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Wishes/Proposals I suggest to collect any kind of your wishes and proposals that could be resolved via scripting in this place.
For example:
- "I hate that Rin spams me over msg"
- "Commander can't join his team after reconnecting"
- "It would be good to turn 'this' on 'that' condition"
- "and so on"
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:09 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
You need a quick hot fix btw, ppl can call maps during games and they can pass - may want to look into that one
Also, plz add xr_warmacine pretty please
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:35 am
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Joined: 06 Apr 2015 Posts: 14 Location: England
Isn't that the map you did something suspicious to?
If you're adding djinghis's maps can we have xr_blink and xr_zondo if not added already.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:23 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
xr_kinixxx is the first map Amy hacked with ref passwords, I later copied the idea to my other map xr_kiniyyy with admin passwords. But as a map admin you should know all the maps were purged of malicious scripts, if not - it literally takes 30 seconds to check.
And isn't xr_zondo hoffs map, he just used my states and effects i think, possible removed in ignorant fear because my name was mentioned in relation to it. XR_blink seemed popular enough but they said the mini-map looked like vomit
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:59 pm
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djinghis wrote: You need a quick hot fix btw, ppl can call maps during games and they can pass - may want to look into that one
I'll block world and nextmap votes when the game is in progress and also I want to block these votes when both teams have elected commanders.
djinghis wrote: Also, plz add xr_warmacine pretty please
I remember that map. It could be played in the early times when there are not many people around. Added.
Necro wrote: can we have xr_blink and xr_zondo if not added already.
xr_blink is online.
xr_zondo - 99% of the games are draws. Do you really need it? I can add it if you say so.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:21 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
drk wrote:
xr_blink is online.
xr_zondo - 99% of the games are draws. Do you really need it? I can add it if you say so.
Perhaps you can still add some of the more experimental maps and remove any rotation information, possibly with the bigger unpopular maps too?
Id personally remove izzi and kinixxx as well from rotation - (make them load it). Not sure if it's possible like newerth with yours.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 2:50 am
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
It's possible to let to vote for A, B, C maps while the map cycle has only A and B. I made that for the instagib. Also g.n.g server has more complicated analog of that system.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:41 am
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djinghis wrote: You need a quick hot fix btw, ppl can call maps during games and they can pass - may want to look into that one
World and Nextmap votes are fixed now.
You can't call them during the game now: the vote is rejected and a player receives a notification:
Quote: ^900[World] ^yis ^900disabled ^ywhen ^ythe ^ygame ^yis ^yin ^yprogress.
^900[Nextmap] ^yis ^900disabled ^ywhen ^ythe ^ygame ^yis ^yin ^yprogress.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:41 am
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Joined: 09 Nov 2014 Posts: 78
Is it possible to have a script that blocks the three previous maps played, to be voted on and next-mapped to ? Im really tired of... well, maps that gets played like every 2nd game.
For example, if kinixxx, eden2 and battlefront was the last three played games, those maps will return a error message saying something like "This map was played recently. Please pick another map".
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:42 pm
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
bullet wrote: Is it possible to have a script that blocks the three previous maps played, to be voted on and next-mapped to ? Im really tired of... well, maps that gets played like every 2nd game.
For example, if kinixxx, eden2 and battlefront was the last three played games, those maps will return a error message saying something like "This map was played recently. Please pick another map".
It is possible.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:04 pm
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Joined: 19 Sep 2008 Posts: 42
drk wrote: bullet wrote: Is it possible to have a script that blocks the three previous maps played, to be voted on and next-mapped to ? Im really tired of... well, maps that gets played like every 2nd game.
For example, if kinixxx, eden2 and battlefront was the last three played games, those maps will return a error message saying something like "This map was played recently. Please pick another map".
It is possible.
What do you think instead of a higher than usual percentage of F1's being required for a pass?
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:43 pm
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Marbello wrote: What do you think instead of a higher than usual percentage of F1's being required for a pass?
I'm not sure that I can configure it.
As I can see there is only this available:
Quote: set sv_minVotePercent 0.15 //Minimum of clients that must vote
Nothing about % for a pass.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:03 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
Excerpt from xr_kinixxx server config.
Code: //reducing ATTSPD/ increasing DMG/ increasing ammo cost.
objedit human_fluxgun
objset refreshtime 65 //(50 dv*)
objedit damage 14 //(12 dv)
objSet ammoCost 10 //(9 dv)
*dv=default value
As you can see, I've countered the reduction with an increase to damage and due to the extended time of firing, I've reduced ammo by 10%.
Proposal: make this a part of the server default to eliminate or reduce the perceived stamina drain caused from ridiculous hits/second from savage default settings.
Testing: Load xr_kinixxx, select flux, shoot a big target like the grimm wall. The great thing about this adjustment was that nobody noticed it until I mentioned it, so it wont affect the flux whores too much, but should improve performance a little.
The down side : A slight reduction in immersion from a perceived continuous beam mostly made apparent with the hit sounds.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:56 am
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
djinghis wrote: As you can see, I've countered the reduction with an increase to damage and due to the extended time of firing, I've reduced ammo by 10%.
From my fast testings:
Turned a player into a kongor. In both cases a flux without an ammo takes -3000 hp from the kongor's 10000. So the damage is the same per ammo. That's good.
The difference is that by default you spend 14 sec to spend all flux ammo, and 18sec. with your settings. Dps is lower in this case. Am I right?
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:04 am
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
30% decrease in dmg/sec
10% reduction ammo
17% increase in damage
<3000hp> 14DMG / 0.065 = 0.0046428571428571
1 DMG = 0.0046428571428571sec x 3000(kongor) = 13.9 seconds over 12.5 dv seconds
The server ticks would play a role too I'm sure, but you're close enough - sorry I forgot to address that in my proposal as it is in fact a "nerf" but I feel simply restoring the "ammocost" to 10 may balance that out. Even if you have to increase damage more, the important part to remember is "refreshtime" that increases performance - but I'm flexible with any figures.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:40 am
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