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Regarding the recent complaints
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Made a server and went afk.
Such inactivity and ignoration by an admin does worse than a lagging server.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:57 am
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Id say pulse lags too, but not as much as kingdom. One thing the developers ignored was memory leakage consistent in some maps anvale/nohope/ts_maps and every amy map, they can't handle a large number of players (around 40) and it really tests servers processing. Ofc some of these maps have poor occlusion and farclip settings but their is another factor going on there.

I think JmZ is not away but doesn't want to handle all the complaints about his refs, when the solution is quite simple - demote them. It's not like removing a limb or losing a paying job, if they cry about it (element) then perhaps they are referees for all the wrong reasons.
Perhaps you need a guest admin or a ref admin to handle what you obviously can't?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:11 am
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djinghis wrote:
Perhaps you need a guest admin or a ref admin to handle what you obviously can't?

Or a "Public server" that can be hold by a couple of active people + devs.
And refs that would be elected and demoted by the players. That could solve a lot of questions at once.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:02 pm
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Location: Complaints Desk
To be fair, all your complaints on me are absolute bullshit and all you want to do is start drama.

I always gave you an explanation of what was done but that was never enough because you don't care about my answer. You want the server admin to answer, and you want his answer to be "element lost his ref", you don't want real answers (like Trigardon who completely ignored my demos about his server with Groentjuh).

This is why I'm sick and tired of your crap. I've done what I had to do very adequately but all you want to do is flame me, defame me and gang up on me because you're little children.

The server knows well and true that I'm a ref and I get people PMing me good job when I do things. Ironically, various people have been standing up for me when I take a decision these days, saying what I did was the correct call.

You might not like me as an individual (poor you, you're missing out on awesomeness) but that's not my problem. Like I said, I'm always fair and I always play by the rules but to be honest, you made me hate this game and I don't even give a fuck what happens anymore.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:31 pm
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eLeMenT wrote:
To be fair, all your complaints on me are absolute bullshit and all you want to do is start drama.

I always gave you an explanation of what was done but that was never enough because you don't care about my answer. You want the server admin to answer, and you want his answer to be "element lost his ref", you don't want real answers (like Trigardon who completely ignored my demos about his server with Groentjuh).

This is why I'm sick and tired of your crap. I've done what I had to do very adequately but all you want to do is flame me, defame me and gang up on me because you're little children.

The server knows well and true that I'm a ref and I get people PMing me good job when I do things. Ironically, various people have been standing up for me when I take a decision these days, saying what I did was the correct call.

You might not like me as an individual (poor you, you're missing out on awesomeness) but that's not my problem. Like I said, I'm always fair and I always play by the rules but to be honest, you made me hate this game and I don't even give a fuck what happens anymore.

I'm quoting this in case you delete it later, as it proves just how unhinged you are.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:02 pm
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eLeMenT wrote:
To be fair, all your complaints on me are absolute bullshit and all you want to do is start drama.

I always gave you an explanation of what was done but that was never enough because you don't care about my answer. You want the server admin to answer, and you want his answer to be "element lost his ref", you don't want real answers (like Trigardon who completely ignored my demos about his server with Groentjuh).

This is why I'm sick and tired of your crap. I've done what I had to do very adequately but all you want to do is flame me, defame me and gang up on me because you're little children.

The server knows well and true that I'm a ref and I get people PMing me good job when I do things. Ironically, various people have been standing up for me when I take a decision these days, saying what I did was the correct call.

You might not like me as an individual (poor you, you're missing out on awesomeness) but that's not my problem. Like I said, I'm always fair and I always play by the rules but to be honest, you made me hate this game and I don't even give a fuck what happens anymore.

You've got mental problems, man.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:45 pm
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Location: Complaints Desk
Trig I've been ignoring everything you've said to me so far, on or off the forums, don't make me talk back, I still respect you.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:08 pm
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Gridfon, it would be more helpful if the affected person(s) post any information in their complaint thread (even if some was provided by you).

