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Well it's here and it breaks XR's very own ethos of testing experimental units/items and mechanics in its sandbox mod "evolution". "tested" the key work here as the past 2 days have seem a plethora of micro patches to patch the patch that basically made the game unplayable for half a day.

Behe sprint - no animation for sprint resulting in no frame sync and ice skating effect on ground. [EDIT] The apparent added sprint animation, fixed the speed issue but still does not blend to walk cycle.
- also completely unrealistic like ballista sprint (ergo why sum can't sprint?) and unfair advantage to an already overpowered unit. Also XR have neglected to think about stealth, as sprint just like slow walk has no area shake or sound (sorry have to lol here)
Crystals - are too excessive in amount and colour, they are not flowing into the same art direction as savage yet are more like warcraft. They are also very much over saturated i.e mana is purple not pink. small amount of lag when 4 or 5 items drop at the same time. Its also not necessary to drop crystals from the stronghold/lair for obvious reasons. One key ingredient missing from this addition is the differentiation between beast redstone and human red stone, unlike gold that is orange for beast and yellow for humans, you've neglected to think about crystals that either team can't pick up due to ownership.
Conflux - This is taking the idea of the unpopular outpost/burrow and giving it mobility with the pointless addition of altars. Annoyance - for beast race it sure does impede leap and beast combat that humans can take advantage of with the collision it adds. The conflux gives an already overpowered race even more mobility with a mobile refueling station, and it is very easy to exploit with no enter timer, you can literally never die if you keep reentering on time. The altars are bugged atm and they turned off buffs even in devworld by default, so I haven't tested that aspect yet - however, over use of buffs were a problem - no?
On a side note, everything used in the creation of models and effects for the mobile gate and altars has been stolen from s2games buildings/units. nothing is original and therefore inherits it's texture stretching, floating verticies, flipped normals, lack of shaders and in a lot of cases too many polygons vs too few. for example the altars - the base from the arcana, the skulls from the officer flag, the effects from building tops all used, even the gate itself is recycled tree - wheres the harm in putting in effort and making something new?
Heavy Transport - The unit gets stuck on its own caches, and you can't access the cache under the transprt to kill it so you can't free it (I noticed this in the first 5 seconds of trying it out). And although the heavy transport is more suited to humans than beasts, it does not fit into the world of savage as the transport looks like a VW van and has an exhaust - if humans have combustible engine technology, it would be madmax style and you wouldn't walk anywhere. And once again, with some exceptions, you've reused parts of buildings and things that just looks like what it is - a patchwork, also inherited the wonky wheel animation of the catapult. Not sure being able to make 3 heavy transports and 3 guardians is a good idea and being able to spawn at this mobile tank makes outpost even more useless than before (if that were possible) and unit restriction on a spawn is you acknowledging your failings of yet another pointless addition.
I can tell that about as much thought went into these additional units as s2games monkey mech or the buggy that travels at walking pace in Savage Resurrection.
Death - Seems to be a jump glitch when you kill a unit, for a few frames it jumps up and then back down - definitely something different going on.
outpost - The now updated outpost offers a magnetic shield that offers 40% shielding as opposed to an actual shield tower that shields 80%, sadly not enough to prevent a sac on shielded guard towers. Adding complication to the game as now one must say chem is un-shielded, little jon says whaaaat, I say chem is not tower shielded, little jon says OK, I say you can sac guard towers but not upgraded towers, little jon says hyeahhh. at least workers can drop off stone. The traditional garrison is much more reliable and uncomplicated as you can actually use 4 towers to block the shield whereas a shield outpost takes 6 towers and blocks spawning anyway, so wheres the saving in stone/gold/time etc? and again not being able to spawn siege is yet another half measure to try and establish balance in an area that didn't need balancing.
Donate - Easy to exploit this by requesting gold and then dropping it off where nobody can reach it, it also has no cooldown leading to lag if you press it really fast - not just lag for client but you can really slow down the server. The donate needs to go directly to the team if anything - why make others pick it up when they need to be at a loadout to spend it anyway?
Servers - You've forced clients with 1.3 so that nobody can play on 1.2 servers, this is just irresponsible development - especially when you didn't deliver on promises admins can turn off 1.3 elements.
