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Joined: 07 Feb 2011 Posts: 193
Troll votes (mutes, kicks, draws, impeaches) We have a lot of trolls these days, all those kids we dragged up along the way through savage's life.
I have noticed lately they get away with far too much and cause a lot of bother in terms of "troll votes".
Could refs please start doing more to remove this problem?
If someone calls a mute or kick without giving any reason (assuming the reason isn't obvious also), you should stop the vote and ask for a reason to be specified.
If someone calls a draw very close to losing, you should stop the vote (not all of you do, for some reason, maybe it is your team).
You do not do enough, it would be nice if you improve by doing the above.
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Newbie poster
Joined: 12 Nov 2009 Posts: 99
ok jmz we will start doing so with you.
tbh, i sometimes like you and your trash talk to the other team, also i like that u go summ and trying to win the game sometimes.
however, you rage a lot and insult other players, maybe not by using curses , but with trying to make them feel shit or like they mean nothing or other shit methods. u never insulted me so much, or i just didn't care, but u do so to a lot of players and get many mute and kick votes against you due to that.
therefore i give u a warning to stop those continues shit talks that add no joy to the game , other than some ppl laughing who to hell is that dude who lives in his own weird movie.
be cool, make jokes, and laugh with friends, don't go hard on ppl u never had a chat with.
about the votes topic, noted.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:21 am
Hello ladies and gentleman. This is a prime example of a typical bitch, who gladly mutes me without stating a reason yet cries to everyone when I mute him in revenge. Telling t1 what to do from spectate isn't exactly making you an angel and in my mind is mutable offence. Hence why the rest of the server f1ed and you got muted. I know I can be a bit of a dickhead but I have never ever met someone online who is as much as a killjoy as you. Lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously and maybe others will start to like you.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:56 am
Breaking news
JmZ is a closeted homosexual
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:15 pm
Newbie poster
Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Without jumping on the all too easy hate jmz bandwagon, Id have to say that these so called mute/kick votes seldom pass. I've noticed that jmz calls a lot of pointless votes whenever someone directs trash talk towards him no matter how tame the insult is.
But lets face it, when refs are not around, its free game on exploits /mute/kick blah blah because the game allows it. Usually under these insults and spam votes/etc lies some sort of half truth, whether it be a whore buffer, a dedicated siege spammer or an annoying behemoth camper, they deserve some sort of retribution.
Best to just enjoy your time in savage and take it as a joke, not too dissimilar to your lives.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:53 am
Newbie poster
Joined: 07 Feb 2011 Posts: 193
SAS, I do not care about the topic in relation to myself.
You have been given a suggestion, it will benefit most of us (other than the above trolls), implement it.
Have fun!
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:58 pm
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