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Joined: 23 Feb 2009 Posts: 147
[RefAbuse] Watford Most likely something you should Though i have nothing against Watford himself, and his reffing style. He stopped a vote which was made to kick a clan-laming ***.
I do not want anyone to disrespect competition clans in newerth world.This is most likely a feedback, so please don't let those **** play in your server, and do the right choice next time please.Otherwise you're just losing the respect you had in our eyes.
Thanks for giving time ,
Got more screenies to post incase you need, but please take it serious...
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:12 pm
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Joined: 03 Feb 2008 Posts: 70
Well the rules are on your side, nothing to discuss there. You are right, both should've been kicked (assuming they didn't change the tags after being warned).
Anyway I'd like to ask a few question:
- Did you tell the reason of your kick vote before you called your vote?
- Did you talk with watford about the reasons why you tried kicking them / asked him to kick them?
You have to understand that so far watford has not slayed or kicked anyone from the server. He might need a bit more time to warm-up (I was also reluctant to mute/slay/kick people when I became ref on groen&girls - It's something you need to get used to).
Just my opinion, though. Wait for a reply of Groen or Skuggi .
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:34 pm
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Joined: 21 Nov 2008 Posts: 10
well i stopped the kick vote cos i didnt myself see a reason for it, so its 2nd nature to stop it.
then u told me the reason, and when i looked i cudnt see the clanlaming.
i can see now that it happend and in the future i will take action. but i myself didnt see it so thats the reason.
i was probly afk when the problem started
sry anyway
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:52 pm
Last edited by watford on Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Nov 2006 Posts: 514
All right, wanted watford to comment on this before I did so I'd get to see the other side. This hardly counts as abuse, stopping a vote - which you provided a reason to after it was stopped. He probably should have taken action against them but in the screenshots the 'Sux' tag isn't showing so that can be confusing.
I understand you being annoyed and I agree that clan lamers should be kicked after a warning (if they don't change username that is) and it will be done. However, I don't consider this that much of a deal to post a ref abuse complaint. Also, it would probably be better to point it out to a ref that someone is clan laming, so they can take care of it.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:24 pm
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Joined: 23 Feb 2009 Posts: 147
DarknesS wrote:
Anyway I'd like to ask a few question:
- Did you tell the reason of your kick vote before you called your vote?
- Did you talk with watford about the reasons why you tried kicking them / asked him to kick them?.
I put the abuse tag , thou i know it's not smt like an abuse.But something uncool.Btw watford they used that tag for like 1,5 hour who could you miss it?
+ Not before but I used the XR vote-caller , it sends the reason as the same time with the vote.
+ Nah i didn't because i get muted by Mein's vote and didn't actually want to get in it.Because everyone was talking bs about us and stuff, i play with ignoreall for 2 hours.
~So anyways no need to sry wat if you missed the reason but you would take the action yourself in such a situation.Anyways that's over for now.Next time be more careful please
@Skuggi : tags smtimes don't show up at some Servers as like Sun doesn't at Mpuk these days.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:25 pm
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Joined: 21 Nov 2008 Posts: 10
its pretty easy to get complained about isnt it, and over such a smal thing to
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:01 am
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Joined: 01 Apr 2007 Posts: 64
yah rene i think this is pretty much solved, watford said he was wrong, it thwere really need to punnish him further?
i mean, it's watford
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:38 am
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shows that not all votes had a reason stated. Nor do i see any reason to punish the refs.
They should have kicked the players with fake-clanicons but i guess the refs were just playing the game and didn't notice the players with fake-clanicons.
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:27 pm
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