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kick for drawvote?
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Elendil wrote:
Can you tell me please why I'm kicked for nothing only by you, and not by other refs?

drk wrote:
Because the other refs are scared to do any strict actions.

I wonder why you drk acting like you really (don't give a F*** or respect) even with other refs/admins , you can't judge on other ref for not kicking player, they may dealing with the situation better than what you're doing. what ever its personally or not. end of the day you have to grow up and let things going more soft if you have a professional way to handle things. not with drama.

don't argue with players who always like drama , leave them and things will be fine just try to take control of the game. how easy!! think about that kicking player for 5 mins will not solve the problem until its effecting game. otherwise you will be in trouble.

i'm totally not agreed that i can not warn elendil again b/c of a personal matters. end of the day you/him/me/us want to enjoy the game and no one own the game!!! i hope you got it!

respect and try to be friendly is my major matter between all , i'm not acting like you bc sometime i just laugh for what you're doing with players and acting like you're our godfather.

so never ever talk with other ref's name until you make sure that why they're not acting like you.


PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:43 pm
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and why did u kick me ?
i was standing on top of lair ? and doing nothing
first was exploit okay but i stoped exploiting after u slayed me once and then i was chilling on top of lair

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:54 pm
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I am sorry for the problems you guys are having here, both the refs and the players deserve an apology from me, I could have done better to prevent situations like this.

Elendil, you are a welcome player to my server, but you must understand the reasoning behind drk's actions. I know it is frustrating to be kicked, I have been there. However, he did what he thought best. He should have stopped your vote but didn't manage, so instead he had to think quickly and kicked you because you caused a near-win to fail. You know better than to call draw votes when the other team is about to win.

My refs should not be insulting other players in public chat, even for fun, as this could easily be misinterpreted as a ref breaking their own rules or behaving incorrectly.

We always aim to enforce a policy of warnings/lesser actions before drastic actions such as kicks. This is not always possible if the problem has already happened and could not be prevented in time (exploits, end-game draws, anything the ref misses.

Last but not least, Hardwell, you know better than to break rules you once enforced yourself. I know you are here to enjoy your time just like the rest of us, and I do my best to ensure you can. But you know better than most people, not to exploit under any circumstances. You can't just 'chill' on top of the lair, it is an exploit even if you do not attack, you know that. Just don't exploit in future, you don't need to do that to have fun.

I hope that clears everything up, there is no right or wrong side here. This entire situation was a nice grey area, difficult for both players and refs.


All of you are equal, all of you are here to have fun, behave like it Smile

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:05 pm
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soma wrote:
I wonder why you drk acting like you really (don't give a F*** or respect) even with other refs/admins , you can't judge on other ref for not kicking player, they may dealing with the situation better than what you're doing. what ever its personally or not. end of the day you have to grow up and let things going more soft if you have a professional way to handle things. not with drama.

One of the previous times I spoke with you online (mid-December), you admitted that you can't do a good job as a ref, but that you think it's better to be a bad ref rather than have no refs at all. drk is just telling the truth.

If you want an anecdote, I still remember how you can spend time asking someone to not speak Russian in general chat, and then suddenly stop caring when 30 sec later Grapist joins and spams up the chat with nazi icons trying to provoke you. Yes, refs are afraid to act and they are afraid to even admit that they are afraid to act -- including you. This I think is exactly the reason why Grapist enjoys spamming these icons so much. A simple icon succeeds to get such a spectrum of emotions from most refs, some will immediately pretend afk, some will feel ashamed for not knowing how to react, some will overreact, and so on. Perfect way to provoke refs and highlight their hypocrisy.

soma wrote:
so never ever talk with other ref's name until you make sure that why they're not acting like you. !

I did not see your replies in any of these topics when I tried (1, 2, 3, 4). Neither you were active in the internal ref forums, regardless of the discussion topic and regardless of who started it. How can anyone possibly understand why are you not acting "like someone"? In the middle of December, soon after I resigned, you told me that if I don't agree with anything you do, I should go on forum and complain. But at that point forum was full of unanswered topics that highlight what I think is one of your problems. Do you only read formal complaint topics that are filed in against you?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:07 pm
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Last but not least, Hardwell, you know better than to break rules you once enforced yourself. I know you are here to enjoy your time just like the rest of us, and I do my best to ensure you can. But you know better than most people, not to exploit under any circumstances. You can't just 'chill' on top of the lair, it is an exploit even if you do not attack, you know that. Just don't exploit in future, you don't need to do that to have fun.