You involve yourself in almost every complaint and yet are never really the affected person in said complaint. Please in future help us out by posting concise responses or giving the affected person your evidence such that they can post it, instead of losing yourself into discussion/debate.

As said before, there is a sticky clearly stating how to post a complaint. It does not state to post about it in this thread.

Stay on topic (discussion of the ones in question and such).

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:38 pm
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JmZ wrote:
You involve yourself in almost every complaint and yet are never really the affected person in said complaint.

Nah. If you look at my post history, say, over the past 6 months, you will see that I was "involved" in at most 3 complaints that were not started by me. And I could add some huge disclaimers to each of them, such as me defending eLeMenT in one of them. I ignore most of the little, petty complaints around here. I only care about the big picture, and I try my best to make sure each of my posts has an impact. That might give you a reason to feel that I'm all over you.

Just to be clear, let's talk about my recent complaints about excessive kicks and unjustified mutes. I am the affected person. I want to see certain changes and improvements. Posting these two complaints was an attempt to isolate things that matter, in a format that allows for constructive discussion (within the existing rule set). I could add more context to show why it affects me, but that would increase the risk of me trampling all over random people, random feelings, and a bunch of subjective beliefs. My goal was was merely to make the ref team say that "oh right, we'll try to be more considerate when it comes to muting and kicking people" and the discussion would have been over right there, 3-4 weeks ago. (My side goal was to point out that refs are bullying people too much. I removed that part from my complaint about unjustified mutes because it was too drama-sensitive, but I'm happy that Brad Troika recently brought it up in another topic.) Unfortunately, the reaction this far has been quite the opposite of the one I intended. In this topic I made it clear that punishing refs is not my goal; my goal is to improve how certain situations are handled. But it did not help either.

If you noticed the way I posted my demos about "excessive kicks" with delays of one month and one week after they happened, I am quite selective when it comes to deciding whether something is worth posting (as opposed to allowing things to be swept under the rug). I am doing my part of trying to guide the conversation into something constructure. What about you join me in trying to do the same, JmZ?

JmZ wrote:
Gridfon, it would be more helpful if the affected person(s) post any information in their complaint thread (even if some was provided by you).

Compared to random players, I need to spend a lot less time to post evidence, while being much more precise or concise. I know how to use demos and chat logs better than most. At the very least, I have a huge advantage of being able to automatically extract the necessary lines from chat logs. It makes no sense for me to waste time sending my demos to anyone. Unless you hope that making the process more complicated will discourage people from posting complaints altogether.

Besides, why would someone else even post a complaint if the complaints are getting ignored? Both before your long break and after it. My complaint about excessive kicks was answered after 10 days, and I first had to remind I was waiting for some resolution. My complaint about unjustified mutes remains basically unanswered for 22 days now, even though I reminded about it twice in this thread by now. Based on your first reaction and based on your inactivity, it seems that the case of Elendil's kicks is likely to have the same outcome of getting ignored. Let's finish discussing the open complaints (unjustified mutes and Elendil's kicks).

JmZ wrote:
Stay on topic

This thread is supposed to contain discussion about the following, right?
1. Excessive mutes (stemming from my complaint).
2. Excessive kicks (stemming from my complaint).
3. eLeMenT abusing mmbow (stemming from cable's complaint).
4. The basics of ethical communication and friendly co-existence in Savage.
That is why the first thing I wrote in this thread is that you should have never merged all of these things together. By merging these things together, you changed the discourse from "how should we treat situation X in future" into some vague "us vs. them" narrative that only promotes further ad hominem attacks.

TL;DR. Read the parts in bold.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:02 am
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:48 am
Last edited by djinghis on Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Raging Asparagus
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djinghis wrote:
Dear Gridfon,

Your on the newerth council right?
You're able to make decisions about savage development?
You have some coding knowledge?

Do something useful

You are sucking up to daemon/hakugei (sucking cock) to get on the council, and now you're there - wtf have you done?

