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Referee abuse Dingfire Rule # 2 Playing as of now, 1 hour ago, 25 November, This unknown fellow who likes to nickname himself as my real name "Jaanus Tam" come online messing with my mind, and after about 1 hour of asking and pleading, no one does shit, THEN Dingfire mutes me and him, after I call a kickvote on him. Reason obviously being R#2, dont ever NICKLAME as another person. Now, what the fuck is wrong with Dingfire? Is he too young to have server powers or WHAT? DING FUCKING FIRE, please , press escape ingame and press RULES BUTTON and dictate me, what does Rule number 2 say?
Thank you very much for idiotic evening at savage again.
JmZ, help out mate, help Savage being popular again.
Thank you
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:31 pm
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Awww, can you do it again? I missed it.
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:16 pm
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Hey mate, could you provide an evidence, something like a demo or a screenshot?
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:08 am
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Go ruin some more games kenway )
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:38 am
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Trigardon wrote: Awww, can you do it again? I missed it.
Still not quite got anything to say for yourself (or that is relevant) have you M8, get back to us when you formulate an opinion of your own.
@Kenway always turn record demo on, as these bad refs are on Pulse now, but make sure you move or delete your demo folder ever few weeks as sometimes it bugs after a few GB and you can't open any demos.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:04 am
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I have the demo, its 15 megabytes tho
Lots of folk were online like drk of whom I asked to deal with the guy.
Rather would have them say something
I guess the uncastrated pisspants would Insta-kick/mute/rename If I FOR EXAMPLE made my nickname as "DingNIGGER" or "DingNaziFUCKER"
But noooooo, rest shit dont care him as he has shown before with his idiotic in-game abuses.
Dingfire, either get castrated or bed someone, your child-like mindfuck is of nazi origin to be honest, throw away the referee password.
And Yea, if you want me to start ruining games again (month+ been a good lad)? NO PROBLEM, simple vpn and some hacker advice - NO PROBLEM, if that IS what you want.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 9:26 am
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If you wish, I can mind about this complaint, will ask drk.
Dingfire what's your opinion about this topic, what has happened?
Oh and btw Kenway: You're a nice guy, so I give you a hint: Of course you can demand equality, however insulting and blackmailing the ref team is a slightly dumb behaviour. So calm down and stay cool
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 2:29 pm
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Several time asked that guy (named 'Savage' if I'm right) to stop trolling him and change that nick. I guess that he kept doing that when I left.
All that we need is to change one's nick and the problem is solved.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:04 pm
The Raging Asparagus
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drk wrote: Several time asked that guy (named 'Savage' if I'm right) to stop trolling him and change that nick. I guess that he kept doing that when I left.
All that we need is to change one's nick and the problem is solved.
You want to rename "Savage" AKA "JAANUS TAAM"? why?
why would that name be forbidden? if my real life name is Bobbe would you rename him as well? what proof does Kenway has it's really his real life name? My real life nickname is Telvek D'oro (no shit "everyone" calls me that) so lets rename those 2 refs to something else.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:09 pm
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drk wrote: Several time asked that guy (named 'Savage' if I'm right) to stop trolling him and change that nick. I guess that he kept doing that when I left.
All that we need is to change one's nick and the problem is solved.
Your name mate, is TADZIKI, or something similar if im correct, MY NAME? hmm, go and check what is my email (where that cunt got it) called. Not a big surprise eh, Now if the savage history dates back to 2005 or so, my first NICKNAME was jaanustam, SO. TRA dont come here tryin to be neutral and smart. This shit is beyond it.
Fuck it, cocksucker wants to nicklame me, go ahead. A referee tho, when trying to kick or mute a guy using my name, blocks me, and gives me an UNJUST punishment. Now this is where the problems begin mate.
As I told you before, either respect rule # 2 or throw your referee password away, because younglings with power are a sickening sight.
Any more question?
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:44 pm
The Raging Asparagus
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tushaar wrote: drk wrote: Several time asked that guy (named 'Savage' if I'm right) to stop trolling him and change that nick. I guess that he kept doing that when I left.
All that we need is to change one's nick and the problem is solved.
