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Ref abuse
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:51 pm
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You're not doing anything right, Telvek. We don't "hate" you, we just find you seriously incompetent. You don't even read or watch what the topics are about, but decided to call us trolls. Hardly trolling when this topic has four pages of debate/discussion going on.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:49 pm
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Necro wrote:
You're not doing anything right, Telvek. We don't "hate" you, we just find you seriously incompetent.

Well spoken.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:21 pm
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Why should I read it? I was a clear abuse, nothing to discuss or comment. JmZ will deal with it.

Oh I forgot to add, almost the half of this thread is now filled with useless comments about my incompetent and retarded behaviour as ref. Perhaps you guys can create an "Anti-Telvek" - Thread where you can leave all your hate and rage about me, surely it will help you to let out your frustration Smile

If you wanna add any chatter about me or my ref attitude, please email me, my spam folder will do the rest.
Otherwise let us close this topic and referees shall discuss in a private thread about this rule.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:10 am
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Telvek wrote:
tl, dr.
What's up here?

Telvek wrote:
I would slay in this situation as well.

Telvek wrote:
Which alignment? I just see a discussion with various opinions.

Everyone should ref on his way as long as it follows the rules (You can surely see this exploit rule from many many perspectives).

Telvek wrote:
Well Referees are humans, not bots.

Telvek wrote:
Btw: If you don't have anything constructive to say, shut your mouth.

Why do we even discuss with trolls like Necro 'n Djinghis? As if their word influences anything towards referee-related issues^^

Telvek wrote:
Seems like I do have some haters so I'm doing everything right )

Telvek wrote:
Why should I read it? I was a clear abuse, nothing to discuss or comment. JmZ will deal with it.

Oh I forgot to add, almost the half of this thread is now filled with useless comments about my incompetent and retarded behaviour as ref. Perhaps you guys can create an "Anti-Telvek" - Thread where you can leave all your hate and rage about me, surely it will help you to let out your frustration Smile

If you wanna add any chatter about me or my ref attitude, please email me, my spam folder will do the rest.
Otherwise let us close this topic and referees shall discuss in a private thread about this rule.

Talk about having nothing to add, this is a problem with refs like jengen/trigardon/Hardwell etc etc - They are not very bright and as a result, the servers suffer because they are unable to see a discussion or situation objectively. Instead of saying that's the way it should be "cuz i'm ref and your not" or "let the refs discuss this in private, It's not your concern" maybe let the vastly larger non-ref community discuss the game rules they wish for.
I haven't got a problem with people or even stupidity unless it becomes angry unfounded stupidity, at least take 5 minutes before you post something and address some criteria ~
i.e *is it useful *does it make sense *is it on topic.

In regard to behe baseball, I think reducing the z-velocity significantly so that you don't get hit in unreachable areas in the first place should be a plan. But for the time being, I think moving them to team 1 is a much more sane measure, even let them drop a demo before you do, it's not their fault the game has these problems. Blocking with mag buff never leads to these issues because it has no "knock back" and although id miss one of my favorite E-sports, I think it creates too many unfair situations. Remembering Behe spamming/camping/spawning is another matter all together.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 2:00 am
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Let me elaborate on the "Necro vs. Dingfire" case. There are many aspects in play when trying to decide whether Necro broke any rules. Many of them do not sound convincing:
1. "This rule worked that way for the past 10 years, don't just randomly change it now." <-- Did it really work that way for the past 10 years?
2. "Rule Nr. 2 only concerns map and terrain exploits, it has nothing to do with buildings." <-- Then why does it address standing on buildings?
3. "The meaning of an otherwise unreachable area is quite clear." <-- Strictly speaking, it is clear, but it was certainly not meant to be scrutinized at that level of formal reasoning.

I am tempted to invoke all of the above three claims, but I see why it does not lead to a very constructive discussion.


However, the decision is very clear in terms of common sense.

Necro could not tell whether the tech pit was closed. It was safe to assume that Dingfire attempted to close it, but Necro had no way to tell for sure. Even if Necro happened to see that at some point the tech pit was clearly closed or open, it could change by the next time he got into beast base; buildings get built, killed and rebuilt. (In this particular case, I watched Necro's demo, and from his perspective I could not reliably tell whether the beast "tech pit" was actually closed. For all I know, it could have been possible to walk into beast tech from the opposite side of the lair from Necro, going past the sanctuary.).

Even as a referee, looking at base layouts from spectators, I previously noted that it is really hard to tell whether it is possible to walk on top of some building (as opposed to shimmying):
Gridfon wrote:
Many maps have a lifted terrain. Just a random example from a map this is being played right as I write this: (I can't tell whether one can simply jump on top of arcana or nexus at once, just by looking at it [...]). Similar terrain can be found on anvale and on a number of other maps.

