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Referee application Player: Bullet Hello!
So I've got to the point where i've been playing alot lately, and i'm getting really tired of all the exploiters and trolls ingame, and the lack of refs in the game lately. This saturday night (09.11.2014), the trollmaster Tushaar/capt. Kenway have been avoiding kickvotes all night, trying to exploit on every map and so on, and no refs have been online.
Anyway. I play regularly. I've been playing for 6 years, and started back in febraury 2008 I think. I have about 900 hours + ingame on my official stats. There is periods where i don't play occasionally (summer vacations, exam periods and so on). I've never been playing in NSL or any pro-clan, but have my own clan consisting of innactive, real-life buddies who I've attempted to recruit to the game However, i played in the SWC, for Scandinavia. Bullet is my most known in-game nick, but i've also been seen with Kaizer Soze/Schoyth/Jon Snow etc. Some of you might have met me in-game, I've atleast seen many of you guys in-game before
I want to be a ref because, well, frankly, there is a lack of referees online these days. Also, I like to commit to the community and helping keep the game alive, by having a nice community ingame. Such, can best be achieved trough the power of a referee. I speak english decently, and ofc. norwegian (where I am from). Privately, i'm 20 years old and study political science, taking a bachelor in Norway.
If I become a referee, I imagine that I might be a very "strict" referee, giving warning to every person swearing in chat. But that's an idealistic attitude and view I have now, before I've tried to be it. It might be I realize in-game that "shit, this is actually hard" or stressful, and drops the strictness a bit, more like the common ref.
I hope for a positive response.
- Bullet
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:03 am
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Joined: 26 Sep 2014 Posts: 16
Hey Bullet. I do see where you're coming from, i read your post on the newerth forums. and i see how the swearing and stuff gets to you. I know with ref its tempting to go all out and be super strict, but as much as that is an ideal, people wont settle for it. there will be such a protest, it will be the admin's responsibility to remove ref just to calm things down.
this is of course on the extreme end of things. Because to be honest with you I've been where you're at bro, and I've tried to make everyone respectable with mutes and so on, It's not a perfect world and it doesn't work. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly.
i still think you could be a good ref. and you may have some really great contributions to give. but going overboard wont help anyone.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:41 am
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bullet wrote: If I become a referee, I imagine that I might be a very "strict" referee, giving warning to every person swearing in chat.
As LazyFly already pointed out, this is not achievable and simply counterproductive. With your current mindset, you will not survive as a ref.
In one of the recent complaint topics, Ale outlined a lot more realistic view of the world:
Ale wrote: A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun. Even if rules are broken every now and then, a referee should not take any action as long as noone gets heavily miss treated or an unfair action is drastically changing the balance of powers and/or the outcome of the match. Its not about following the rules word for word (a bot could do that) its about using your common sense and allowing everybody to have his share of fun.
In fact, the reality is a lot more complex than that. But in general, Ale is right that refs should not seek to cause unnecessary drama by trying to apply their authority whenever they notice some minor violation of their ethics.
I also have some comments on the situation that resulted in this post.
You spent a lot of time trying to convince me in /msg that I should kick a commander that exploited a number of games ago, even though I was not online when the particular exploit happened. I explained you that I can not punish for a misbehavior that I have not personally seen. Any punishment must immediately follow the wrongdoing. Generally, you do not punish for something you have not seen, and you do not punish for something that happened 15 minutes ago (with some rare exceptions). This should be a common sense for every referee.
You chose to largely ignore my response and to keep asking for a kick. Meanwhile, you spent a good amount of time arguing with (I'd even say - simply provoking) Tushaar&Co in the chat. Upon getting something along the lines of "your mum" or "fuck you" answers from them, you once again wanted me to kick them for cursing... No, a referee should not kick people for that. A mute might be possible, but it depends on the situation; in this situation you would have to be muted along with them. At some point you went offline. And when you came back 30-60 minutes later, you once again started provoking Tushaar&Co and claimed to be taking screenshots of their responses. What for? All of this does not speak good about you.
In some way, you do remind me of myself. You know, a righteous weirdo trying to prove other people wrong on the Internet? But unlike me, I am not sure you can control yourself sufficiently good, can you?
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:08 pm
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Lazyfly: The world ain't no sunshine. But trying to clear the skies wont hurt. As late as yesterday, and i quote SOMA in-game "I have to stop playing this game, too many trolls" (might be partly wrong quote, but the essence of it is still right).
As LazyFly already pointed out, this is not achievable and simply counterproductive. With your current mindset, you will not survive as a ref
Did you not read what i wrote under the line you are criticizing? I quote myself:
If I become a referee, I imagine that I might be a very "strict" referee, giving warning to every person swearing in chat. But that's an idealistic attitude and view I have now, before I've tried to be it. It might be I realize in-game that "shit, this is actually hard" or stressful, and drops the strictness a bit, more like the common ref.
