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Joined: 22 Jan 2011 Posts: 11
I warned him (u can see in screen). if he do it again i will kick. but its ok for me i dont need ref and all know that my english sucks and i am bad ref. but u can check the active refs man.
i dont crash community in latenight... if i can impeach or stop the electvote for #, i dont need to kick. i can mute/impeach/stop hes commvote.
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:58 am
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Joined: 19 Jun 2011 Posts: 61
Rene wrote: valli wrote: if you both are not willing/ capable to follow the rules, then please leave the refing be.
I got a better proposal, if you think if you are willing/capable to follow the rules, then please become a referee. Incase you're not willing/capable to follow the rules and become a referee, well then just stop making strict judgements like this. If my memory serves right, you also make mistakes as a referee/admin on your servers. Like that moment you kicked me out of my own practice. I am not complaining about anything nor ranting over that incident. But at that incident I showed you that little understanding, which you can not at this moment. And this just drives me off.
As you might know I reffed so far on HCS servers and I'm reffing on MPUK. I am sure every ref makes sometimes mistakes, that is in the nature of humans. You refering to the training incident is ok. I can live with the mistake, which happened and already apologized for it. To say it in your words. "What drives me off" here is that Diwo doesn't want to interfere as ref because of the late night, game already over (in fact no true, the abusing commander ended it) explanation.
Enough has been said. Therefore I have to aggree with you, it's Groentjuh's and Skuggi's call, not mine. (Just that you know it, if it would be my ruling I would talk with both and would take the evidence brought up so far into account. If I would come then to the conclusion that they did something wrong, I would warn them if it would be there 1st "mistake/ glitch" whatever. I wouldn't kick them out of there referee jobs instantly.)
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:21 am
Last edited by valli on Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 07 Mar 2012 Posts: 13
I saw only diwo, fivestar and tinki combining their ref powers with common sense so far, but surprisingly there are no posts about them being good refs
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:36 am
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Joined: 27 Mar 2010 Posts: 206
none said they are not good refs :p
there is only said that there is maid a mistake, and they apologized for it, so for me it's history
we are indeed only humans, and not robots
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:55 am
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Joined: 10 Jun 2012 Posts: 238
valli wrote:
If I would come then to the conclusion that they did something wrong, I would warn them if it would be there 1st "mistake/ glitch" whatever. I wouldn't kick them out of there referee jobs instantly.
Taking referee status away from Diwo or FiveStar was not the goal of my post and I think no one would ever expect that to happen over two stopped votes. My intention was to merely discuss the particular situation and make sure everyone comes to the same opinion and such arguments won't arise in the future.
Although I might sound too offensive at times, I appreciate the work Diwo, FiveStar and the rest of the referees are doing. That's just my way to get my point across to everyone. Thanks for all the replies here.
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:08 pm
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Joined: 13 Nov 2006 Posts: 514
I believe this matter is resolved. Just to clarify, nobody's going to lose their ref or anything like that. Sometimes the line is blurry when it comes to taking action, or not to, and sometimes we make mistakes.
As we seem to be heading off topic I'm closing this thread. If anyone wants to continue this discussion, please create a new one.
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:36 pm
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