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I'll just leave this log here for shits & giggles. Documenting the downfall of Savage.

JmZ has joined the game
Nii-Sama> kick this nigger
JmZ> Nii-Sama: don't use the word again, thanks!
Nii-Sama> JmZ which word
Nii-Sama> a stupid nigger is a stupid nigger whatchu gonna do
JmZ> sigh
Brainwashed Turk> why dont use word? not excel and powerpoint too? forgot niggers cant use office
JmZ> Nii-Sama: don't kid. we have enough trouble with people worse than you abusing such language
JmZ> so leave it in future, please Smile
Nii-Sama> i approve equality as long as filthy niggers are working on our fields and we have the right to whip them if we want
Brainwashed Turk> do you know the difference between niggers and sperm? Smile
JmZ> rin, be quiet.
coincoinmiaou has become referee!
Brainwashed Turk> nothing, only 1 of 1000000 is working Very Happy
Brainwashed Turk> hahaha
Referee coincoinmiaou has muted Brainwashed Turk!

The Raging Asparagus> JmZ you are trying to be nice and understaning with ppl that understand only force xD
Nii-Sama> like honestly
JmZ> ehh hes not rin so hes not _that_ bad
Nii-Sama> im not racist
Nii-Sama> im just race realistic
Nii-Sama> i believe that niggers dont have a chance to live in future or now
JmZ> nobody ever got anywhere by kicking players constantly and causing drama. he is a person like the rest of us, im counting on the fact hes not a moron
JmZ> and actually wants to play
JmZ> (or chat)
Nii-Sama> JmZ
Nii-Sama> Drop the good guy act
JmZ> i don't 'act'. you should be muted for use of that word, but we don't need to because you already know there's a rule against it
JmZ> so play the game, have fun
Nii-Sama> like
Nii-Sama> only way youre going to get ref muted
Nii-Sama> is that you insult a referee
Nii-Sama> i called 3dman / eddie a stupid nigger
Nii-Sama> instantly muted and kicked

Nii-Sama> and 3 days later
Nii-Sama> i got instantly muted by 3dman once i got online
Nii-Sama> and dingfire
Nii-Sama> did the same thing
The Raging Asparagus> agree with you Nii-Sama Sad
The Raging Asparagus> Captain Kenway calling me everyday nigger cunt and refs do shit.. he calls one of them idiot and they mute him this second
JmZ> Nii-Sama please don't use it again. thanks
Nii-Sama> and i asked 3dman to let us play the warmup
Nii-Sama> since he was just fucking around turning ppl to squirrels and stuff
Nii-Sama> i said "could you let us play the game"
Nii-Sama> he said "its only warmup so who cares"
Nii-Sama> and then i proceeded to call him a stupid nigger and i was being muted evrytime i logged in during 3 days

JmZ> Nii-Sama: yes the whole 'unit changing' ability was used too much for a while. i still push refs to avoid using it
JmZ> because it prolongs warmup far too much

Captain Kenway> hey
JmZ> hows it going kenway
Captain Kenway> yo JmZ
Nii-Sama> Captain we were talking about how u can call other people as stupid niggers and such
Nii-Sama> but if u do it to a referee you get instantly muted

Gridfon> See, Nii-Sama can insult JmZ directly and still not get muted. :p
Gridfon> coincoinmiaou won't mute either because JmZ is here and JmZ is the boss.
Captain Kenway> uh
Captain Kenway> callin folks stupid niggers
Captain Kenway> when did it become serious shit?

Captain Kenway> what is your fuckin problem guys
Captain Kenway> ffs
JmZ has become referee!
Referee JmZ has muted Nii-Sama!
JmZ> kenway: hes used it 3-4 times now

The Raging Asparagus> when refs/admin are here Captain Kenway puts on the good cop suit Razz
The Raging Asparagus> I wish you move to LoL and we can finally get rid of you
JmZ> kenway: you know very well not to use such a word repeatedly in chat. don't be stupid
Captain Kenway> You wont get rid of me, you silly sod Very Happy
JmZ> your clanmate clearly didn't learn what you know
coincoinmiaou disconnected
Captain Kenway> YOU are the 1st one to leave
Captain Kenway> idiot fat fuck
JmZ> who are you talking to kenway?
Captain Kenway> to The Raging Asparagus
JmZ> ah
Captain Kenway> the ragin nigger fuck
Captain Kenway> who insults people daily
Captain Kenway> and applie for ref xD

