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Feedback regarding insults in msg's & improved rules
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 Feedback regarding insults in msg's & improved rules

Today I played a game on xr_trespass ,and the server was pretty crowded compared to how it have been lately. As everyone knows, sunday evening is the highest crowded server time in the week, and anyone who plays savage enjoy these matches alot.

So, to the point:
Mid-game, and people started to become slightly bored of the game, no-one managed to win or loose. I called a /callvote msg "emicepalace after this? server crowded!" (or something like that).
Very few voted, fair enough, I didn't care, just wanted to check if the mood for it was there since the server was so crowded. So, then, 10 seconds after my vote, a guy with the nick called "xfce4" called a msg vote on me saying "Noone wanna play your shitmap, you kid ass". Very few voted on that too. I, who just wanted to enjoy a quit game, then got spammed with private msg's from this random guy, saying something like "CUNT NIGGER JEW DICK" etc. Now, I knew there was 2 refs on the server present during all this. Ganon, and HARDWELL.

I wrote their names in the chat, saying it was insult in vote first, but NONE of them reacted, i wanted this guy muted or kicked. (muted would be fine). I tried a kick vote on him, but it didn't pass. He (xfce4) tried to claim he ellecced me tvice and that i was only mad at him because of that. I dont know if that happened, because random people who elec me i dont notice their names, and I dont know this guy at all.

I also stated to Ganon in chat, when i finally got his attention, that this guy was spamming me with msg's. HARDWELL didn't seem to care anything at all. I demanded comments from them, what was their opinion on the public vote? No comments was given, and Ganon claims to have not seen it (I believe him). Then I told him to ask anyone on the server, if they saw the vote. He did NOT do such a thing, and stood fast on his opinion that i needed screenshot of the private msg's who also insulted me.

This was getting to the point where other people on the server also started to react, and I got a mute vote called on me, even though all I did in the chat was ask the refs for their opinion and talk normal english to them. No insults was thrown from my side. Neither Ganon or HARDWELL stopped the mute vote, with no reason given. However, it did not pass.

Now, in the end, he choosed to mute me and xfce4 for 5 minutes. No obvious warnings or reason was stated to me.
Normally I dont demorecord games, because it shouldn't be nescesarry. I only have a demo shoving what I saw ( and recieved!) in the chat after I got muted. There's some ugly insults there from several players in private msg's to me.

There's 2 demos in the folder. The demo0001.demo is the correct one. The other file show a conversation in the spec chat afterwards with Daemon regarding it, it's not completely relevant but Ganon says among other things he played with hidden HUD, which enlightens his lack of attention to the chat, but you can check it out too if you'd like.

Judge for yourself. There's also a 2nd insulter, XR_firsttimeplayer. The first insulter also sends me a private msg.

Now, the simple solution to anyone who spams you private msg's ingame is /ignore name. I understand that Ganon (and HARDWELL, who didn't care, maybe since Ganon handled it) demanded a screenshot. However, the PUBLIC VOTE MSG you cant ignore. It's not possible to ignore such a thing. HE COULD and SHOULD have asked someone else if the vote happened, as he clearly did not pay attention to what happened besides his own gameplay. This applies to HARDWELL aswell. As a ref, you should pay attention to what happends besides your own gameplay, there's no question about it.

I suggest a change of rules; proven or public insults who everyone sees should be muteable instantly, without warning from the refs.

Secondly, arguing with a ref as the offended person, should NOT be considered flooding the chat, especially when you're on topic and are rigth with your claim (the public vote DID happen). However, insults towards refs or out-of-relevance flooding should be a mutable reason, but warning should be given.

The real nature of the trolls becomes very visible in the demo0001.demo file, and I'm sure anyone of you who is grown up enough to understand that this isn't how anyone wants this game to be.

