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Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 19 Location: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Oberkirch-Nußbach
Ref Abuse Brad Troika He abused his ref power to slay me.
Map: watershipdown2
I joined beast, the game was already running for some time.
I took behe, in that moment i heared a facebook sound and so i switched to desktop and read what is was going on.
I was standing around for like 1 minute without moving, then the second i wanted ot push forward with behe a legio with speedbuff wanted to pass me.
So i tried to kill him, before i was able to finish my hit i got slayed.
Note: I told the ref i will be on facebook. His replay was i don't give a fuck.
Note 2: It was my first spawn.
Note 3: When i said wtf his reaction was that he wants to kick me. And he wants to kick me the next time on sight.
As Brad Trokia told me he is demorecording he is prolly willing to search that demo.
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:15 pm
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
1. You didn't record your demo, right ?
2. Were you standing near any spawn point ?
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:33 pm
Last edited by drk on Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Newbie poster
Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 19 Location: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Oberkirch-Nußbach
brad said he is demo recording, i am not demorecording anymore so i don't have a demo.
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:34 pm
Brad Troika
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Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
This is when you spawn and I ask you to move
6-8 seconds later you reply
This is the farthest you get from sub
And a moment after slay
In conclusion
You were standing at the sub or were well in the range of sub for almost 30 seconds. Instead of alt tabbing to facebook you could've just reentered sub especially that I asked you to move. After you came back you started moving away from sub and when you saw the demo runner you turned back to kill him and before the anim finished I slayed you.
I did not say "I don't give a fuck" about you going to facebook although I would say that now.
You did not go to facebook immediately after you spawned behe, in fact you took your time to respond to me.
And after standing near a sub for 25 seconds you tried to kill a buffed demo runner.
I don't even understand why I post these pics as proof as you freely admit that you stood near a spawnpoint for (by your own words) a minute and then tried to kill a demo runner. The only bit of new info the pics give is that you had plenty of time to reenter sub.
I don't understand why I should take into account that you went to facebook especially when you could've easily avoided this situation.
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:52 pm
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011 Posts: 370
Dont see any reasons to proceed this complain.
1. I told the ref i will be on facebook.
-Yes you did.
2. His replay was i don't give a fuck.
-No he did not.
3. It was my first spawn.
4. When i said wtf his reaction was that he wants to kick me. And he wants to kick me the next time on sight.
-Did not see that from screenshots. In case if he kicks you 'on sight' for nothing - you are welcome here again.
- You could easily reenter sub or did not kill that demorunner with a behe as Brad said. Since you were standing right at sub for some minutes with a behe it was clearly like a behe camping at spawn point. Brad did not kill you for stadning but did it right before you did a hit with a behe. I dont see anything bad from that he did.
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:18 am
Brad Troika
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Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
For full disclosure I did say I want to kick him and that I want to kick him on sight.
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:27 am
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Joined: 27 Mar 2010 Posts: 206
well as drk said, you indeed camped and the moment you hitted the demo you deserved the slay.
still strange that your FB is done just when the demorunner is there.
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:47 pm
Newbie poster
Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 19 Location: Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Oberkirch-Nußbach
1. He said i don't give a fuck later in Specchat.
2. Rules tell me:
"Excessively spawning as the behemoth unit, solely for defensive purposes, will be considered camping."
-> First spawn.
3. Beeing afk isn't illegal.
4. Screenshots only show i wanted to kill the demo runner, and it may look like i was waiting there.
Watch the demo and you will see i was just moving forward when the buffed demorunner came. So there was no way to think i was intending to camp.
For full disclosure I did say I want to kick him and that I want to kick him on sight.
-> Sounds pretty mature and friendly.
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:10 pm
Brad Troika
Newbie poster
Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
Quote: 1. He said i don't give a fuck later in Specchat.
Could be but I really don't care especially that I admitted here that I still don't.
Quote: 2. Rules tell me:
"Excessively spawning as the behemoth unit, solely for defensive purposes, will be considered camping."
-> First spawn.
Rules also tell you that:
6. Players are not allowed to camp at spawn locations with siege units.
The extension you quote is to discourage players from spawning behe, killing demo and returning to sub which is technically not camping. You on the other hand stood near sub for 30 secs and killed a demo runner hence camping.
Quote: 4. Screenshots only show i wanted to kill the demo runner, and it may look like i was waiting there.
Watch the demo and you will see i was just moving forward when the buffed demorunner came. So there was no way to think i was intending to camp.
Screenshots also show that you did not went too far away from sub (rule of thumb afaik one RC length) which is still technically camping.
And for the last one I don't think I'm juvenile but I'll give you that that right now I don't mean to be friendly with you.
I don't get two things right now.
First is I would like for you to admit that if you were to go back to sub the moment I asked you (which you had ample of opportunity) we would not have this discussion.
Second is that you stayed near sub for 30 secs. I admit that I'm 99% sure you were genuinely afk and had no intention of camping but why should I take that into consideration when the punishment was a slay. Not a kick, not a ban but a slay. In a maximum of 20 seconds you could've continued playing and the worst part is and this is why I'm angry with you is that it would've been so easy to avoid this situation. The only thing you should've done is turn around and press E and not stand next to a sub with a siege. Would've taken 0.5 seconds.
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:43 pm
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