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Referee abuse Dingfire
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Joined: 23 Apr 2014
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lol, yea , too much rum distorted the rule number, was 5 indeeed.
Nice one Stringer Very Happy
Can we all just be friends?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:01 pm
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The rule states "impersonates" meaning person, it means what it means and impersonating someones real name over their game one I feel has more severity in fact. I think a simple task for refs to rename someone is one of easier jobs, I was renamed over a thousand times by refs on groents, why - because it was an admin or ref I was impersonating. So lets not twist the rules out of laziness, or ignore them out of grudges or whats convenient, that's called selective enforcement and like drk states - Europe is 3rdworld (or words to that effect) Smile

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:06 pm
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Firstly, what drk said. Drama over nothing much?

On topic.


Question: Did that guy actually pretended to be you, or just used that name?

I mean, if someone with over 300 ping and a star trek icon will name himself Stringer, he will hardly be impersonating me - it will be blatantly obvious to anyone that this is just some douche trying to steal a bit of attention he so badly needs.

The rule is there to prevent trolls from assuming someone's identity and thus giving that person bad rep.
That doesn't even necessarily mean changing nickname btw: One could name himself XR_FirstTimePlayer, then tell everyone in chat he is actually TRA and try to act like him. And that would be impersonation unless he actually is TRA.

Did that guy do something like this?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:21 pm
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Stringer wrote:
Firstly, what drk said. Drama over nothing much?

On topic.


Question: Did that guy actually pretended to be you, or just used that name?

I mean, if someone with over 300 ping and a star trek icon will name himself Stringer, he will hardly be impersonating me - it will be blatantly obvious to anyone that this is just some douche trying to steal a bit of attention he so badly needs.

The rule is there to prevent trolls from assuming someone's identity and thus giving that person bad rep.
That doesn't even necessarily mean changing nickname btw: One could name himself XR_FirstTimePlayer, then tell everyone in chat he is actually TRA and try to act like him. And that would be impersonation unless he actually is TRA.

Did that guy do something like this?

Well, he did use my semi Real name in-game, obviously tryin to annoy me. For example if your real name would be Vassili Jurjevich, and you would just pose as "Stringer" all times, and then this one dick comes along, snoops out your real name and starts using it as his in-game nickname, what would you feel? Wouldnt you want to smash the cunt nerd's teeth out? Very Happy
Problem here, is this nazi kiddo here, goes by this ugly nick as dingfire, who fucked me up, when i tried to PUBLICLY (AKA VOTE) to either mute or kick that person who is playing a cocksucker live, online.
Now there is the real problem x)


PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:07 pm
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Stringer wrote:
Firstly, what drk said. Drama over nothing much?

On topic.


Question: Did that guy actually pretended to be you, or just used that name?

I mean, if someone with over 300 ping and a star trek icon will name himself Stringer, he will hardly be impersonating me - it will be blatantly obvious to anyone that this is just some douche trying to steal a bit of attention he so badly needs.

The rule is there to prevent trolls from assuming someone's identity and thus giving that person bad rep.
That doesn't even necessarily mean changing nickname btw: One could name himself XR_FirstTimePlayer, then tell everyone in chat he is actually TRA and try to act like him. And that would be impersonation unless he actually is TRA.

Did that guy do something like this?

It's one thing to read a dictionary meaning and another thing to comprehend it, Using someone real name or even alias is "impersonation" in the literal sense. Perhaps you're getting confused with "mimic" any further argument about the meaning of Impersonate is drama that you are perpetuating. You've also contradicted yourself.
The definition and interpretation of the rule is and should not be in question (it's plain English), the concern is not enforcing it with appropriate punishment.

One hopes that server admins have some sort of aptitude test before they add referees to a server with English written rules.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 1:46 am
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tushaar wrote:
For example if your real name would be Vassili Jurjevich, and you would just pose as "Stringer" all times, and then this one dick comes along, snoops out your real name and starts using it as his in-game nickname, what would you feel?

I would feel amused. Also curious as to where did he find my real name, because I am usually careful about not leaving personal details online.
That's about it.

A name is just that - a name, a set of letters, a designation by which other people recognize you. It is one thing in game and a different thing in RL.

I couldn't care less if someone in real life change his name to "Stringer", except for the question where did he get it.
Same way I couldn't care less if someone in-game changes his nick to my real name, except for the same question as above.
In both cases, they aren't really trying to pretend to be me, aren't trying to impersonate me. In-game and RL are two different worlds, they don't overlap.

Raging about that kind of stuff is same level as nerdy kids raging when someone online mentions their mom.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:35 am
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The Raging Asparagus
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Stringer wrote:
tushaar wrote:
For example if your real name would be Vassili Jurjevich, and you would just pose as "Stringer" all times, and then this one dick comes along, snoops out your real name and starts using it as his in-game nickname, what would you feel?

I would feel amused. Also curious as to where did he find my real name, because I am usually careful about not leaving personal details online.
That's about it.

A name is just that - a name, a set of letters, a designation by which other people recognize you. It is one thing in game and a different thing in RL.

I couldn't care less if someone in real life change his name to "Stringer", except for the question where did he get it.
Same way I couldn't care less if someone in-game changes his nick to my real name, except for the same question as above.
In both cases, they aren't really trying to pretend to be me, aren't trying to impersonate me. In-game and RL are two different worlds, they don't overlap.

Raging about that kind of stuff is same level as nerdy kids raging when someone online mentions their mom.

C. Kenway complaining about trolling and abuse is like Hitler asking for sympathy since Jews are harassing him.

Yes I pulled a Goodwin..

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:19 pm
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Joined: 09 Nov 2014
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Quite obviously, the main reason for rule #5 is to avoid players nicklaming as known referees, for then to pretend to be referees and create confusion on server.

Fortunately,the savage community is really small and you very quickly notice if its the real person or not. However, impersonating with other peoples real name, I can understand that such a thing is offending to the person who gets "namelamed" (you see what I did there ).

I a earlier complaint I had, I was told to post screenshots directly from the event, to proove my claims, I simply suggest the person impersonated have to do the same if someone else shows up with his real name in game. In this case, that would maybe be a screenshot of facebook profile or something while logged in etc. (but just paint draw over personal stuff). Its a pain in the ass process, but burden of evidence is more often than not on the offended and not the offender in this commnunity.

Regarding normal nicklamers, nicklaming NICKS and not real names, If someone is offended by it, simply say the word to the ref, and renaming should be ok. if person is not offended, its not a problem. Keep it simple.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:42 am
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