Refs should be mature people, with big enough sense of resposibility to take the nescesarry actions to make sure everyone can have a good time on the server. And I did not have a good time, nor did the refs help me have a good time.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:04 pm
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Not Cool :/ What about this Procedure: Those Pm-Insulter often annoy several Players. Next time if u get insulted, ask for example in all chat if someone else gets these messages from the Troll. I think a Ref can handle several Assertions from various Players as Evidence to kick/mute. Smile

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:03 pm
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1. Refs should not mute people for casual insults in chat and in message votes. This is an online game, not a residence of the Pope. Different rules apply to racism and in a few other special cases.
2. Uploading a screenshot and copy-pasting the link takes at most 2-3 minutes (e.g. use Why don't you do that?
3. Refs should not punish for actions they have not seem themselves. There is nothing good about kicking an innocent player because someone trolled with fake claims.
4. You constantly misunderstanding/misinterpret server rules which leads you into (borderline) flaming against random refs. I would not be surprised that it occasionally results in you being muted.
5. It is weird that Ganon thought that you outright lied about insults in PM. Ganon did not claim he was playing with a hidden GUI that day. The claim was made as a part of his conversation with Trigardon, and is likely taken out of context.
6. I happen to recognize Captain Kenway very easily, and in the particular situation I would have kicked him without any evidence. I also happen to know who MadMod is and I know that he is easy to troll (= he is actually likely to get trolled). Apart from that, if this was an argument of two random unkown people, my reaction would not likely be much different from Ganon's reaction.

Anyway, why don't I just quote myself instead of writing all of this again?
Gridfon wrote:
In one of the recent complaint topics, Ale outlined a lot more realistic view of the world:
Ale wrote:
A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun. Even if rules are broken every now and then, a referee should not take any action as long as noone gets heavily miss treated or an unfair action is drastically changing the balance of powers and/or the outcome of the match. Its not about following the rules word for word (a bot could do that) its about using your common sense and allowing everybody to have his share of fun.

In fact, the reality is a lot more complex than that. But in general, Ale is right that refs should not seek to cause unnecessary drama by trying to apply their authority whenever they notice some minor violation of their ethics.

I also have some comments on the situation that resulted in this post.

You spent a lot of time trying to convince me in /msg that I should kick a commander that exploited a number of games ago, even though I was not online when the particular exploit happened. I explained you that I can not punish for a misbehavior that I have not personally seen. Any punishment must immediately follow the wrongdoing. Generally, you do not punish for something you have not seen, and you do not punish for something that happened 15 minutes ago (with some rare exceptions). This should be a common sense for every referee.

You chose to largely ignore my response and to keep asking for a kick. Meanwhile, you spent a good amount of time arguing with (I'd even say - simply provoking) Tushaar&Co in the chat. Upon getting something along the lines of "your mum" or "fuck you" answers from them, you once again wanted me to kick them for cursing... No, a referee should not kick people for that. A mute might be possible, but it depends on the situation; in this situation you would have to be muted along with them. At some point you went offline. And when you came back 30-60 minutes later, you once again started provoking Tushaar&Co and claimed to be taking screenshots of their responses. What for? All of this does not speak good about you.

In some way, you do remind me of myself. You know, a righteous weirdo trying to prove other people wrong on the Internet? But unlike me, I am not sure you can control yourself sufficiently good, can you?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:59 am
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1. Refs should not mute people for casual insults in chat and in message votes. This is an online game, not a residence of the Pope. Different rules apply to racism and in a few other special cases.

Define "casual insults". If only rascism counts as insults, change the rules. You cant blame a person for reacting when beeing insults, when rules state that insults isn't allowed. Its the first rule. However, I agree common sense should be used. If i'm playing with Telvek, and he elecs/firebuffs me, It's completely normal that I can write "retard buffer" or "you're some times an asshole, Telvek Razz " etc. However, when strangers insults random people, it's not cool. Not at all, and it intereferes with the fun you're supposed to have in the game.

A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun.

"As long as everybody is having fun. " If someone called a public msg vote with insult on a ref, he would get either a warning for mute or get insta-muted. This is a truth I think most referees can see. If insults ain't muteable, then I can in theory call insulting votes on referes and they cant stop me, in anyway. Is that what you want the trolls to do ?

Lets do the last quote one more time:
A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun.

This implies, however, that referees pay attention to what happends on the server besides their own gameplay. Nor Ganon or Hardwell payed any attention whatsoever in what happened on Sunday. Is it worth Critisising? Yes. They didn't try to fix it either. Ganon admitted he didn't see the vote either. I'm not saying they cant be referee, but I lack a discussion among you refs as there seems to be a huge GAP between how some of you behaves as referees, which makes the rules which are to be followed, cloudy for normal players on the server. This can cause trolls to be more active, when there is confusion regarding what's allowed and whatsnot on the server.

