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Inder ref apply Hello my good friends.. I'm requesting to get my referee back because of the same reason as always, im playing in the mornings where no referees are ever online.. People abusing the server rules are pissing me off but as you're trying to vote kick them for abusing or trying to vote mute them for spaming, insulting or flaming, it will never pass.
As i mentioned before, i NEVER abused my ref.. i am activly playing, i'm NEVER abusing rules by myself and i've been and will always be a good referee.
Ty for your attention, see ya on the servers,
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:17 pm
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Joined: 03 Sep 2009 Posts: 407
kuggi/groent will take care of your ref apply, could you please name people who are abusing the rules?
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:10 pm
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
those are manly noobs you wouldn't know, even I couldn't tell there names right now.. But also some you would know, like fr0zen, Queer or segea slave.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:43 am
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Joined: 13 Nov 2006 Posts: 514
Sorry for the late reply. I'll try to catch you in-game soon.
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:18 pm
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
hey yo, haven't seen you online the past 2 weeks now.. are you still taking care of this topic?
By the way, you really should keep an eye on Apache and hero! Apache actually is a friend of mine, so i'm not feeling all so good about writing this, but the way he's using his powers lately is pissing me off and i think it's my duty, wanting to be a ref myself, to tell you about it.
Yesterday he was commanding one game after an other and lost them.. after 3 losses he got pissed and bailed (disconnected) after his rush sub was taken down..the game has been 2 minutes old at that point. 5 minutes later he rejoined the server and told us he had to leave because he had a visit. In my opinion it was just an excuse for bailing having the will to actually continue playing, so as a demonstration i named myself ''NATIVE AMERICAN'' and bailed shortly before i was losing a game too.. rejoining 5 minutes later, i told everyone how sorry i am, but i had a visit. Therefor i've been kicked.
Today i was commanding beasts on Lostwinter when after 30 minutes of the game CT (that turkish dude) joined the human team to camp ballista at garisson. I asked Apache to slay him, he didn't do. I asked hero to log in and do it, he laughed at me. (both of them were in the human team as well, if thats needed to say) As he continued camping i started spamming ''APACHE USE YOUR REF'' he told me CT is moving so it's not against the rules. He was moving. right at the spawnpoint, turning in circles to hit guys that passed him. lol. i continued spamming and got muted.
As i sad, i actually feel sorry for telling this but i thought you should know.
Please take care of it, regards,
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:46 pm
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Joined: 20 Oct 2006 Posts: 618 Location: World > Europe > Benelux > The Netherlands > The hague
Inder wrote: By the way, you really should keep an eye on Apache and hero! Apache actually is a friend of mine, so i'm not feeling all so good about writing this, but the way he's using his powers lately is pissing me off and i think it's my duty, wanting to be a ref myself, to tell you about it. Yesterday he was commanding one game after an other and lost them.. after 3 losses he got pissed and bailed (disconnected) after his rush sub was taken down..the game has been 2 minutes old at that point. 5 minutes later he rejoined the server and told us he had to leave because he had a visit.
Thank you for supplying us with feedback with which we can actually do something. Usually its just that the current referees are bad and that you, as someone who wants to become a referee, will not be bad. Actually telling us what goes wrong is something we appreciate a lot and shows us that you might have what it take.
Inder wrote: In my opinion it was just an excuse for bailing having the will to actually continue playing, so as a demonstration i named myself ''NATIVE AMERICAN'' and bailed shortly before i was losing a game too.. rejoining 5 minutes later, i told everyone how sorry i am, but i had a visit. Therefor i've been kicked.
Today i was commanding beasts on Lostwinter when after 30 minutes of the game CT (that turkish dude) joined the human team to camp ballista at garisson. I asked Apache to slay him, he didn't do. I asked hero to log in and do it, he laughed at me. (both of them were in the human team as well, if thats needed to say) As he continued camping i started spamming ''APACHE USE YOUR REF'' he told me CT is moving so it's not against the rules. He was moving. right at the spawnpoint, turning in circles to hit guys that passed him. lol. i continued spamming and got muted.
Inder, this bit of your post tells more about yourself, then it does about those 2 referees. After a referee broke one of the rules he has to enforce, you on propose broke the same rule on the same way and are surprised to be kicked when doing it.
