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Refplicationary Applicationisms Ice cream morphulators I told Groentjuh that I had given up my pursue of regaining my ref status. However, having played more often lately, I have noticed there is still a large issue of rule breakers and what not.
We do have enough refs, in theory. However, in practice, we do not. Still, we get trouble from exploiters, trolls, racism, etc at times when refs are not around.
I don't think an explanation as to why I'd be a good ref is needed. Most of you have been ref alongside me and, those of you who have not, know me fairly well anyway.
The amount of trolls we have these days does make it difficult and, I admit, I haven't always been the calmest person. They bother me and I have been known to cause worthless arguments with such people (for no particular reason). Though this is true, some may have noticed recently I have ceased such behaviour and now understand they are not to be conversed with.
- I was ref before, i'd like my status back again
- I have been ref with many of you already at some point
- I know the rules inside out (I wrote some of them)
- I have extensive experience in ranks above ref (~9 years)
- I am more tolerant than most refs (never skip warnings, unless under extreme circumstances)
- Many refs, some of you in fact, have improved your ref skills through my recommendations
- Worst case scenario, I'm not a good ref anymore and you change the password, there is no lossy situation for you here
I understand that, as always, my application will likely detour through the likes of Gridfon and Groentjuh rather than the usual route of through drk and co. So to you two, I say this: ask your refs, the people who are active around here and consider re-appearing yourself to see how I am in-game before you decide.
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:37 pm
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Joined: 27 Feb 2015 Posts: 314
yeah , good luck pal.
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:45 pm
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Joined: 07 Feb 2011 Posts: 193
Also, Groentjuh, it is well known that you have trust issues with me and often have problems with my personality. While this may be the case, for whatever reasons it may be, you do know I am a very capable referee. So, for a change, please do put that behind you as this is an application for ref, not for your approval of my personality (and as mentioned previously, I am much calmer these days as you'd notice if you were active).
There are also one or two refs who will most definitely F2 me because of disagreements in the past. I do have a habit of not backing down when I think you are wrong, so apologies for that.
Maybe this time you will all put the past behind you and improve the server in doing so.
Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:13 pm
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Joined: 07 Dec 2009 Posts: 291 Location: UK
JmZ wrote: Also, Groentjuh, it is well known that you have trust issues with me and often have problems with my personality. While this may be the case, for whatever reasons it may be, you do know I am a very capable referee. So, for a change, please do put that behind you as this is an application for ref, not for your approval of my personality (and as mentioned previously, I am much calmer these days as you'd notice if you were active).
Dude, im really really not trying to create drama here, but (in my opinion) the biggest thing to look at to see if you could be a decent ref Is someone's personality.
are they shy? will they back down from confrontation, afraid to take proper action because they don't want the attention?
are they troublemakers? possible mis use the ref to their own advatange rather than applying the rules?
are they confrontational? trigger happy, will always go for the most extreme measures with rule breakers when a softer option might still work and but still diffuse the situation without the risk of it escalating
Personal I think you would make a good ref, but asking someone to ignore there personality when personal for me its the biggest thing to look at when someone is applying as ref is kind of wrong...
Good Luck though
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 5:36 pm
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Joined: 07 Feb 2011 Posts: 193
I understand what you are saying, but by my personality, I meant in particular the fact that I have been known to get into debates quite often and will rarely back down.
However, that is more my attitude than my personality (and its not so bad now).
You know me as well as anyone else, my ability to ref isn't really in question here. All of you know I am capable. I am almost certain you will be discussing how I behave rather than how I am at ref.
I am well known for being very tolerant as ref, and I will always warn first (except under extreme circumstances). I have never abused ref or been "trigger happy" either, as you and every other experienced ref knows.
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:25 pm
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Joined: 07 Feb 2011 Posts: 193
Too many incomprehensible people out there, thanks for considering it anyway and apologies for my behaviour yesterday. There are limits to one's tolerance, I think it is safe to consider this F2'd.
Have fun guys and thanks for your time
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:33 pm
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