Newbie poster
Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Ale wrote: | It's a teamgame afterall. If there's no teamplay in your team, your team ain't acting like a team and does not deserve to be called a team.
No seriously, I command humans way more often then beasts. I havn't had any "early worker kill" issues since 2010. I always force someone to get me some gold in the beginning and build a tower straight away.
+ I've successfully defended unprotected workers with a hunting bow countless times
+ I've killed unprotected beast workers just as often
+ Workers are not unprotected if you take care of them. Comms ability to move them make them a pretty hard target for item/weaponless Scavengers. Once his stamania is burnt, he's just a piece of crap waiting to be pwnd. Try it out.
So instead of asking for a settings buff, maybe it's time for you to get some skill |
I command, I haven't, I always, I've successfully, I've killed, Me, Me, Me. The request is about and for all commanders not just you (especially newbs).
Your closing argument Ale wrote: |
So instead of asking for a settings buff, maybe it's time for you to get some skill |
My rebuttal djinghis wrote: | Funny how you try to turn the topic into "all about you" while calling it a teamgame Smile |
I stand by this.
Your rebuttal retaliation
Ale wrote: | Since you obviously fail to read between the lines (intelligence - lat. inter legere: read inbetween) let me clarify what you should have been able to conclude from the experiences I listed here:
1st - Yes losing workers is a hazard for every comm and every team in this game but every comm and every player should be totally aware of this danger and act accordingly.
2nd - The risk ain't that big if you know what you are doing. Team can defend, Comm can dodge.
3rd - The risk for beast losing their workers is nearly as big as for humans.
4th - A team that does not care about it's own workers and does not bother to help protecting them is a bad team and probably deserves to lose. Even if public games are not to be taken as seriously as CWs, if you are playing a team game, play for your team and not for yourself.
People going after your workers is something you have to take into account when you play this game. Just as you have to expect Summoners shooting at your shield and djinghis firebuffing his Pred to kill some Nomads. That's one of the many challenges this game has to offer and I'd like to leave it that way. |
My rebuttal sigh
djinghis wrote: | You've attempted to make 4 points when you've only really made one (3rd) and its incorrect. Nothing you say is really relevant to the argument and your use of the word ain't and definition of intelligence in the same post diminishes how serious I can take you (what is this, the Bayou). If you have it in you, a actual original thought that occludes your spite and jealousy of me, then let us know, otherwise go back to your wiki definitions and learn some more. |
To reiterate,
1st - no reference to "how" to act accordingly, and you admit its a hazard.
2nd - contrary to you first point, its suddenly not a big risk/hazard? and care to expand on "com can dodge".
3rd - This is simply not the case, as beast can travel 2/3 times faster than any human, I can safely put this to rest.
4th - A bad team does deserve to lose, that's not the core of the problem, the problem is not exclusive to a team but also maps/player numbers/stacks/ and many other facets of savage early game.
You conclude,
ale wrote: | People going after your workers is something you have to take into account when you play this game. Just as you have to expect Summoners shooting at your shield and djinghis firebuffing his Pred to kill some Nomads. That's one of the many challenges this game has to offer and I'd like to leave it that way. |
My thoughts,
Taking downsizing into account is always on my mind personally (and again, its not about me or you) Having to leave command to get gold or constantly spam VC's and target monkits in the first 20 seconds every game has become a bore for me "personally" over the years, and i dare say others. You refer to it as a challenge, however their exists an impossibility and point of no recovery in some circumstances ~ matches/maps/team/stacks that I am arguing for change.
Then you refer to predators/buffs/summoners and me farming nomads - You've truly lost the plot at this point.
You get emotional,
Ale wrote: | Oh no, I misused a word in a langauge that ain't my mother tounge. I must be so dumb, I should be glad breathing is a reflex. Let's make this whole discussion about how I used the word ain't cause that's what its all about. You know you've already won an argument when your opponent starts correcting your grammer instead of discussing the content of your words, .
Once again, the ability to read between the lines, means to be able to read what somebody WANTS TO EXPRESS, not what somebody IS ACTUALLY SAYING taking him word for word. Once again you proved you fail at that. And you are actually talking about not taking me serious?
And no, I made 4 distinct points, but I don't expect you to see that as you're clearly unable to comprehend even the simplest facts.
P.S. I'm so jealous of you, I dream about you every night. I can only imagine whats it's like to love a game so much, that I spend 25 - 50 % of my wake time on it but on the other hand being outcasted from this very game. It must feel so great to be kicked on a regular basis, messed around with on the game forums and noone giving a fuck about it. Nobody cares about you djinghis, nobody cares if you get kicked, nobody cares about your complaints, nobody cares about your suggestions. I am one of the last guys bothering to spend some time talking to you. You've just proven yourself to be not worth it. From now on you're on your own. |
This contains zero relevance to the thread. And at this point I assumed you'd moved on, but nooo.
Ale wrote: | fyi djinghis, I was not bragging with my skill up there, I was trying to give you a different point of view. That's what you do when you discuss changes as the one you suggested: You collect different opinions and point of views and then carefully assess if the proposed change is justified. Those "insults" you were talking about were more of a tease than serious insults.
From what you said, you gave me the impression, that you think human workers are basically freekills for beasts in the early game. This does not match my opinion so I shared some experiences with you explaining why. Instead of giving us further insight into your point of view or evaluating mine, you immediately went berserk and attacked me on a personal level. You didn't care about my arguments, you just discussed the intentions behind those arguments (and you were wrong). Actually it wasn't me, it was you making this topic "all about me". I didn't give up and made an additional attempt to explain what I was trying to say and hoped you could reconsider your behavior and actually argue like a grown up. Instead you took it even further and started commenting my grammar (wtf?) and personally attacked me once again.
You sir are either a bigot or living in your very own personal 2nd reality. Either way I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore you motherfucker. Go die your own horrible horrible death you're so thoroughly working towards and leave us alone please. Thanks. |
Please make this your final post here and move on with you tail between your legs. I've exhausted all my thoughts about the possible balance change.
P.S Simply saying "Your off topic" is off topic "more-so", please provide some thoughts other than 2 words.
P.P.S I normally don't like quoting, but when people go full circle and argue beyond common sense, it becomes necessary.
P.P.P.S Like Bullet, although he only donated 2 cents
P.P.P.P.S If JMZ is around, perhaps you can trial this for a week?, after all, its only an addition of $1000 to both teams, no need to get emotional about it