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RefAbuse Tasty Ich werde es erstmal nur in Deutsch schreiben falls es in Englisch gewünscht wird verde ich es versuchen in Englisch zu verfassen.
I write this letter only in German if you really need it in English tell me and I´ll try to translate it. But my English isnt that good.
Der Spieler Captain Seven postet seit heute morgen Hakenkreuze als Bilder auf dem Server und kein Refree ist da bzw. genug Speiler die ihn kicken bzw. Muten könnten. Als ich dann am Abend den 05.09.2016 wieder Spielen wollte etwa gegen 17:45 +/- auf der Karte NoHope ist Der genannte Spieler immernoch im Spiel und postet Hakenkreuze im Allechat. Als wir ihn NUR muten wollten und die vot 7 zu 2 durchgegangen wäre stoppt Tasty die Vote mit der Begründung er könnte keine "Nazizeichen" sehen daher wäre diese Vote willkürlich. Ich habe wirklich versucht screenshoot zu machen und auf die Drucktaste gedrückt. Jedoch hab ich erst nach dem Spiel nachgeschaut ob die Screens im Ordner sind und gemerkt dass man in Savage F8 oder F9 drücken muss um einen Screenshoot zu machen... Aber die Nachrichten Votes und Refreeausübungen sollten bestimmt nachschaubar sein.
Zudem hat mich Captain Seven mit PM´s (nicht nur mich) voller Hakenkreuze zugemüllt (hab später erst erfahren dass man /ignore machen kann).
Als Refree soll man sich bei einer MUTE Vote meiner meinung nach nicht einmischen da Mute ziemlich egal ist(die betroffene Person kann weiterspielen im Gegensatz zum Kick) und nur weil ein Refree etwas nicht siht(WAS ER GESEHEN HABEN MUSS) die Vote abbrechen finde ich durchaus nicht richtig da die Mehrheit der Spieler einverstanden war und wohl einen Grund hatte...
Da ich aber davon ausgehe dass er die Nachricht gesehen haben muss (es sei denn er kam zu spät rein aber dann ist die Frage warum er eine Vote stoppt wenn er nicht da war...) vertedigt er als Refree Nazisumus im Server und toleriert dies.
Das Verhalten von Captain Seven lässt neue Spieler bestimmt mehr Spaß am Spiel haben und sie werden bestimmt das Spiel länger spielen wollen da die Community so gut ist...-nicht.
wie gesagt auch falls er es NICHT gesehen haben sollte was mir unverständlich erscheint, war diese Vote zu stoppen, eine Ausnutzung als Refree da Captain Seven schon mehrmals als negativer Faktor aufgetaucht ist.(und auch wenn Tasty das wiederum nicht weiß) dann soll er seine RefVotes für was nützliches belassen und sich nicht in eine demokratische vote einmischen.
Egal was war diese Einmischung war komplett ungerechtfertigt und wenn man NACHPRÜFEN kann dass er Nazismus unterstützt bitte ich ihn als Refree auszuschließen. Sowas sollte es in keinem Spiel geben.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:42 pm
The Raging Asparagus
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I would be glad to read it in English as well.
Although I pretty much got the notion from Google Translate.
Just yesterday I told Rio D'oro that Tasty is one of the most biased refs when you find yourself playing against his team.
Inventing his own rules like:
Summ camp is legal hence Balli camp is legal (but behe and cata camp is illegal).
Also when I tell him to notice someone from his own team doing camping he replies "eat my dick" or other flaming words.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:22 pm
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Joined: 05 Sep 2016 Posts: 13
I guess you can read the date in german
Im already sorry for my grammer.
So I just will tell you what happened.
PLayer "Captain Seven" was posting Nazi signs since this morning 10:00 o clock. I joined Savage this evening too and he still posted Nazi signs. After we started ONLY a Mute vote Tasty thought he had to stop it for no reason.
3 secs later and he would be muted and coulnd´t post nazi signs anymore.
Tatsy said he coulnt see a nazi sign. but Captain Seven writed not even 30 seconds ago a "Hakenkreuz" (= swastika (google)).
1. Tasty saw it and defend nazi... New people in Savage will stay longer in Savage with that community...-not. I guess they can look up the chat and see that I´m right. In that case I recommend that Tasty will loose his Ref status. Beacuse Nobody want a Nazi Refree?!! ABUSE+ANZIDEFENDER
2.1. He said the truth but why should he stop it? Captain Seven is an very offensive player (also reported in forums i´ve heard) posts more often nazi signs and if 7 ppl vote yes they will have a reason ?!
2.2 He dont know Captain Seven, but still why stop a democratic vote for no reason. It wasnt even a kick. Mute will only stop player from talking and not from playing. So we will have a reason to shut him up.
3. He joined this Game to late to see this msg.. But we started vote right after that msg so why join and stop a MUTE vote if he dont know whats going on
Sadly i have no screenshots because in this game the button for screenshoot isnt the normal one... it is F8 or F7 idk and looked for screens after that game. And i coulndt see the msgs. anymore...
After that vote he (Seven) spammed me and Zumo with Nazi signs for nearly 10minutes... again and again... (someone told me later that i can /ignore him)
Hopefully you can understand my thoughts.
Btw. I told Tasty that ill report him and after i´ve writed the german text. So he could read it and can defend himself if he needs to.