JMZ i would never have sacced a shield byy exploitor somehting i just wanted to se how long it is possible to exploit on that map and drk knows
and later i was walking over buildings (what is no exploit) and was chilling on top of lair and drk kicked me without warning or somehting else and he insta slayed me for that ,,exploit,, without warning if he would have told me to go down i would have done but he insta slayed me and i just wanted to see how much this map is exploitable Wink

i have never seen drk giving some1 a warning.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:22 pm
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Gridfon wrote:
soma wrote:
I wonder why you drk acting like you really (don't give a F*** or respect) even with other refs/admins , you can't judge on other ref for not kicking player, they may dealing with the situation better than what you're doing. what ever its personally or not. end of the day you have to grow up and let things going more soft if you have a professional way to handle things. not with drama.

One of the previous times I spoke with you online (mid-December), you admitted that you can't do a good job as a ref, but that you think it's better to be a bad ref rather than have no refs at all. drk is just telling the truth.

If you want an anecdote, I still remember how you can spend time asking someone to not speak Russian in general chat, and then suddenly stop caring when 30 sec later Grapist joins and spams up the chat with nazi icons trying to provoke you. Yes, refs are afraid to act and they are afraid to even admit that they are afraid to act -- including you. This I think is exactly the reason why Grapist enjoys spamming these icons so much. A simple icon succeeds to get such a spectrum of emotions from most refs, some will immediately pretend afk, some will feel ashamed for not knowing how to react, some will overreact, and so on. Perfect way to provoke refs and highlight their hypocrisy.

soma wrote:
so never ever talk with other ref's name until you make sure that why they're not acting like you. !

I did not see your replies in any of these topics when I tried (1, 2, 3, 4). Neither you were active in the internal ref forums, regardless of the discussion topic and regardless of who started it. How can anyone possibly understand why are you not acting "like someone"? In the middle of December, soon after I resigned, you told me that if I don't agree with anything you do, I should go on forum and complain. But at that point forum was full of unanswered topics that highlight what I think is one of your problems. Do you only read formal complaint topics that are filed in against you?

Don't do the same mistake with SOMA you did with me some weeks ago.(...)
If you should have a problem with a referee, be so kind to solve this discussion private, but these public exposures are not that constructive..just sayin'

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:29 pm
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Hardwell, you continued to exploit and drk chose to kick you after having slayed you already.

There is no argument to be had here. You know what you were doing wasn't right, you know you mostly did it to provoke drk.

This isn't how it should be. Both of you should be on good terms, having fun in this game which we all enjoy.

What I said in my previous post is what is true, I don't believe further debate is needed.

As for you, Gridfon (and anyone responding to gridfon), this thread is about a problem Elendil had. This problem has been solved now and all involved people should be satisfied. Please stay on topic (although this is done as far as i am concerned, i dont believe further debate is needed).

You are all here to enjoy this game, to enjoy your time. I am happy you choose to play, you are all great additions to this community and I want to make sure it stays that way.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:43 pm
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JmZ wrote:

I am sorry for the problems you guys are having here, both the refs and the players deserve an apology from me, I could have done better to prevent situations like this.

Elendil, you are a welcome player to my server, but you must understand the reasoning behind drk's actions. I know it is frustrating to be kicked, I have been there. However, he did what he thought best. He should have stopped your vote but didn't manage, so instead he had to think quickly and kicked you because you caused a near-win to fail. You know better than to call draw votes when the other team is about to win.

My refs should not be insulting other players in public chat, even for fun, as this could easily be misinterpreted as a ref breaking their own rules or behaving incorrectly.

We always aim to enforce a policy of warnings/lesser actions before drastic actions such as kicks. This is not always possible if the problem has already happened and could not be prevented in time (exploits, end-game draws, anything the ref misses.