JmZ> i hope you understand why i muted your clanmate also
JmZ> i warned him a few times earlier

Captain Kenway> uh
Captain Kenway> Nii-Sama?
JmZ> yes that guy
Captain Kenway> yea fuck it
Captain Kenway> who cares
JmZ> no worries
JmZ disconnected (Server timed us out)

Gridfon \msg to The Raging Asparagus: Run away from dramaaa, JmZ! Very Happy
JmZ has joined the game
JmZ> Gridfon whats up
Gridfon> Huh, he's back!
JmZ> lol
JmZ> when i can be bothered i do have a quick look at serverlogs from after i leave
JmZ> so its equally stupid to talk about me then as it is now

JmZ> anyhow
Gridfon> That's good. Smile
Gridfon> You noticed it was /msg, right? Smile
Gridfon> ./re Run away from dramaaa, JmZ! Very Happy
Gridfon> Here is the same from that /msg.

The Raging Asparagus> Captain Kenway jmz left you can cut the goodie two shoes act
The Raging Asparagus> oh he's still here Smile
JmZ> kenway is seen as a 'troublemaker' but he often just wants to play. one of the reasons for this server was to be less biased towards players
JmZ> you have been causing more trouble recently, kenway. i do know :p but you shouldn't as refs start to kick you etc then
JmZ> anyhow your clanmates seem to be worse

The Raging Asparagus> JmZ.. Captain Kenway is worst than cancer.. he usually spams kick.. uses violent chat words.. exploits.. and rarely plays fair
Captain Kenway> JmZ
Captain Kenway> are you serious
Captain Kenway> SHUT THE FUCK UP FAG NIGGER The Raging Asparagus
Captain Kenway> you are a nolifing fag fuck

JmZ> kenway: you remember how kingdom refs were with you. insta-kicks all around
JmZ> luckily you dont get that here
JmZ> also dont use the n word please :p

Captain Kenway> IM SORRY
Gridfon> JmZ, did that vote about 'banning' Kenway fail on Pulse?
JmZ> i wouldn't ban kenway. he trolls a lot and does break rules but im sure he can follow them more if he tries
JmZ> if refs voted to ban him, he'd be banned. they don't
JmZ> kenway you are too easily provoked sometimes though, by people around here

The Raging Asparagus> JmZ the day Savage die be sure it's only because of weak admins like you.. which let this germ (Kenway) stay here
The Raging Asparagus> mark my words.. he will kill Savage

Savage> sup JaAnus
Captain Kenway> Savage
Captain Kenway> i will rape ur mum
Captain Kenway> i swear to god
Captain Kenway> this nigger Savage is spamming my email and my real name as his nickname
Captain Kenway> and WHAT
Captain Kenway> im the shitfuckdownthesewer?
Captain Kenway> are you serious
Captain Kenway> i will rape this game to the ground if i dont get any respect
Captain Kenway> i swear to god

JmZ> gah
JmZ> kenway
JmZ> the n-word
JmZ> come on

Savage> Kenway
Savage> I love how Anus is in your name
Savage> I bet your friends love it too
JmZ> provocation
JmZ> ignore him
JmZ> you're not 12, just ignore such people
JmZ> they are the reason you get in so much trouble
JmZ disconnected

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:14 am
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Actually Savage picked up the moment pulse started, I've been having shits and giggles ever since you and trigardon lost all your petty power and you don't play savage anymore as a result lel.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 7:32 am
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The Raging Asparagus
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Picked up?
Savage has more than 10 active players (not speccing) about 6-8 hours a day on Weekends and 4-6 hours on Work days.

Rest of the time we are talking about very small sized games which are highly unbalanced or involve totally nib comms.

I wouldn't say this game is gaining any momentum.
Surviving with a tendency to a slow death I'd say.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:12 pm
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The Raging Asparagus wrote:
Picked up?
Savage has more than 10 active players (not speccing) about 6-8 hours a day on Weekends and 4-6 hours on Work days.

Rest of the time we are talking about very small sized games which are highly unbalanced or involve totally nib comms.