In my Opinion there are not enough Refrees. So many ppl exploit and dont play fair or wirte with an very offensive language like posting Nazi signs. But a Refree shouldnt defend a Nazi-player. Not at any point also no racissm from "Brainwashed Turk" against germans or some other countrys.
Im sorry for mistakes i dont had much time to write this text
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:39 pm
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Joined: 16 Jul 2009 Posts: 376
Do you have an .demo file for us (mostly me and Tasty)? This would be really helpful! I will link this to Tasty as I'm not full aware of his activity on forums
For my part Seven has gotten my attention too, tho I can't speak of anything racistic so far.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:11 pm
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Joined: 27 Jan 2014 Posts: 113 Location: Germany -> Hamburg
Hey Mate,
at first thanks for taking care of this game.
2. As i told you already ingame, there were no "Hakenkreuz" in all chat.
Mabye you missed that it was in your team chat. I stopped the vote because you didnt give a reason for you callvote. i scrolled up Chat and checked if i missed something, couldnt found something and stoped it.
I would love to see the screen or demo file.
And for the next time pls enter Reason in Kick/Mute votes.
PS: i already muted 4 times in the last 2 days after sending this sign, but new day new chance. also i kick him later for exploit.
//Edit: Refs are here to grantue fairness. And if you want to mute someone, for things he did earlier. you dont get the point of fairness.
Youre not the One who decides who deserves a mute.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:18 pm
The Raging Asparagus
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Joined: 18 Mar 2016 Posts: 127
Hi Trig,
First of all Cap. Seven and Grapist are spamming Swastika for the last 2-3 days.
Second, Cap. Seven exploits lately on morning games (however I've to say that unlike Kenway he doesn't do it to ruin games but rather for fun).
I can show u an exploit demo from today if you want.
Is there any way to upload here directly from my HD?
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:20 pm
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The Raging Asparagus wrote: Hi Trig,
First of all Cap. Seven and Grapist are spamming Swastika for the last 2-3 days.
Second, Cap. Seven exploits lately on morning games (however I've to say that unlike Kenway he doesn't do it to ruin games but rather for fun).
I can show u an exploit demo from today if you want.
Is there any way to upload here directly from my HD?
Please forward it to me. ( is an good uploading source.)
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:18 pm
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Joined: 05 Sep 2016 Posts: 13
And again Tasty did nothing sleep... and take advantage that his teammates exploit.
Nope i dont have screenshoots but why should i lie??
1 Player in my team take a big stone and destroy slowly our buildings... we couldnt kick him because to many players voted f2... Tasty could kick him. Also a teammate from tasty exploit and went more than 10 times above an "unwalkable" mountain. Exactly behind our Stronghold. We also tried to kick him... Tasty did again nothing... they won because it was already 6 vs 7 or sth like that (you can ask Chaplain he was my comm this game...) and one in our team grief+ i tried to roll that stone away. so someone with blaze and this guy who exploit with rupture could easily destroy our shield...
Next game i was very provocatively and asked first Why he ddnt do sth.. He just said "You Idiot you know nothing." So I asked him again and told him what happens... Tasty said idk what you talking about you Idiot.(He knowed it 100% this time) I said "y defend nazi and ignore when your own teammates explot just that you get a win." Graphist said oh did i here Nazi and he psoted IN ALL CHAT 100% this time Swastika. And now guess who got muted... Not Graphist not those guys who exploited.. nope i got muted because i tried to make a fair nice game... (and i dont know why Stringer did nothing both games (he were spec maybe he was afk and ddnt saw it)). I cant belive that Refrees act like that...
I left 2 mins later obviously-
Normally i respect Refrees and dont attack them but if they dont do sth against a VERY unfair playstyle, i want to know why they ddnt to sth.. and if they start arguing with idiot - y taht was already in his first sentence and not after i asked him 2nd time - i dont have to respect him anymore...
This game is making me sick with (a) refree/s who dont kick/mute players who destroy this game and allow exploits in their team.
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:28 pm
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Joined: 27 Feb 2015 Posts: 314
Hello Maedt,
For your information if you want to take screenshot, just write in chat box --> /screenshot
this will automatic will be saved on -->\Savage XR\game\screenshots
also you can start automatic Demo for such cases and only you need to do is to delete the unwanted demos from --> \Savage XR\game\demos every 1,2 or 3 weeks.
to make auto Demo start game and go to option-->Game--> and then checkbox "Auto Record Demos"
this will help you more for investigation.
also ref always have auto record demos on and ref/server admins can ask any refs to provide demos at anytime.
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:14 pm
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Joined: 05 Sep 2016 Posts: 13
thanks good to know. So i beg you ask Tasty or Stringer (he was in spec but maybe afk but at least you can see chat from his demo), and look at their demos. Than you will see that im right. (Better from Tasty).
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:50 pm
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Joined: 16 Jul 2009 Posts: 376
I am asking around right now if someone has an .demo recorded.
If anyone else has one please forward it to me by any chance via PM.
Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:20 pm
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Joined: 27 Jan 2014 Posts: 113 Location: Germany -> Hamburg
Hey Maedt,
at first: Kenway was the exploiter, who has been kicked by me for exploiting and his rejoin spam script shit thing.
Grapist left about 2 secs after posting that sign. so couldnt mute.
and now the reason i muted you: you call ME and nazi and racism supporter. AND THAT I WONT ACCEPT, if you ever will call me that again. you will get muted!
At last point: i wont pay any more atention for this pointless dicussion,
if you dont deliver proofs
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:58 am
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