2. Uploading a screenshot and copy-pasting the link takes at most 2-3 minutes (e.g. use Why don't you do that?
3. Refs should not punish for actions they have not seem themselves. There is nothing good about kicking an innocent player because someone trolled with fake claims.

Because, morally, I'm the offended person in this case, and Ganon and Hardwell was both active playing on the server. They could much easier just ask anyone on the server what was in that vote. Shouldn't be nescesarry with a screenshot of it. Besides, public votes dissappear. It's not like every person takes a screenshot of a vote? In terms of the private msg's, yes, a screenshot could be nescesarry. I can see that argument. However, 2 offenses was made. Not one.

Not only the private msg's. I find it sad that you only defend the refs and dont even try to take some constructive feedback here.
1) They wasn't paying attention to anything else than their own gameplay.
2) They didn't use common sense and ask if the vote happened.
3) they muted me for trying to get them to ask anyone else on the server what was in that vote
4) some insults even come in public chat to me during the chat with them (Ganon and Hardwell). ED (clan SOV) wrote among other things ("Cunt Madmod"), totally without reason in public chat. I didn't do anything to offend this person, and didn't bother to complain about it.

To me, it seems like you put the sole responsibility on what happened on me, because that is what it seems like. "casual insults" are allowed, and muting them is not an option. Imagine if everyone threw "casual insults" on each other in the chat. It would not be very newbie friendly, would it? It's sad. I think you're a good ref Gridfon, better than the 2 mentioned in this topic, but what you reply here is the lack of interest in improving the savage in-game server mood, not to mention the respect players should have for each other in-game.

I'm very tempted to go nicklaming and write "Cunt, *insert name on active ref* " on a server, record it as a demo just to show how different refs behave. I would totally get muted in a instant. However, a insult towards a normal player is NOT treated as a insult toward a ref. This is just freaking sad.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:30 pm
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bullet wrote:

Define "casual insults". If only rascism counts as insults, change the rules. You cant blame a person for reacting when beeing insults, when rules state that insults isn't allowed. Its the first rule.

As far as I remember, players were never being muted for insults and flaming. You are not a new player, so you should know this very well. Why do you think that things will change the moment someone turns up and demands refs to enforce such a rule?

This rule is not there to be strictly enforced. This is a general guideline, and it justifies a mute only in extreme situations. A single "cunt"-insult in the chat is certainly on the opposite spectrum from such situations. Refs are supposed to be volunteer players that can step in and help when the community can not solve its problems itself. Refs are not meant to be a police force that would be expected to control your every word and action, and punish you as soon as possible. That would be a very hostile environment, much more hostile than you can get by having random occasional insults fly around.

If you think Ganon ruined your fun for the evening, it could very well be the case that you also ruined it for him. I don't think the reason he was online was to moderate the chat and arbitrate the arguments. For every Ganon there are 10 players that for some reason think that it is "his job" to see everything what happens in chat and at every spawn point, and to enforce rules some of which have hardly ever existed. With power comes responsibility, but you're taking the "responsibility" part way too far. This is why so many refs stop caring, stop reffing and perhaps stop playing altogether.

bullet wrote:

If someone called a public msg vote with insult on a ref, he would get either a warning for mute or get insta-muted. This is a truth I think most referees can see. If insults ain't muteable, then I can in theory call insulting votes on referes and they cant stop me, in anyway. Is that what you want the trolls to do?

According to my observations, this is extremely rare. And I have done lots of nicklaming. I do have a good idea what to expect from each of the refs.

bullet wrote:

I'm very tempted to go nicklaming and write "Cunt, *insert name on active ref* " on a server, record it as a demo just to show how different refs behave. I would totally get muted in a instant. However, a insult towards a normal player is NOT treated as a insult toward a ref. This is just freaking sad.

