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Joined: 09 Nov 2014 Posts: 78
Poll: Marking of punishment in rules. Do you want each rule to be standardized to a certain punishment? Regarding how the rules should be made. The poll is set to last 7 days.
Referees tend to enforce rules different way.
What the poll suggests is simple to standardize the punishment, and put it down in the rules. This way, a referee can simply check the rules if he is unsure about the punishment, and the players can also check it. Note that common sense should still apply; if ref X gives a warning to person Y in a game, and the next game person Y tries to break the same rule again, its past the "warning phase".
Simple Example with * -notation to mark the rules (colour codes/numbers or other options are possible too, I think):
* instantly kickable
** kickable after warning/slay/mute/impeach
*** instantly muteable
**** muteable after warning
***** Slayable/movetospec/impeach
1 **** . Players are not allowed to insult other players.
- Any kind of racism is not tolerated. Players are not allowed to whine, flame, moan or condemn other players in-game.
2 ** . Players are not allowed to exploit the map or the terrain.
- This includes:
- etc.
- etc 2.
-etc 3.
8.* Players are not allowed to run scripts or codes which directly or indirectly affect server performance.
ps. im not sure this poll is valid regarding the whole non-hierarchical structure of this server, so im not objecting to delay or wait with this poll if there is objections or similar. The rules mentioned here are just a example, its not the actual punishments, and is a subject open to discussion/polls.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:12 pm
Site Admin
Joined: 20 Oct 2006 Posts: 618 Location: World > Europe > Benelux > The Netherlands > The hague
I believe defining punishments will be pretty difficult to do right.
I believe sometimes different players sometimes deserve different treatment. Or do you believe referees will warn Brainwashed Turk or other players, who frequently insult or who frequently say racist things, before muting them?
Setting punishments in the rules will remove possibilities like that.
Besides that, referees sometimes need to act quick. You don't want some event to ruin a game, because a referee had to first look up what he could do.
I believe generally referees should do the least possible to keep a good experience on the server.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:43 am
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Joined: 16 Jul 2009 Posts: 376
Groentjuh wrote: I believe defining punishments will be pretty difficult to do right.
I believe sometimes different players sometimes deserve different treatment. Or do you believe referees will warn Brainwashed Turk or other players, who frequently insult or who frequently say racist things, before muting them?
Setting punishments in the rules will remove possibilities like that.
Besides that, referees sometimes need to act quick. You don't want some event to ruin a game, because a referee had to first look up what he could do.
I believe generally referees should do the least possible to keep a good experience on the server.
QFT. Everyone who was a referee yet can and should confirm this.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:43 am
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Joined: 19 Sep 2008 Posts: 42
There can be a simple rule at the very end saying:
"Continuous rule breaking will result into individual measurements". These can be set up another day.
Saying "it will be difficult for refs to react quickly - which can ruin a match" is not valid. The very few things that can really ruin a match can be easily remembered.
Kick terrain exploiters immediately (if that will be the consequence). Remember? Siege camping/spawning is a different discussion. Maybe its having no defined consequences that lowers the reaction speed of current referees.
And everyone who was not a referee will disagree with it.
You have a wide set of rules there and yet rely upon the individual judgement of referees to control them. Further, you rely upon their individual judgment to condition people that do not follow your rules. So, you do this for years like that, did it work? Did people learn from your personal way of enforcing rules?
As I see it, one day Hugo gets kicked for bailing, another day not. Of course, what he learns from this is that he has a 50% chance of winning a match. And what Initial learns from the way it is dealt with his racist spam is that you are a fucking bastard for kicking him and Pink is a cool guy for letting him get his attention. So he will continue to get attention and further flame you personally.
Luckily, there is either never a referee online or they do not pay attention to the rules unless they effect their very own team. Because they want to play themselves, I understand that.
So how can you do it? How do you find enough "staff" to cover the server for more than one hour per day?
Because finally, are there enough people in this community who have a judgement like King Solomon that you promote here?
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:45 pm
Last edited by Marbello on Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
OFC you need cause and effect in the rules, one players says FU to a ref and the ref kicks them, another player exploits and ruins a game and gets slayed - see where I'm going with this?
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:21 am
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Trigardon wrote:
QFT. Everyone who was a referee yet can and should confirm this.
Adding to the rules "will be slayed" "will be muted" "will be kicked" should in fact help referees not confuse them. At least referees have guidelines and know what's a mute-able offence and what's kick-able. And treating certain players differently is bullying and that's why groent/pulse servers inevitably failed - eg HARDWELL/eLeMeNeT/Trigardon/Dingfire, simply with that concept groent mentioned Groentjuh wrote: I believe sometimes different players sometimes deserve different treatment."
referees began to make up their own rules... example djinghis called me a cocksucker, normally that's a mute but it's djinghis = kick. Then someone else calls the ref a name that the ref doesn't get on with - since the said ref is in a kicking mood = kick. And so it perpetuates into the refs doing w/e the fuck they want, creating a little totalitarian server.
If you think certain players deserve different treatment, and you need to mention that, it reveals that the current rules are weak in specificity/guidance/ and structure and testament that they do in fact need punishment listed (completely re-written imo).
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:41 am
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