I wouldn't say this game is gaining any momentum.
Surviving with a tendency to a slow death I'd say.

yep, about the same as before Pulse.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:53 am
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Hmm didn't see that nii Sama can get so toxic. Was afk spec watching a movie this day. Good to have some proofs

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:20 am
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Maintaining neutrality is a difficult job, one of the primary reasons Kingdom and G&G didn't do too well in later years (as djinghis said, also why pulse was created, partially).

I muted the person you're quoting after a warning or two. Indeed, we mute when any racism occurs. However, in this case, I could see the two people in question (kenway and his clanmate) would stop using the word if they noticed the warning.

After talking to each of them, they did stop. Although I did have to mute nii-sama because he started again shortly after.

Guaranteed, every ref who exists would have simply muted both of them repeatedly until they stopped talking. I am too tolerant at times, but in most cases (and half of this one), the problem can be resolved with the person (I messaged kenway and all was well then).

Unfortunately, people do provoke kenway heavily and that is the reason for almost all the trouble he causes. I should have muted him right away but felt it was better to warn him and have him stop (which he did do).


in the rare times when i do login to ref, i will be muting both of them after a single use of such a word. because I have warned both now and they understand fully that they shouldn't use such words. this was the exception (which worked, but not fast enough).

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:43 pm
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Re: JmZ

Gridfon wrote:
I'll just leave this log here for shits & giggles. Documenting the downfall of Savage.

If you really want an accurate and pertinent Documentary of the downfall of savage, you may want to include the role XR played in significant loss of players, the S2Game'esk attitude some of the developers had and the poor decisions that followed. The promises of fixing the game never amounted to a significant improvement, certainly not enough for a majority to stick around. It may also be pertinent to mention ref abuse in all any groent server, the either over enforced or under enforced rules and then the straight out abuse of power.
Simply posting a long-ass chat log of nothing really in particular but some trash talk and JmZ of two minds to either mute or nay, is not only irrelevant to your prelude, but insulting to dedicated players who know what really attributed to the death of this game.

If JmZ added another word to the ban list, say "cracker" you watch how many time the word becomes used thereafter - just some food for thought.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:50 am
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Thanks for the elaborate answer JmZ.

JmZ wrote:
Guaranteed, every ref who exists would have simply muted both of them repeatedly until they stopped talking.

That is not true. Most of the times, most refs ignore any racism in chat. They generally want to avoid being hostile, and will not ref if possible. In EU this has been the case for a long time; at least since 2013. There are of course exceptions, hence the usage of "most" (refs and times). That's why you not muting Nii-Sama was not particularly surprising. However, it was amusing how much effort he had to put into this trolling to get muted.

JmZ wrote:
Unfortunately, people do provoke kenway heavily and that is the reason for almost all the trouble he causes.

That's delusional. Kenway has been ruining games for two years now, since Oct-Nov 2014 (on and off). You're probably not active enough to grasp his behavior and how destructive this has been to the game. Especially in the early mornings when refs are often not online.

Regarding the provoking. Sure, Captain Kenway had a number of exploit "friends" over the span of these 2 years (boter, cookieboi, and so on). The friends came and went, but Kenway has been the driving force throughout.

Regarding the attempts to troll Kenway using his (supposedly) real name in the past couple of weeks. I certainly do not support that, but it is an obvious outcome of Kenway being allowed to ruin games for as long as anyone can remember. We had one problem (Kenway); we did not fix it, so now we also have vigilantes trying to annoy Kenway in response; that's two problems (Kenway and vigilantes). There are many solutions to these problems, but comforting Kenway (while ignoring his lengthy profanity spam, some omitted in the log) is not one of the valid solutions.

JmZ wrote:
Maintaining neutrality is a difficult job, one of the primary reasons Kingdom and G&G didn't do too well in later years

It's interesting how your opinion changed so quickly.

For some background, consider the following. I resigned from being a ref in Sep 2013, but Groentjuh did not take my ref access away. So from Nov 2014 to Aug 2015 I was using it (on and off) under the following conditions: (a) I did not consider myself a ref, just lending a hand, (b) I only refed when no other refs were online, (c) I only refed while nicklaming, (d) I only refed against game-breaking exploits. That basically means that I spent 1 year slaying and kicking Kenway, on and off. Groentjuh was obviously aware about this.