But the moment you start trying to flame a ref for being a ref, or for doing "his job" at helping the community in a way that is different from your best standards - yes, you can expect to get muted. The amount of flaming refs get is incomparable to other players, and there is no reason to tolerate it. Ultimately, most refs do prefer to enforce less rules, though (attract less attention = receive less flaming). Because "you can't mute them all". And this is why you have so many bad refs. Because we, the community, forced so many of the good refs to quit. The only reason to get less flaming is to either ref less, or quit the reffing, or quit the game (because now you do understand that this online community is no better than any other). Don't you think you contribute more than your own share of flaming to this mix?

bullet wrote:

I lack a discussion among you refs as there seems to be a huge GAP between how some of you behaves as referees, which makes the rules which are to be followed, cloudy for normal players on the server. This can cause trolls to be more active, when there is confusion regarding what's allowed and whatsnot on the server.

This is a very old problem and nothing will ever change about this. The rules are too bad/sophisticated to be enforced by someone who is not paid for it. The community is too bad, and refs can only be as good as the community is. Because refs are a part of this community.

bullet wrote:

2. Uploading a screenshot and copy-pasting the link takes at most 2-3 minutes (e.g. use Why don't you do that?
3. Refs should not punish for actions they have not seem themselves. There is nothing good about kicking an innocent player because someone trolled with fake claims.

Because, morally, I'm the offended person in this case, and Ganon and Hardwell was both active playing on the server. They could much easier just ask anyone on the server what was in that vote. Shouldn't be nescesarry with a screenshot of it. Besides, public votes dissappear. It's not like every person takes a screenshot of a vote? In terms of the private msg's, yes, a screenshot could be nescesarry. I can see that argument. However, 2 offenses was made. Not one.

Your answer is based on the premise that I agree with you that random flaming should be muted. I think that in my previous post I made it clear that I do not agree.

bullet wrote:

I find it sad that you only defend the refs and dont even try to take some constructive feedback here.
1) They wasn't paying attention to anything else than their own gameplay.
2) They didn't use common sense and ask if the vote happened.
3) they muted me for trying to get them to ask anyone else on the server what was in that vote
4) some insults even come in public chat to me during the chat with them (Ganon and Hardwell). ED (clan SOV) wrote among other things ("Cunt Madmod"), totally without reason in public chat. I didn't do anything to offend this person, and didn't bother to complain about it.

Same as above, most of this makes no sense as long as we have not agreed that general insults are mutable.
You seem to think that I am ready to blindly defend refs for anything. You are wrong. There are very few refs that I would be proud of. The fact that I oppose your views and behavior does not mean that I defend refs. This way of thinking is way too simplistic.

bullet wrote:

Imagine if everyone threw "casual insults" on each other in the chat. It would not be very newbie friendly, would it?

We had this situation in 2008-2009. Somehow, we survived. Not because of the refs, though. Certain people grew up, and many more quit.

bullet wrote:

what you reply here is the lack of interest in improving the savage in-game server mood, not to mention the respect players should have for each other in-game.

I would not equate "lack of interest" with an opinion that "refs should try turn Savage into a perfect model of a police state".

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:20 am
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Ok, what is I see from this discussion: Referees are above the law, and above the rules. Insults against normal people= OK. Insults against refs= not ok.

What I want: Insults towards anyone, as long as the target claims offended, or the insulter/victim create a bad mood in the chat on the server, the initial ( or both, if they both insult each other) insulter is muted.

If refs cant aim to achieve what I want, the only people who dont "see" the insults in the game is the refs. Why should a ref care if other people is insulted in the game? Let me quote yourself and Ale:
A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun.

Everybody is having fun. Thats the goal. Rigth? So, when refs gets offended, and mute /kick people, that's because the insults are ruining their fun, or someone is spamming and annoying them alot, right? Fun's ruined. This applies to normal players aswell. Get this into your head. When refs are above the law, why should they bother with caring about the community in the game? Dont you see this?

If what I propose is a police state, what you propose is a dictatorship. And the dictators only care about themself. Nice community, eh?

I'm not saying refs should act against every rule broken. You keep framing my arguments as I want a super-strict referees in the game. Dont you see the compromise i paint, between using common sense and moral-compass from everyday life, to make the rigth decision as a ref?