The last few patches have been autistic to put it mildly- even leaning towards s2games like patches, wtf is going on in your life to sink so low? If you want to badger jmz (who obviously doesn't care), you are wasting your time (we all know you have too much of it). You are the worst kind of troll, and that is not knowing you're a troll or when you're trolling.

Just focus of implementing my hard coded ignore which have failed on 2 occasions and caused lag (to every client), and although I'm flattered you added a patch almost purely dedicated to perma/muting my account and deviations of the name "djinghis", I feel you just don't have anything in your soul-less 4-eyed husk to offer anyone anymore. And I refer to you "adding" as you're on the council - unless it's really a fake council where daemon has the final say no matter what (chances are). But in either case, despite what you say about having evidence and some supreme log system, you really are just a shitcunt who thinks he's smart, but you're not i.e - you spend all your waking hours on savage forums/game what-not, and anyone who spends that much time on one game and has zero impact is a no life reject. you spent oh so long making shit up about my past and creating your own evidence despite not knowing shit, I just can't ever trust you anymore.

You're a fraud.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:50 pm
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Thanks for the laugh, Djinghis. Laughing

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:55 pm
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djinghis wrote:
Dear Gridfon,

Your on the newerth council right?
You're able to make decisions about savage development?
You have some coding knowledge?

Do something useful

You are sucking up to daemon/hakugei (sucking cock) to get on the council, and now you're there - wtf have you done?

The last few patches have been autistic to put it mildly- even leaning towards s2games like patches, wtf is going on in your life to sink so low? If you want to badger jmz (who obviously doesn't care), you are wasting your time (we all know you have too much of it). You are the worst kind of troll, and that is not knowing you're a troll or when you're trolling.

Just focus of implementing my hard coded ignore which have failed on 2 occasions and caused lag (to every client), and although I'm flattered you added a patch almost purely dedicated to perma/muting my account and deviations of the name "djinghis", I feel you just don't have anything in your soul-less 4-eyed husk to offer anyone anymore. And I refer to you "adding" as you're on the council - unless it's really a fake council where daemon has the final say no matter what (chances are). But in either case, despite what you say about having evidence and some supreme log system, you really are just a shitcunt who thinks he's smart, but you're not i.e - you spend all your waking hours on savage forums/game what-not, and anyone who spends that much time on one game and has zero impact is a no life reject. you spent oh so long making shit up about my past and creating your own evidence despite not knowing shit, I just can't ever trust you anymore.

You're a fraud.


PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:57 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014
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Dear Gridfon,

Your on the newerth council right?
You're able to make decisions about savage development?
You have some coding knowledge?

Do something useful

You are sucking up to daemon/hakugei (sucking cock) to get on the council, and now you're there - wtf have you done?

The last few patches have been autistic to put it mildly- even leaning towards s2games like patches, wtf is going on in your life to sink so low? If you want to badger jmz (who obviously doesn't care), you are wasting your time (we all know you have too much of it). You are the worst kind of troll, and that is not knowing you're a troll or when you're trolling.

Just focus of implementing my hard coded ignore which have failed on 2 occasions and caused lag (to every client), and although I'm flattered you added a patch almost purely dedicated to perma/muting my account and deviations of the name "djinghis", I feel you just don't have anything in your soul-less 4-eyed husk to offer anyone anymore. And I refer to you "adding" as you're on the council - unless it's really a fake council where daemon has the final say no matter what (chances are). But in either case, despite what you say about having evidence and some supreme log system, you really are just a shitcunt who thinks he's smart, but you're not i.e - you spend all your waking hours on savage forums/game what-not, and anyone who spends that much time on one game and has zero impact is a no life reject. you spent oh so long making shit up about my past and creating your own evidence despite not knowing shit, I just can't ever trust you anymore.

You're a fraud.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:15 pm
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Thanks for the double-laugh, Djinghis. Laughing Laughing

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:01 pm
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