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Greenlight closed Looks like XR missed the bus as steam greenlight has closed due to a flood of rubbish games over the past few months.
The actual submission fee is low according to valve ($100) but the applicant of the new or old (however you view it) curation system will require a lengthy application requiring many personal details and specs on the game plus a 30 day wait. So apart from what steam have already told me about savage and its security holes, it looks even harder to get savage onto steam.
There ofc is the matter of S2Games and its childish CEO who will most probably never allow savage 1 on steam, butthurt about his remake flop. But we can always dream i guess...
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:44 am
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I guess when you have abusive refs and now it turns out, abusive coders aka trigardon, it was never meant to be.
These are default ignores injected into every client, by Trigardon and approved by clemens. This means I can't communicate when I command unless players un-ignore me, which resets after each game.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:29 pm
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I can pass this obvious abuse onto steam management in the unlikely event savage gets on steam and ruin that dream, but id prefer they apologize and remove it in the next patch - and remove Trigardon from any further involvement in XR.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:32 pm
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Joined: 14 Jan 2017 Posts: 27
I agree in the point with the default ignore list. This is just not okay , if you dont want this guy to play on your? Servers, then ban him. But now I have to clear that useless ignore list after every fucking match.
How can anyone of you decide that a player should be on the ignorelist of everybody ? How is that a fair move?
I want my ignorelist to be empty as long as I don't add somebody to it.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:26 pm
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The reason Djinghis is posting something entirely unrelated to the servers on Groentjuh's forum is because he's perma-banned on Newerth. Pathetic , isn't it?
For anyone that doesn't know (since Djinghis clearly doesn't), Greenlight was announced as over, and their new system to replace it, since a long time already.
This is not news and was always going to be the case, XR was never going to go through closed Greenlight in the first place.
And you've not once communicated with Steam Management, this is so obvious from the things you say and the claims you make (does anyone actually fall for this?), you can keep all your lies for people that actually like you. (Right, that's about 0.)
Mr.refabuseisreal, post on if you want a discussion about features to take place. Whining on Groent's forum while hiding behind that name is not going to accomplish anything.
Djinghis, you reap what you sow. You're just digging yourself a bigger hole, instead of trying to climb out, ala Trumpy.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:23 pm
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Clemens wrote: The reason Djinghis is posting something entirely unrelated to the servers on Groentjuh's forum is because he's perma-banned on Newerth. Pathetic , isn't it?
Seems like this site has more traffic than your precious newerth (pathetic isn't it?)
Clemens wrote: For anyone that doesn't know (since Djinghis clearly doesn't), Greenlight was announced as over, and their new system to replace it, since a long time already.
This is news as it's a new event happening and reported as such, if it's such old news - then wheres your link to it before mine?
Clemens wrote:
This is not news and was always going to be the case, XR was never going to go through closed Greenlight in the first place.
Just admit you were never in a position to release a game that's not even yours onto a digital distribution platform.
Clemens wrote:
And you've not once communicated with Steam Management, this is so obvious from the things you say and the claims you make (does anyone actually fall for this?), you can keep all your lies for people that actually like you. (Right, that's about 0.)
You act like it's impossible for someone to know or even work with steam staff
Clemens wrote:
Mr.refabuseisreal, post on if you want a discussion about features to take place. Whining on Groent's forum while hiding behind that name is not going to accomplish anything.
Why would anyone post on newerth regarding an unethical conscious decision made by the developers of Newerth lol, what would that accomplish other than you saying with 50 smile faces that I'm a troll so nah na na nah na nah etc.
Clemens wrote:
Djinghis, you reap what you sow. You're just digging yourself a bigger hole, instead of trying to climb out, ala Trumpy.
I'm not American dipshit. unless you meant that Melbourne restaurant - nice food I have to say 4/5 stars.
P.S ripped apart.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 3:58 am
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Joined: 16 Jul 2009 Posts: 376
djinghis wrote: I can pass this obvious abuse onto steam management in the unlikely event savage gets on steam and ruin that dream, but id prefer they apologize and remove it in the next patch - and remove Trigardon from any further involvement in XR.
Actually I just have been promoted to a XR developer, lol.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:56 pm
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Joined: 19 Jan 2011 Posts: 31
None of your points even made remotely sense.
I'm glad, this means I don't need to bother with you anymore.
Thanks for making this easy.
I found out that you don't even have access to most of this forum; just Jmz's part and this lonesome inactive General Discussion part. So this really is the only place you can actually post. You've become even more pathetic than I realized.
Good luck with your miserable life, Trumpy.
We all know that's why you troll on Savage - you have nothing else.
PS: Send all your complaints to Trig from now on!
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:02 pm
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Clemens wrote: None of your points even made remotely sense.
got to love that
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 2:24 pm
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Trigardon wrote:
Actually I just have been promoted to a XR developer, lol.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:19 pm
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Daemon wrote: Trigardon wrote:
Actually I just have been promoted to a XR developer, lol.
Well that's a problem right there.
Thinking of developer as a promotion is not a good start, instead consider it a lot of work for little reward, and don't consider yourself above anyone. The best an longest lasting developers are the humble and patient ones that do the work and don't care about the glory. And if you were the one that made the ignore panel - you need to rethink the entire thing, for example - why would you want to only ignore someones UID and not there name or their name and not their GuD, you need only one button that ignores all the ID's - schoolboy error for a developer is to force technical jargon onto the user (nobody wants to look up what GUID is and does). Your help button does nothing as well, looks like a rushed job.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:08 pm
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Clemens wrote: No, but the requirements to bring a game like Savage onto Steam are steep.
It's a lot more difficult than "just do it".
Oh the hypocrisy!
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:41 am
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