Besides, you completely ingore my critisism towards Ganon and Hardwell, on the point that they paid no attention to what happened besides their gameplay. If you fail to see this, and admit this, that they didnt behave as they ideally should (yes, referees are human, and human makes mistakes, its OK). But they should atleast have the decency to admit such afterwards, and aim to make it right when such a situation comes up as in this scenario. The right thing to do, for Ganon, would be to ask if anyone else can confirm what was in that vote.
Muting me was a wrongful decision. Why dont you critisise them for that? Why? It's all my fault, huh? Ganon acted completely after the book Smile

As you said for yourself, this is an online game, not real-life. However, no games, in real life or online, is fun to play with rude, trolling, flaming, hating etc. people. You dont realize this either. The game will die faster with such an attitude among the refs. Good job *sarcasm*.

This discussion is done for me now. I think I've proved my points. If you still fail to see this, then I cant help but think youre not a suitable referee anymore.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:26 pm
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Your "Noone wanna play your shitmap, you kid ass" vote was:

xfce4 says:
Madmax stfu? no one likes your kid ass.

I have to be fair here. Yes, it can be insulting, BUT if referees would mute for stuff like this, the community will very likely act against them when they do. I would likely have stopped it, but I do not believe just this vote justifies a mute.

Just being curious, you have applied for referee. Would you have mute xfce4 for just that?

From your point of view he insulted you in message, but a referee will want proof in such cases. He cannot see your messages and just that vote is NOT enough. He doesn't know if you did or did not insult xfce4 in messages and if xfce4 did or did not insult you in messages. Both of you were complaining about eachother and neither of you were helpful in providing any proof. Ganon was trying figure out whenever xfce4 was insulting you in messages, but just couldn't. xfce4 denied doing it. Yes, Ganon asked him!

In the public chat you were asking others if they saw his insults. Nobody responded, which didn't help Ganon deciding what the truth was in this matter.

I can seriously understand him muting both of you. xfce4 was also telling that you are insulting him in messages and you were telling that xfce4 was insulting you. He simply couldn't figure out who was insulting who and decided on muting both of you and end it in a 'draw'.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:12 pm
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Disclaimer: I did not see Groentjuh's answer prior to posting my own. It is completely unrelated to whatever Groentjuh might have said up there.

bullet wrote:

Referees are above the law, and above the rules. Insults against normal people= OK. Insults against refs= not ok.

Same rules apply to everyone, and most people are treated equally by the community. You are rather unlikely to get randomly flamed by anyone just out of the blue. The same applies to me, I am also not getting flamed much and often. And I surely can take a random insult from someone who had a bad day. I can also insult that player back if I had an equally bad day. Neither of this is a problem.

But that is only true as long as I do not use my ref. Most of actions by referees are offensive (mutes/kicks) and that produces offensive (however unbased) responses. With power comes both responsibilities and privileges. And it is a very basic privilege that I do not have to deal with anyone flaming me for the mere fact that I am enforcing the rules.

You seem to confuse the two cases.


A referee should (not only in Savage but in every game around the world) remain unnoticed as long as the game is fluid and everbody is having fun.

Since you keep repeating this quote by Ale, then we can draw some further analogies with real games. Do you get punished (by a referee) on a football field if you verbally insult a player of the opposite team?

bullet wrote:

So, when refs gets offended, and mute /kick people, that's because the insults are ruining their fun, or someone is spamming and annoying them alot, right? Fun's ruined. This applies to normal players aswell.

If ref gets offended by occasional insults he should go get a reality check. The same applies to normal players. If ref gets harassed just for enforcing the rules, he can mute.

But these are the extreme cases. The situations in between are not as well-defined. Someone might harass you repeatedly regardless of you being a ref or a normal player. But this far, it is irrelevant to our discussion. Calling you a "kid ass" in a single /msg vote does not fall in this category.

bullet wrote:

I'm not saying refs should act against every rule broken. You keep framing my arguments as I want a super-strict referees in the game. Dont you see the compromise i paint, between using common sense and moral-compass from everyday life, to make the rigth decision as a ref?

The moment refs agree to mute-on-demand, as suggested by you, the server will be full of trolls who spam insults in /msg and do 1v1 elec buffs on the normal players that are prone to get frustrated. It won't take long to provoke an insult from the player, and then demand a ref to mute that player.

More generally, rules should be somewhat clear and consistent. You can not define an insult. Say, is "jew" an insult? I'm not sure. I think no one ever complained to me about the use of this word. Do you want me to mute people for saying "jew" now (a random nicklaming Kenway will certainly demand me to mute you the moment you say it).

