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Concerns about Element as a referee
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 Concerns about Element as a referee
Have done several actions which is irresponsible as referee the past few days

Ok. I got some concers about the player Element which is a current referee at Pulse server.

Here is some things which have happened the past few days on the server:
- On Kinixxx, in a match, he ficled with the ammunition of officer on the human team (gs I think it was, not sure). He also made the player "woot" a self-healing summoner. He did this while he was in specator.
- Later, the same day, on the evening, some of the players wanted to play samurai mod, and eventually, after some votes, it got trough. But, Element managed to, during the match, to try to make flux-gun available in loadout menu. The server crashed, and reset to Eden. Many people left the server.

- Today, he nicklamed as Not_firsttimeplayer on a map, called defiance_xp_fixed. I saw he stopped a vote, and that was cool. But I wondered who he was, and he refused to answer that. I asked more, and implied that it was important because if there is no identity, complaining about a referee is MUCH harder + it disrupts the trust in referees in the community and increases chances of general ref abuse etc.

He answered multiple times with trolling comments. I did in NO way insult him. At one point he said "Im the shining light at the end of the tunnel", and he also asked me to "stop crying and start playing".

the player cable told me in chat it was element, but I can not know for sure. I have Element on steam, and he was also in-game savage XR on steam when this happened.

Please consider removing referee from this person, as he do not seem to understand the underlying responsibility as a referee. He cannot go around and play with his referee powers during a match, and he cannot make stuff spawn in samurai mod, and he certainly cannot refuse to state his identity as a referee.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:40 pm
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Here is some nice demos which illustrates the mentioned episodes:

1. Kinixxx and abusing ref powers to some players in the field.I played myself, so sadly it doesnt show, but take a look at chat, especially around 15- minutes out in the match :

2. Samurai map. You will see that the demo suddenly stops, thats because Element crashed the server with his ref-powers.

3. Element addmitting to use ref-powers in the samurai map (this was after the server restarted) Yes, he says he is sorry in the chat, but doesnt change the fact that he shouldnt have done it:

4. Final event(happened today- refuse to state identity, doesnt understand the importance of revealing your identity, and that we cant complain on referees which doesnt give out their identity when asked. Take particular interest in the chat. I ask him several times who he is (and I ignore cable, because I cant know for sure anyway).

Finally, he showed no signs or interest in understanding the responsibility as a referee, and why it is important that he reveals his identity. Besides, its pretty childish to refuse to reveal your identity. I also suggest that rule 22 is changed , such that referees which doesnt reveal their identity, can be kicked.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:03 pm
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Don't you know element is besties with JmZ? you can't remove his ref no matter what a fuckwit things he does. And yes, he is a terrible referee.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:10 pm
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element just decided for whole server to nextmap cause he thought the map was too big. i think thats not ok.

the last days are really sad on server.
my personal problem with element solved but several other problems showing up. and we are few of the ones getting angry about refs but we are the only ones reporting stuff. anyways im not sure if this forum is active anymore after nobody gets answers.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:53 pm
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You are such sad individuals.

The whole healing summ thing was a joke at the end of the day, which was discussed in this thread:
No one was harmed by it.

Server crashing got reported to Clemens afaik, it was the game after kinixx and the server was dying anyway.

-- Comments on these incidents: If you're gonna play a game and the server is dying, try to make it funny for the people playing. Seeing this post is lead by trolls, clearly you're trying to attack me.

#4 wasn't me.

cable, you say our problems got solved but you keep bugging me over and over again over random stuff. You keep trying to find some reason to flame me or gang up on me. I spoke to achiles about it, he was freaking out that me changing the map from "elysiumv5" which EVERYONE knows is a HUGE map for 20 players = me going around slaying people and kicking people at will, which will not happen. And actually this was because he was still mad drk took away his comm the previous day and thought these two events were related.

The other refs trust me, you don't. I wonder why. I'll be sure to play early in the morning to ruin your trolly glitchy exploity fun.

Every time I command you join my team as nicklamers and try to purposely ruin everything I'm trying to do. You sit and buff me purposely all game. I really don't see why children like you should even be playing this game with the rest of us. No one else has a problem with me, but you do. I guess I'm too lenient and I guess you don't enjoy having someone you can open up to and prefer someone who will completely ignore everything you say, I can adapt.

Have a good day.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:24 pm
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eLeMenT wrote:
I spoke to achiles about it...
And actually this was because he was still mad drk took away his comm the previous day and thought these two events were related.

Only once, on the choke, when he was in specs I set a com without an icon while achiles was asking to move him into t1 and set him as com. That was not 'his' com seat. (by the way t1 com won then). You can't be mad for that.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:01 pm
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eLeMenT wrote:
The whole healing summ thing was a joke at the end of the day
No one was harmed by it.
If you're gonna play a game and the server is dying, try to make it funny for the people playing.