This tells something about your behaviour which I at least do not want to see in my referees. If he does it, I may do so too! Even if you know you may not.
As for the seige camping, it is very hard to apply that rule in a fair way. Especially late in the game, both teams are often doing it and slaying players for seige camping just doesn't do it.
Inder wrote: As i sad, i actually feel sorry for telling this but i thought you should know.
Please take care of it, regards,
You do not need to be sorry for trying to point out weak point of the referees. I believe by doing this the current referees can become better because they notice how the players on the server did see their action. It also allows me and skuggi to better judge the performance of our referees and take action based on that.
I really appreciate what you wrote, but for your apply it might not really help that much.
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:00 am
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
Groentjuh wrote:
This tells something about your behaviour which I at least do not want to see in my referees. If he does it, I may do so too! Even if you know you may not.
You didn't get that right.. I didn't do it because it is my oppinion that something a ref is allowed to do, I am allowed to do aswell. I did it because everyone just ignored it, which was pissing me off big time. I did it to show the people how bad it is. And obviously, by being kicked, they got it. I'm not the kind of guy who cares for the statistic. I'm the kind of guy who cares for fairness and for principle. With that action i wasn't trying to say ''we should all be allowed to act the same as a pissed of ref does'', i was trying to say that he deserves the same punishment as everyone else does. I've been kicked, he has not been kicked, that's the problem with the whole thing.
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:14 am
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Joined: 07 Dec 2009 Posts: 291 Location: UK
The problem is inder, all we see in that reaction, is what groent said, that ref cna act as a dick, so i can too, thastnot the case. if a ref is acting liek a dick, you take action, and report him, you dont go and then copy his actions.
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:51 pm
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 Posts: 22
read what i said mox
i did NOT want to be like him. I wanted to show the people on the server what he did because everyone just ignored it.. ''Apache is not that kind of dude doing things like these.'' After i acted exactly the same, he suddenly was. People understood what he did. That's all i wanted.
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:16 pm
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Well, since I haven't seen you online for a while I guess I'll just post.
I removed your ref status mostly because I didn't approve of your attitude. I also got several complaints about that (flaming/insulting) like I told you. As far as I can tell, that hasn't changed. And you should know I consult the other god-refs when I decide on things like that to get a better idea.
This is not the place to report/complain about other referees, it certainly doesn't help your application. Sure, I appreciate that you let me know but send me a PM or at least open a separate thread for it. I will look into it though. I agree with Groentjuh and Moxy. I'm not inclined to give you ref "just because" the other refs are doing a bad job (I'm not saying they are). You get ref if you can be trusted to do a good job, not if others are doing a bad one.
Unrelated to your application we've come to the decision that we feel there are enough referees on the server right now - at least when it's most active. Therefore, since we're not really in need of new referees, and taking into account the other points that I mentioned, I'm going to decline your application.
Edit: Grammar...
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:58 pm
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Joined: 10 Aug 2009 Posts: 36
I read my name in the "Inder ref apply thread". Thx to skuggi, he remembered me about this. Btw its strange to read here something bout me but nvm I react.
First of all to "Apache is friend of mine"... Inder I know u ingame not any part more so our relationship is like we know each other...
We had seldom quarrel, and I reluctantly let me assume I use my status from ref. Ask people in the Savage community as often as I bail as commander. And yesterday, the game started and you could not say anything about the outcome because there was a ring at my front door, so I had to get out. For half an hour later I came back and wanted to know how the game ended. I have to listen to me by Inder: a Ref may bail as he pleases. In my opinion, a very childish behavior for a 21-year guy hmm.
To the situation as Inder in the chat spamming: APACHE USE UR REF. I looked at CT and he moved away from the garrison, and I said to Inder:he moves and on your keyboard is the Caps button stucked.
These were the situations in the summary if my Refstatus is called into question in this thread
Inder wrote:
i did NOT want to be like him. I wanted to show the people on the server what he did because everyone just ignored it.. ''Apache is not that kind of dude doing things like these.'' After i acted exactly the same, he suddenly was. People understood what he did. That's all i wanted.
This is a behavior as in the Stone Age: if he hits me with his club on the head then I'll thump him on the head with a club
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:37 pm
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007 Posts: 72 Location: graz/austria
Quote: I asked hero to log in and do it, he laughed at me.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:43 pm
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