change myself because this is the way i am and i like me the way i am. Everytime i'm actually acting wrong (you can prove it with a server log if you want) you'll see me apollogizing at least 10 minutes later. I'm a little emotional from time to time, true that, i've never hurt someone online or in real though.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:03 pm
Astro Peasant
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I think Inder should have trial ref, but as you say you're pretty emotional and you can be pretty radical and irrational sometimes. Indeed you are a nice person and get along with most players I guess, but those aspects might get you in trouble so don't be surprised if you don't get permanent ref. Just want to make this clear to you so you can try to improve it.
Also, if you manage to slay and perhaps kick every siege camper there is while still being able to play yourself and without everybody complaining, I'd like to know your secret
And about the waterfalls at eden, most people are very unsure about whether it is an exploit or not. When I slay somebody who uses it, people go nuts. So I wouldn't blame somebody right away for using it, because it is so unclear.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:44 pm
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
Thanks for the trial! How long does the trial last now?
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:10 pm
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