Last but not least, Hardwell, you know better than to break rules you once enforced yourself. I know you are here to enjoy your time just like the rest of us, and I do my best to ensure you can. But you know better than most people, not to exploit under any circumstances. You can't just 'chill' on top of the lair, it is an exploit even if you do not attack, you know that. Just don't exploit in future, you don't need to do that to have fun.

I hope that clears everything up, there is no right or wrong side here. This entire situation was a nice grey area, difficult for both players and refs.


All of you are equal, all of you are here to have fun, behave like it Smile

You shouldn't be sorry for refs, and you've created a great server btw Smile

About the draw vote, I know that from general prospective it isn't very a fair to draw at the end of game. But at the same time we don't have any rule that denies calling a draw vote in the end.
So for me it completely strange why I was kicked, if calling draw votes isn't mentioned in the rules in any way.
If you think this action should be forbidden, it have to be at least described in the "concerning votes" section.
As an idea, you can forbit specs to vote in a draw vote to make them more objective, currently specs forbidden only to call it and allowed to vote. Usually specs are bored so they press f1 just to finish the game faster.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:10 pm
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I understand this Elendil and we're going to be discussing if it should have a rule or not soon Smile

It has always been enforced by refs (on kingdom too) just because everyone has always seen it as a bad thing to do. So that is why in this case, I didn't blame refs for enforcing it.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:19 pm
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Elendil wrote:
But at the same time we don't have any rule that denies calling a draw vote in the end.

We don't have a rule for being a d*ck. Is it says that you must use it?
There are many things thare are not written in the rules, called as a 'human sense' and respecting the other players.
Don't try to face yourself like an innocent child after you did sh*t for like 20+- people who were trying to get a victory for one hour.
If you got bored - join specs / leave. Whatever. Don't ruin a game for the others.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:24 pm
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drk wrote:

We don't have a rule for being a d*ck. Is it says that you must use it?

The same goes for you. Look how many ppl compain about your behaviour as a ref. Nobody else gets so much attention as you.

drk wrote:

There are many things thare are not written in the rules, called as a 'human sense' and respecting the other players.
Don't try to face yourself like an innocent child after you did sh*t for like 20+- people who were trying to get a victory for one hour.
If you got bored - join specs / leave. Whatever. Don't ruin a game for the others.

You're wrong here. It's just your private opinion that the vote ruined the game.
Majority of the players voted for draw, and it is the fact.
And you as always went against the majority desire and opinion.

Not always people want to kill lair/sh.
Talking about me, if the game is pretty long, and I see that opponents really fight well even with a low tech, I press F1 on draw votes even we're really close to the victory..

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:41 am
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I think drk is a good ref and its important for the community to have someone like him. He really does a good job.

Otherwise People like segea, kenway, djinghis and more would have already destroyed any fun of this Game.

I wish there would be more strong refs like him.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:17 pm
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Elendil wrote:
Look how many ppl compain about your behaviour as a ref.

How many? By names please.
Elendil wrote:

You're wrong here. It's just your private opinion that the vote ruined the game.
Majority of the players voted for draw, and it is the fact.
And you as always went against the majority desire and opinion.

Your 'majority' was from t1 + specs. T2 was unable to get enough f2s.
t1 did f1 to get a draw when specs did that 'for fun' as always.
Don't pretend that you don't get what are we talking about.

My own opinon that specs must not have a possibility to vote for draw/concede. Since we don't have this from the server side I will continue to watch and prevent such cases.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:10 pm
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None of you were wrong, this was a difficult situation where you each did what you thought was right.

Relax, don't hate each other so much.

I think this has been resolved now and I am depending on all of you to not let these disagreements happen in future.

Sometimes problems happen.

Just have fun Smile

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:12 pm
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Hardwell, you continued to exploit and drk chose to kick you after having slayed you already.

There is no argument to be had here. You know what you were doing wasn't right, you know you mostly did it to provoke drk

how i told i stopped exploit and walking over buildings isnt a exploit or is it on this server?
then tell me pls and show me the rule which says that walking over buildings is an exploit ?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:27 pm
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