Your name mate, is TADZIKI, or something similar if im correct, MY NAME? hmm, go and check what is my email (where that cunt got it) called. Not a big surprise eh, Now if the savage history dates back to 2005 or so, my first NICKNAME was jaanustam, SO. TRA dont come here tryin to be neutral and smart. This shit is beyond it.
Fuck it, cocksucker wants to nicklame me, go ahead. A referee tho, when trying to kick or mute a guy using my name, blocks me, and gives me an UNJUST punishment. Now this is where the problems begin mate.
As I told you before, either respect rule # 2 or throw your referee password away, because younglings with power are a sickening sight.
Any more question?
some points..
1) Regarding the issue you have with Dingfire you might be right but personally I think any punishment you receive is justful considering your history and goon-like attitude.
If I was server admin you would long ago be perma-banned.
2) My email or FB might not be my RL name (and it might be), hence renaming other players just because they used my name or one of my names (without any insult) does not justify a rename in my opinion.
3) Like the threads regarding your exploits were useless I can promise you no-one is going to take Dingfire's ref powers. Also I think he's a nice guy although he makes mistakes sometimes (he is willing to admit and change his way without threats to ruin Savage unlike you..).
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:39 pm
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Damn I actually went on server and read rule number 2.
Considering, that rule is one that forbids exploits, and that it was Kenway who sent me reading it, I now feel really trolled.
Well played sir.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 9:20 pm
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Obviously he means rule 5, but a few rums have distorted more than a 2 for me in the past, he can be forgiven
5. Players are not allowed to impersonate other players or use other players’ clan tags and/or icons.
But maybe start using drk and dingfires real name, and see how they like it - oh wait they will kick you immediately because they have ref powers...
@TRA JmZ pointed out to me earlier that his server would be run based on equality, and no grudges/past discretion would affect decisions. Possibly why you can't get ref if you have that attitude, and I suspect its a good rule that eliminates guessing and unfair ref actions like Groents server did.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:00 am
The Raging Asparagus
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djinghis wrote: Obviously he means rule 5, but a few rums have distorted more than a 2 for me in the past, he can be forgiven
5. Players are not allowed to impersonate other players or use other players’ clan tags and/or icons.
But maybe start using drk and dingfires real name, and see how they like it - oh wait they will kick you immediately because they have ref powers...
@TRA JmZ pointed out to me earlier that his server would be run based on equality, and no grudges/past discretion would affect decisions. Possibly why you can't get ref if you have that attitude, and I suspect its a good rule that eliminates guessing and unfair ref actions like Groents server did.
First of rule num5 regards Savage nicknames and not RL names.
Second, Believe me or not.. I'd get ref if I wanted to. My lack of motivation to be a ref is why I didn't get ref.
Third, Groenth server died because:
1) the ping is shittier for most players
2) it tends to crash more often
I promise you if Pulse is taken down tomorrow same amount of players will just go back to Groenth.
Anyway, I will not interfere with future threads since I'm not playing Savage lately since players like Kenway and Natsu ruined my fun.
Kenway - because when there are no refs it's exploit/chat-spamming with obscenities time for him.
Natsu - because when there are no refs he spams kick votes whenever he is buffed against which unfortunately pass sometimes - (.
Regarding what you said about drk it could be.. I would like to know however if other refs would kick for someone naming himself after their RL name (without any insult attached to it)?
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:28 am
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Wait a bit. We are discussing a problem that is like a soap bubble.
Instead of changing that name you keep struggling. Only you from all the other players. Why? "Special One"?
We always had that players have "their" nicks/names/clan names etc. If they feel fine that somebody else is using the same name - ok, otherwise it always was ok to ask any ref to change/kick/etc fake clan/nick/icon from photo (hello moxy) etc.
I've never seen a thread on the forum about 'wtf I've made a nick Trigardon and was kicked after warnings'.
I trust Tushar that it could be his name and he gets mad when he sees it.
So, _please_, stop making drama from a soap bubble and stop using that name.
djinghis wrote: But maybe start using drk and dingfires real name, and see how they like it - oh wait they will kick you immediately because they have ref powers...
Refs from a 3rd-world. Deal with it.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 11:48 am
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