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Joined: 10 Dec 2014 Posts: 185
Telvek's Application as Referee on Groentjuh's Kingdom Hello Everybody,
according to many exploits, insults and abuses on Groentjuh's in the latest days, I'm going to applicate as ref.
I guess you all know, my name is Telvek, I'm playing savage for 3 years.
Currently I'm in TeoN, so I am looking forward joining eoN.
In the last months, the Amount of exploits and insults has improved and unfortunately, a Callvote does not work every time.
(I already made some Demo's and Screenshots to proof'em)
Furthermore, I don't see often a Referee on the server, either there are not enough or they are inactive.
I would describe myself as active, fair and polite, meet me in-game to learn more about me
See you, Telvek
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:06 pm
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
I will answere on your apply when ref passwords will be working again.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:35 pm
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Joined: 10 Dec 2014 Posts: 185
If I believe HARDWELL, the Pwds are yet working.
So how about my Application?
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:08 pm
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
Trial ref from now.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:34 pm
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Joined: 09 Mar 2015 Posts: 35 Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Telvek I wish you the best of luck. The server is in need of active, strict referees and hopefully one day you will be one.
Unfortunately you're, in my opinion, off to a bad start. You failed to kick an exploiter (going over gold mine on map p2r, using launcher to kill locked in healing spire and planting demopacks). Several votes had been called to kick the "wet shoe" guy, but he returned and you did nothing. He renamed to XR_FirstTimePlayer and went on exploiting and after several failed kick votes players just went to spec to get over with it, thus the exploiter got to finish the game and fair players went to spec.
Your "defense" was that you were too busy demorunning. Me, Stak and other players kept on saying in chat he was exploiting for at least a total time of 5 minutes. I am sure u had some time to kick the guy, especially since the guy had been kick-voted twice before in the same game.
This is not how a referee and especially a new referee should conduct himself. You chose to apply for referee and you got it. Now you have to step up and act accordingly. If this means going spec for a couple minutes to ensure the joy of all the other players in the servers, yes, this indeed is what is expected of you and you can return demorunning after a couple minutes.
Now some of you might be wondering why the hell this Altair guy took the time and effort to register to throw some mud around. Telvek is a new ref and in my opinion when somebody just started, this is the best time to receive feedback so someone can improve. As soon as someone develops a certain routine is will be way harder to make improvements on one's refereeship. Constructive feedback, booyah!
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:08 pm
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Joined: 10 Dec 2014 Posts: 185
Well sorry for the late Reply, I was busy. (No Demorunning )
The Groen's Server Rules are just Guidelines, f.e., according to Rule #1, a Referee is supposed to mute/kick any Insulter -> The server would be empty^^ Hence, a Ref can be more or less strict. It sounds lifted up, but I am probably one of the most active Ref's nowadays (my POV).
Back to the Topic: You are right, I was in Demorun-Rage, I should have went to specs to check your Claims. Sorry about that. Nevertheless the guy "wet shoe" was not "XR_FirstTimePlayer", they were both online at the same time.
The negative Aspect of a Referee, you can never satisfy everybody. Some guys complain if you act too strict, others if you handle too bland. However I don't have to justify myself before you, but I try to become better in Future. Perhaps you are still not ok with me, in this case, just contact drk, he will warn me probably. See you in Game
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 9:45 pm
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