balance - I think it's come to a stage where the word "balance" has become an excuse to add whatever XR wants, adding 2 support units nobody requested but themselves that have equal abilities and powers for both races is not balancing, it's adding 2 new units.
Duel - The melee is broken for predator on duel servers xr 1.1, many cancellations and non animations of swings. (it's quite obvious)
Change - For a game that's 13 years old and held up with shaky foundation in regard to it's old engine, it's self evident that Savage is a good game lasting all these years. Those that welcome change should really try out the plethora of steam games with modern engines and exquisite graphics, the games already out there have done every conceivable idea and concept. I think it's particularly arrogant for developers to come into a game that has played out well for so many years and decide to add new game concepts. I'm open to change as much as the next gamer, but not having a choice is where I draw the line. As easy as it is to add stuff to a game, it's just as easy to give the players a choice to use it. OFC I'm talking about XR's sandbox mod "Evolution", being upset that nobody ever loads your mod is no reason to force shit down our throats in a patch that is not revertible. If the new content wasn't so invasive on classic savage game-play, it could simply be ignored, but it has changed the game certainly in the RTS formula, and not all of us believe in a good way. The most common statement from an old time player coming back to savage is "Time for a bit of Savage nostalgia" - sadly XR has ruined that for them now.
Buildings - The Magnetic building now has flipped faces - meaning it's inside out along the wooden areas, and the effects are overbearing and ill placed. It's a shame you couldn't fix the lumpy cycle animations after all these years when it took me about 1 hour to figure out. Electric has the electric arc effect that seems to not belong and it's stretched lacking details.
Ammo box - The beast crystals are now cell shaded whereas human medical pack and ammo box are somewhat realistic i.e photoscan style, I have to say that the ammo box looks more like a suitcase and the old ammo box also spawns - do we need so much clutter?
Cell Shading As much as I welcome graphics options to this game, the newly added render filter is just not good as it only properly works for a select few objects and I'm not sure it is technically cell shading as it seems to maintain a lot of graininess derived from the photoscans of the objects image maps. In either case, it's not a usable option in any way shape or form, as its almost black on some objects and then hardly works at all on other objects.
auto-attack Removing auto attack had dulled the game considerably in that grimm walls/buildings have to be manually attacked. The restriction of auto-attack to mines/repair/build has left a lot of awful side effects like no animations, only working half the time, no exit- auto-mine button, p-minners can't attack to defend themselves properly, a buggy buffer zone around buildings that need repair or building. The inclusion or more apt the removal of auto-attack apparently was to stop cheaters - sadly no evidence of this was ever documented adding to a long list of doing whatever they want without the concern of the community that play the game.

I would like to see as I've mentioned before, fixing old models and animations, adding better effects (mohican requested from me once - but didn't have the know-how 3 years ago) and basic fixes to the buildings and collision. The patches need to support all versions 1.0 1.1 1.2 etc for server and client - this is the norm in most software development as the unexpected inevitably happens and not all clients/servers can update when it suits the developers.

We all love savage but we have known for years the EXISTING units and weapons need a face lift, not adding evolution style things that are just ill conceived. We should be stripping down savage to it's core and building it back up to what made it great and not just pasting over crazy ideas that inevitably fail.

Are you excited about the release of XR 1.3?
*Indifferent about this and a lot of other things.
*Not sure, I cannot decide.
*Too old to get excited about anything...

Even this Newerth poll has a bias undertones, all the negative options paint the voter in a negative way 2/asshole 3/idiot 4/old. Surely XR don't think that everyone who doesn't like the changes must be one of 3 or a combination of old idiot and asshole. A simple "no" option would suffice.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:43 am
Last edited by djinghis on Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:24 pm; edited 20 times in total
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Why do you post it here while all discussion is on the newerth? There is no need to split it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:26 am
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drk wrote:
Why do you post it here while all discussion is on the newerth? There is no need to split it.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:27 pm
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