When someone complains about your "jokes" with ref commands, you should stop it immediately. Regardless of who it is.
Better yet, don't even start doing it ever, outside of warmup. It's an abuse even if a couple of people would find it funny.

eLeMenT wrote:
The other refs trust me, you don't. I wonder why.

You are being a ref for the community, not for other refs.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:25 pm
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I also think Element and Soma are fail refs acting erdogan-style.

Specially element:

Muting/kicking people when beeing criticised. Ruining games with fail decisions (kicking comms, destroying legit buildings, ...). Insulting people on server and much more fail behavior.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:20 pm
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This thread isnt about me lol. All your justifications include me trying to troll or attack you what I didnt nor will I do it. This thread is about you , element. I just added some things I remembered cause bullet asked me to. And as you can see I am not the only one who has a problem with you.
And the thing you said about me joining your team to troll you. Really ridiculous. I'm a normal player not a troll. I neither have the energy nor the time nor the MOTIVATION to do that. Thats called paranoia how you react here.
But: yes, I still want your ref rights removed. Because you can't handle them fair for everyone as I saw again the last weeks. Not even for yourself as demos prove. You interpret the rules to your advantage and if anybody is discussing with you, you tell him to stfu because you are ref you will mute and kick the person discussing with you and then you add you play this game for over 10 years. Does this fact make you something special? (Rain man?)
Ok allright we all play this game for a long time. But you arent properly enough for the job a fair ref has to do. As already mentioned you aren't ref for jmz nor the rest of his team. You are for the community (for all the trolls out there as you would say). Didnt even want to answer again in this thread, but you forced me to when you included me in your justification.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:34 pm
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Shitler wrote:
Specially element:

Muting/kicking people when beeing criticised. Ruining games with fail decisions (kicking comms, destroying legit buildings, ...). Insulting people on server and much more fail behavior.

I don't defend him but it's better to prove what you are saying about.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:15 pm
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Gridfon with all due respect, it was probably later than midnight in Europe and the server was dying. Not a single person complained and no one cared, it was a joke between 3 people, on the other side of the map where no action was happening really. I slayed him once when I felt it interfered with the game, so I did use proper judgement there.

To sit and tell me that I'm abusing and ruining games by doing that is pretty childish and unwarranted.

cable, the second ANYTHING is said about me you start raging and saying things about me and start trashtalking me.

Ghitler, as drk said, give me some demos of me ruining games with fail decisions. I never kicked a comm, people ask me to kick them. I never destroy legit buildings. I did once on xr_normalize when I FIRST got ref, which was a few months back. I destroyed the arsenal on the side of the mountain but I quickly learned why it was there and needed to be there, I never destroyed it since.

I have every single demo from the past 2-3 months if you want me to sit and look through them and show you EXACTLY what I do all the time (I probably won't do that though because it would be VERY time consuming). You should thank me instead of opening these posts about me.

When I go into a server and I say v74 and no one answers back, you know you have a problem. You guys may not like me as an individual, but that has nothing to do with my fair reffing. I notice a lot of the EU players are very racist towards the US players and I'm not here to point fingers or open a new subject about that but this is what I feel happens a lot of the time.

Erdogan style... Yeah right, how about you become a ref and start dealing with everyone's crap 24/7, you will become Erdogan. I'm not even anywhere NEAR whatever the hell you say I am. This constant community trolling and abuse is why a lot of players didn't want ref and that's why some players decided to step down from ref. I only want what's best for the game and community. You come and play when you're done with work and you don't see what happens before that (6+ hours) when the server is filled with scat. I'm a fucking saint for dealing with your bullshit is what I am.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:27 pm
Last edited by eLeMenT on Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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eLeMenT wrote:
Ghitler, as drk said, give me some demos of me ruining games with fail decisions.

Just to make it clear - it's not Ghitler, it's Paulus.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:20 pm
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You are such sad individuals.

The whole healing summ thing was a joke at the end of the day, which was discussed in this thread:
No one was harmed by it.

Server crashing got reported to Clemens afaik, it was the game after kinixx and the server was dying anyway.

-- Comments on these incidents: If you're gonna play a game and the server is dying, try to make it funny for the people playing. Seeing this post is lead by trolls, clearly you're trying to attack me.

I didnt insult you a single time. YOur first response is that im a sad individual? What does that have to do with the case? Tell me.

And what time the server is running is irrellevant. Such ref-powers as editing in-game features during matches is not responsible. YOu can do that on your own server if youre so into it. Not to mention, some on the server(me included) had tried to get a samurai map played for some time. That does not strengthen your case at all. YOu ar ebasically justifying playing with ref powers is "OK" as long as its not many people online. Thats not correct.