What about "stupid". Should I mute for this word?

bullet wrote:

Besides, you completely ingore my critisism towards Ganon and Hardwell, on the point that they paid no attention to what happened besides their gameplay. [...] The right thing to do, for Ganon, would be to ask if anyone else can confirm what was in that vote.

Ganon and Hardwell should not mute anyone for merely saying "kids ass". That would be an abuse, as far as current standards go. And according to you, you provided them no evidence of insults in /msg.

Let me repeat that I did not agree with the premise that a single, light insult should be mutable. There can be no "besides" before we agree otherwise.

bullet wrote:

Muting me was a wrongful decision. Why dont you critisise them for that? Why? It's all my fault, huh? Ganon acted completely after the book Smile

How can I criticize Ganon for muting you if I have completely no information about the conversation that happened between the two of you? That would rather be incompetent from my side.

bullet wrote:

This discussion is done for me now. I think I've proved my points.

Up to you. I don't think you have proved anything. But you can leave if you wish.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:34 pm
Last edited by Gridfon on Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Thank you for taking your time to look the server replay demo, Groentjuh.
And thanks for informative and constructive reply as well.

Just being curious, you have applied for referee. Would you have mute xfce4 for just that?

I would stop the vote for sure if I saw it. If I didn't stop the vote for some reason, and the targeted person for the insult was offended, I would atleast give a warning to the insulting person. Depending on the degree of insult, and how offended the targeted person is, I would consider muting an option. If targeted person of insult doesn't claim offended on own initiative (there's limits to what refs have time to do,and that aint their job), no mute. That's how I would have handled it if targeted person of insult was another person than myself.

If the target of the insult was me, and I was a ref, I would probably just stop the vote and give a warning. The reason for this is that as a ref, most players are aware you are a ref and you have a lot more authority. It is very unlikely that the insulter do it again. You can mute them if you find good enough reason and support in the rules to do so.

Regarding your understanding of the situation, I understand you defend Ganon's action. However, the fact that people can get away with insulting people, and both people end up muted isn't how it should be. Do you agree?

Now, we cant nowhere in bloody hell get things to work like that in the game, idealistic, but it shouldn't be an excuse to try Smile This is what Savage needs. The attitude among many people, from normal players to refs to ex-veterans etc. regarding the fact(?) that the game is dying, and it's pointless to change things- isn't helping.

You, Groenjuh, as the only server manager in the whole game, is in a unique position, to basically determine which rules people shall follow in-game. I'd advice you to take a second look at it. If possibly to get statistical, constructive feedback from all of the community regarding the rules, would you be interested in hearing it? Not only my opinon, in other words. Smile

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:51 pm
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This came from an arab American by the common alias Blackhacker, he never went back to that name after I shamed him, and he made light of terrorist attacks in his own country on Leet server.
but my point is, who cares, get over it, take it as a joke. I can officially say I've been called worse.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" I guess you've never heard this classic quote?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:36 am
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More meat for the table.

This new behavior of insulting and then /ignoring stops any comeback you feel the need to say but it also allows you to reflect on the aggressors personality and psyche.

I think although /ignore and other commands exist, you need to try a more direct method and that is ignore without the / - just ignore i.e don't give them the time of you reading it. I must admit I read almost 100% of chat 0%of phoe and I enjoy a good insult (its very Australian), however most these days lack creativity and wit like the above screenshots, so it just becomes repetitive and brain dulling.

The best thing to do I find is provoke and poke around till you find a nerve, but be careful that you don't end on the same path of dumb repetitious unprovoked insults like your aggressor. If you're successful, they leave the server (possibly with a broken keyboard) or they will eternally attempt to ruin your gaming experience with stacking, sabotage, or constant mute kick votes. Inevitably this will lead to the individual embarrassing themselves so much they have to alias for the rest of their savage days.

In conclusion,
the solution is simple and effective and any technical efforts such as word filters/removing PM/fixing ignore commands/blacklists(god forbid) or making referees mute/kick w/e without any proofs would only diminish the game experience.

PS. Bullet is a pussy Laughing

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 5:09 am
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Joined: 27 Jun 2014
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well bullet how i told u u can use /ignore ....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:08 pm
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