And to the post you're referring to: This game is dying, slowly. To attract new, community friendly & resourceful players + devs, we need to minimize the impact of the trash players in-game. None wants to play a game where people exploit. And we've gotten to the limit where our playerbase is treathened by little activity among the refs plus the combination of trollers and so on.
About the single spesific case you're mentioning: I was very frustrated. One guy ruined the whole fun for a whole team. I do ofcourse realize the complaints you would have recieved if you kicked Kenway (Tushaar) without evidence or been there yourself. Just to counter your usage of this case against me in this application: It wouldn't have happened if I was a ref. Simply because exploiters would have been slay'ed, and eventually kicked if repeated multiple attempts to exploit. Also, you said it wasn't worth the drama to me. I consider beeing afraid of drama a weakness for a ref. A good ref. takes actions based on reason, not the consequences.
About Ale's ref definition:
It's a good def., I agree with that. Common sense is central to any good ref. Rules should only be used as guidance, not laws. There will allways be certain situations where exceptions from the rules can be made. However, the part I consider referee's are doing bad today is the "mistreated". If someone calls me or someone else a cunt (yeah, that guy, you know who I talk about), and call a mutevote on him or kickvote, and he doesn't get kicked, an ideal ref would not let it pass. Off course, if it is meant as a joke, noone will give a dammn.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:30 pm
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Bullet, bro, you seem very adamant. you will need to be teachable to get along with other refs and the admins.
maybe we missunderstood you, but understand that it was both our faults and dont come on the offensive.
you seem to be quite defensive and seem to try to overwhelm us with facts. chill out, if you're a nice guy, you got nothing to fear, we just wanna get to know you. we aren't trying to rip apart your application.
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:20 am
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i'll give my opinion here.
bullet, i believe in your ways, i want to tell you it will probably fail because other refs will not force the rules like u will and therefore, players will only see u as the bad ref, cuz obviously the other refs will be much more soft than u.
however, there are indeed times where refs should ignore a minor disobeying of the rules, since this game is not jail, and some ppl do make jokes around (do u really believe when tushaar says cunt to u he cares? he just say it randomly to ppl). the only thing about it, is that there is a small chance it will "scare" new players from coming as u mentioned.
but if u guys will try to remember when u were new to the game, i'm quite sure u just went tooking mmb and slowly learned the game, u didn't pay attention to exxploits, clans and all the background, u were more focusing about learning the game, and a bit on the chat.
so my conclusion is that u will be good as a ref bullet, but pay attention to the points i gave.
good luck
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:27 pm
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SAS wrote: but if u guys will try to remember when u were new to the game, i'm quite sure u just went tooking mmb and slowly learned the game, u didn't pay attention to exxploits, clans and all the background, u were more focusing about learning the game, and a bit on the chat.
Only since years I've used to read chat at the same time when I was playing. Before that I thought that It was unreal to play and read at the same time
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:31 am
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Bullet, contact me in game please, to give you trial ref.
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:44 pm
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I withdraw my application for now. Reason is simple: I see more activity among the refs than when I wrote the application, and the need for active referees is less.
Maybe I'll apply again another time, when times are harder.
- Bullet
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:41 pm
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Respect this in Unique, Proud of you
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:28 am
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Joined: 09 Nov 2014 Posts: 78
Want ref Update: I wish for ref power again. Played 5-6 games today this morning where Kenway multicliented and ruined all of them. Dingfire was here aswell, but none of us could do anything about it. Application is the same as before.
Ps. I would probably need some teaching in terms of smart tims (how to kick/slay/mute the right person and get their client number) and some basic ref commands.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 1:37 pm
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Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 2:28 pm
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Fair enough. You dont have to state a reason for why not, but I'd be glad if you could tell me in PM or in public, what have changed since I got a possibility to do Ref trial earlier.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 2:54 pm
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I'm active again. In-game a couple of days ago you stated the reason to me beeing rejected ref-position due to beein inactive. Well I'm active now and will stay such for a long time (im learning python and Savage have python).
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:29 pm
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You don't need a good grasp of English to be ref (as Drk has shown us).
You don't need to be tolerant of other races (as Telvek has shown us).
You don't have to enforce rules if you couldn't be bothered (as Gridfon has shown us).
And you can ignore rules because its kinixxx (as Gridfon has shown us).
If you get ref Bullet then I can add to this list.
You may kick people for cursing (as Bullet has shown us).
Then everyone but non-referees are happy GG.
Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:22 am
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