Regarding #4, if it wasnt you, that just implies rule 22 need to be changed such that any ref MUST state their identity for any person asking. SImply because its no way to know who it was (unless groentjuh want to check that in the logs?)

Also, tell me why it is important for referees to

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:35 pm
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The Raging Asparagus
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Last time I advocated a ref it was SOMA which few months later became a total shit head and started "kick on sight" YOLO policy just because he claimed I "disrespected him".

So this makes me very careful with what I'm about to say and I do hope I will not regret it.
Nonetheless, I will make my arguments here and cross my fingers eLement will not become a total dick in few weeks/months:

1) I think eLement is a very active ref, which enforces rules on sometimes "tiny" grey areas of the gameplay which in my opinion might be extensive but certainly in a logical judgment frame so I do consider it acceptable.
2) eLement is being trolled (yes cable you trolled me in the past and you trolled him nowadays) and as long as he doesn't kick you on sight for it (and rarely mutes you) I think it's again an acceptable approach.
3) eLement did interfere with a "live match" (yes, very late and very isoteric), I think he shouldn't had but still this is NOT a big deal nor did it affect the outcome. I do think however he could apologize and promise not to play with ref powers on ANY match.
4) eLement does stop exploiters and is present in many hours which is something others refs don't do (rest of refs are just not present or just pretend they are not really refs when it's not comfortable) so it's good we have him in this aspect since it's as I said in the past "Djinghis's Nazi Kindergarten" in many hours of the morning and even late night.
5) JmZ didn't take SOMA's ref powers so I think you can rest assure he will not take eLement's powers so these threads are nice for "public shaming" but really are useless in the long run I believe.
Although "public shaming" has its values I believe..

Anyway I hope I won't regret it but for now I support eLement (and we are not friends or anything) as he is communicative, explains his deeds, not using his ref powers to change the match's outcome and helps in cleaning the server from exploit vermin.

I do think you can be more "gentle" when using ref powers but in relation to other refs I think you are doing a good job (and I do hope I won't regret this statement).

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:36 pm
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The Raging Asparagus wrote:
Last time I advocated a ref it was SOMA which few months later became a total shit head and started "kick on sight" YOLO policy just because he claimed I "disrespected him".

So this makes me very careful with what I'm about to say and I do hope I will not regret it.
Nonetheless, I will make my arguments here and cross my fingers eLement will not become a total dick in few weeks/months:

1) I think eLement is a very active ref, which enforces rules on sometimes "tiny" grey areas of the gameplay which in my opinion might be extensive but certainly in a logical judgment frame so I do consider it acceptable.
2) eLement is being trolled (yes cable you trolled me in the past and you trolled him nowadays) and as long as he doesn't kick you on sight for it (and rarely mutes you) I think it's again an acceptable approach.
3) eLement did interfere with a "live match" (yes, very late and very isoteric), I think he shouldn't had but still this is NOT a big deal nor did it affect the outcome. I do think however he could apologize and promise not to play with ref powers on ANY match.
4) eLement does stop exploiters and is present in many hours which is something others refs don't do (rest of refs are just not present or just pretend they are not really refs when it's not comfortable) so it's good we have him in this aspect since it's as I said in the past "Djinghis's Nazi Kindergarten" in many hours of the morning and even late night.
5) JmZ didn't take SOMA's ref powers so I think you can rest assure he will not take eLement's powers so these threads are nice for "public shaming" but really are useless in the long run I believe.
Although "public shaming" has its values I believe..

Anyway I hope I won't regret it but for now I support eLement (and we are not friends or anything) as he is communicative, explains his deeds, not using his ref powers to change the match's outcome and helps in cleaning the server from exploit vermin.

I do think you can be more "gentle" when using ref powers but in relation to other refs I think you are doing a good job (and I do hope I won't regret this statement).

You'll suck anyones dick to get what you want TRA "jew special ED". Yes that's right I said "Jew special ED" - now a moderator can compare whats worse - "Nazi Kindergarten" or "Jew special ED". We all know Element mutes and kicks you when you say "jew" without context and at the same time calls everyone a Nazi, It's obvious Jew is a worse word that Nazi to him. But on topic - I've provided demos and even warned about giving ref to this individual a few weeks back and was ignored, and once again this dullard community sinks itself into further retardation. And Gridfon despite being a fake doctor and general douche is right about a lot of things with adjudication. Basically over reacting trying to be the Savior of savage for whats proper behavior and ultimate fairness, yet at the same time abusing powers during games and ganging up with defacer calling my mother a filthy whore and saying how he's going to rape her, is double standard. And drk is no better, muting me because I said he was lagging the server and at the same time an alias saying nigger this and nigger receives nothing.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:18 am
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