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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Daemon wrote:
Savage ain't cleared out yet, still work to be done! As for the Riga picture, i'm quite stunned that someone with your sharp wits would mistake small, round tables, barely large enough to hold 3 glasses, 2 hands and 1 phone, for restaurant tables. It's a traditional brewery that sells its own brew, a fact which Mefix was courteous enough to point out, and we managed to hit it minutes before closing time.
As for stealing projects, now that you've answered yourself by pointing out how both easy and retarded it is to claim that making round objects eversince the wheel was invented meant stealing someone's "project", perhaps you will realize how you sound when you accuse me "in absentia" of stealing your idea/design/project/whatever, although:
-I had the same idea years ago
-S2Games put an autominer in Savage2
-Tjens drew a concept and asked me to model it
-And i accepted.
This just proves that you knew that, and you're able to conduct that reasoning. But instead, you made a premeditated decision to be an asshole, going around, talking dirt, spewing shit about people that won't have any of your crap.
You may want to rephrase that so its actually makes sense.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:38 am
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Joined: 17 Oct 2015 Posts: 40
In the absence of dishonest, ulterior reasons, one cannot claim that such a thing like adding some horns is intellectual theft. I gave you a sample of your own nonsense, to which you replied trying to prove it as such. That proves you're capable of separating facts from fiction.
Yet you're spamming forums, savage shoutbox and god knows what other media, with lies about me stealing your autominer, knowing full well that 1. it's a lie, since the facts are staring you in the face; 2. i would never spam back calling it what it is and 3. repeating a lie just often enough makes it sound like the truth.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:14 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Daemon wrote: In the absence of dishonest, ulterior reasons, one cannot claim that such a thing like adding some horns is intellectual theft. I gave you a sample of your own nonsense, to which you replied trying to prove it as such. That proves you're capable of separating facts from fiction.
Yet you're spamming forums, savage shoutbox and god knows what other media, with lies about me stealing your autominer, knowing full well that 1. it's a lie, since the facts are staring you in the face; 2. i would never spam back calling it what it is and 3. repeating a lie just often enough makes it sound like the truth.
No, you didn't rephrase, you just dug the hole you started even deeper, you've been proven to lie and now you're defending what little respect the community has for you with no honor. You should just stop and accept you are a thief and a bad developer, so we can move on. Constantly spamming my mod thread is hypocritical and you simply can't see it, end the nonsense now please. I'm sick of cringing at you...
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:23 pm
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Joined: 01 Apr 2007 Posts: 64
Guys it was Mefix's idea now stop
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:55 pm
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Joined: 25 Apr 2012 Posts: 86
It was Phoes Idea. He had it when you weren't even born !
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:10 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
V 1.2 WIP Billy 1.2 is not too far away with original bone weapons from concept art, re-meshed and HD textured OFC. 1.2 will also have many fixes to clipping issues especially around the pockets and loin for smoother animations. Level 4 bone sword is almost finished to complete the full billy ensemble, V1.3 will be more armor focused and should have completely new lore friendly models so long as interest exists.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 3:39 am
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Billy the Scavenger Version 1.2 is out
I got lazy on some features I was going to add, I may revisit it some time in the future but for now I consider it done.
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:09 pm
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