It is sometimes nearly impossible for spectators and enemy players to visually tell which "tech pits" are reachable by walking, which are reachable only by shimmying, and which are not reachable at all (unless you behe fly there).

To me, it's an obvious axiom that: rules should depend on conditions that a well-informed and a well-meaning player can easily check on the spot, not on conditions that require a lot of effort to determine and can stealthily change many times over the same game. But there is simply no reasonable way to allow legos to block behes, and yet enforce the rule of "do not land into a closed-off tech pit".

Besides, it's an integral part of the game that defending your base with behes involves the possibility of helping your enemy get into your tech pit. Most players are well aware of this. Both when they camp with behe (e.g. on kinixxx), and when they try to always position themselves to enable a successful fly into a tech pit. I'm sure this applies to most of you.


It is clearly allowed to shimmy over the buildings to reach closed-off tech pits. Stringer provided a very good justification earlier in this topic: beasts do it all the time to kill shields. Alternatively, you can see the actual rule and it's interpretation by Skuggi here (Skuggi is responsible for creating the current rule set, adapted from newerth).

In the above argument presented by me, even if Necro could somehow deduce that it is impossible to walk into the base, it would still be nearly impossible to reliably tell that it is impossible to get into the tech pit by shimmying over buildings.


Let me emphasize that my point is not to prove Necro right and Dingfire wrong. My point is more general -- it should be very clear how to interpret the rule. I think the main reason we have any disagreements is that people did not give much thought to this yet.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:35 am
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You are talking about tech was closed or not, but we said earlier that what necro did was allowed if comm did built a closed base without defense such as sub towers then he has to destroy a building to def it. And Dingfire said he did slay him because he thought it wasnt allowed. I didnt know it before this discussion too. There is nothing to say more about Necro demo, Dingfire did a mistake because rule was unclear for all. Now we all agree about this so just let it go.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:54 pm
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The Raging Asparagus
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coincoinmiaou2 wrote:
You are talking about tech was closed or not, but we said earlier that what necro did was allowed if comm did built a closed base without defense such as sub towers then he has to destroy a building to def it. And Dingfire said he did slay him because he thought it wasnt allowed. I didnt know it before this discussion too. There is nothing to say more about Necro demo, Dingfire did a mistake because rule was unclear for all. Now we all agree about this so just let it go.

The problem is.. as long as the rule itself doesn't change then tomorrow another ref (new or old that didn't bother to read this thread) will interpret it the way he wishes.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:38 pm
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Yep we should precise the rule, but for now JmZ is 2 weeks in vacations so we need to wait hes back

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:58 pm
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Necro wrote:
yea, I also had a problem with Dingfire. It's a shame that this kind of stuff is still happening and it's not just him.
Here's a demo of him selectively choosing which rules to enforce then killing me when I block one of his defensive behes...I didn't even get out of map or to terrain that was inaccessible. I am not looking for him to be punished, just want him to acknowledge that he was wrong.

Ok for those that want to watch Necros video, it may help to know that the incident is around 22 - 23 minutes. I actually thought before I saw it that it was a case of getting hit in an unreachable area for all units beast included, but I amazed at how fucking stupid that interpretation was on Dings part. Although Id put it down to poor sportsmanship, because that's just not how savage works and punishing that is beyond comprehension.

Much like a gate is placed in an unreachable area for humans to get to, a legionnaire behe-blowback (bad term) slung into tech is part of the game, and unless the lego is on top of buildings not getting down, then there isn't a problem. Plus the rule does state map or terrain NOT buildings that created an unreachable area. Do what anyone else does and sacrifice a building so your team can access the area, happens to me all the time with stupid behe players.

That said, the last 2 (highlighted) points of rule 2, need rewording.
For example:
*Abusing the terrain to get to places, other players can't get to. does not make sense as how can a player achieve what other players can't? at least state the other race can't get to. And the last point is too specific to a situation, its also a contradiction in that an unreachable area is inaccessible coming in just as coming out. accessing via behe" blowback" was the one and only method of getting in, so how can one take the same direct route back? and before you say relocate (know that the best player in savage "myself" rarely uses relocator) - it's also a sexist rule.

OFC the rules were written by some sort or monkeyman who didn't get it proof read, so why not rewrite the rules altogether - wait scrap that, why not implement proper collision on buildings/props and have some sort of standards for maps to deal with exploits - wait scrap that - nobody gives a fuck until they get exploited against.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:26 am
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