When I came back as a real ref in Aug-Sep 2015, I was quickly confronted by you on two issues.
* First, I was undecided how I should react on racism, since most other refs did not care about it and I would be nearly the only one enforcing the rule. You /msg-ed me and had a very strong opinion: all racism should be muted. This helped me to quickly get back on track and consistently mute it. (As a side note, one of the main reasons I resigned from ref again in early Dec 2015 was because I disagree with a system where each ref enforces his own unique set of rules according to his own criteria, meaning the rules randomly change based on the time of the day; racism is one of the many examples of such discrepancy).
* Second, you pushed really hard that djinghis should be kicked on sight, regardless of his behavior (good or bad). According to you there was no place for my own decision: Groentjuh ordered us to kick djinghis, so I should either do that all the time, or resign from being a ref. After consulting with Groentjuh and drk, I decided to ignore you and stick with my initial guidelines of: djinghis is gone as soon as he starts any drama or trolling, but not sooner than that.

What changed in between Sep 2015 (when you told me the above) and Jan 2016 (when you apparently decided that Groentjuh's server is too biased and you want to set up your own server)? Back in Sep 2015 you hated to be around djinghis, but now you spend your time comforting Kenway by explaining how tolerant you are towards him. Whatever you thought of djinghis in 2015, surely Kenway has done so much more damage over the past 2 years... Back in Sep 2015 you would have /msg-ed most of your current refs berating them for not doing their job at keeping the server free of any racism. But now... no one seems to care.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:52 am
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Maybe you should get a job?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:42 pm
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Gridfon, there was no direct change in my opinion on that.

At the point in time you mention, djinghis was causing a lot of trouble (mostly again provocation and the fact that insta-kicking anyone is like throwing fuel on a fire). so he knows very well his behaviour was far more uncontrolled than it is now and he was on a "insta-kick ban" for it.

What the server admin defines as the rules is what should be enforced. Groentjuh defined that djinghis be insta-kicked, so regardless of what anyone thinks, he should be. When starting pulse, however, this period of drama had died off mostly and djinghis just wanted to play. So of course, I didn't simply copy over Groentjuh's ban/kick list (its his list, not mine), meaning djinghis is the same as any other player and shouldn't be kicked on sight.

As for racism, i stand by the fact that it should be an immediate mute. In this one case, I thought it was logical to warn in the hope that the person in question then stops. He did, so i did nothing further. But i admit, in actual fact, i should have just muted him.

Also, you are right, i don't play enough to know how kenway is on a regular basis. I'm counting on my refs to know that and manage him as needed (and anyone else).

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:15 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:32 pm
Last edited by tushaar on Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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JmZ wrote:
Maintaining neutrality is a difficult job, one of the primary reasons Kingdom and G&G didn't do too well in later years (as djinghis said, also why pulse was created, partially).

I don't think anyone is naive enough to actually believe this. No offense.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:26 pm
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Trigardon wrote:
JmZ wrote:
Maintaining neutrality is a difficult job, one of the primary reasons Kingdom and G&G didn't do too well in later years (as djinghis said, also why pulse was created, partially).

I don't think anyone is naive enough to actually believe this. No offense.

Actually everyone but you.

remember hardwell? the most ridiculous referee there ever was, and was part of the reason I bothered to acquire admin PW's. I also remember trying your mod out and congratulating you on getting your ref Trigardon, we were all palsy wowsy until you slayed me in a game where I spawned behe for the first time 40 minutes into a game. The decision was wrong as you clearly ignored the word "excessive" in the rules you were supposed to follow. And I certainly let you know about it. OFC that led to you getting butthurt about your obvious mistake an someone with the audacity to point it out, and then kicking me on sight obviously followed.

This despite your voiced opinion - words to this effect (I wont kick you, I don't believe it's right) obvious;y butthurt is a powerful thing - look at how it fucked up daemons life.

OFC this is not a good example of 1sidedness bias adjudication per-say, but a childish reaction, but you don't have to go back very far to remember the bad ref decisions on Groent servers. seriously.. And lets look at how many ref complaints so far on pulse, 2 maybe 3? not bad considering some of the dead wood refs migrated over. JmZ must be doing something right (apart from the obvious proper server settings and less lag)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:06 am
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