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element/pulse trend
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 element/pulse trend
case and point


Element giving himself MMbow on eden
element abuse
Excessive kicks
On eLeMenT using his ref to "win" arguments
Re: Re: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee
Concerns about Element as a referee

UNLOCKED so far.

3xRe: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee
Element abuse - Doesnt understand rule 7 (AGAIN)
element abus
please remove ref from element
3dman element etc

Requesting Ref for Newerth (Pulse) Public EU Server

So who is it locking element abuse threads despite provided evidence times and various vets making the complaints? is it JmZ (my money is on him). And can anyone see a pattern here? - let me brake it down for ya...

Element gets bored/angry/vengeful and uses ref commands to satisfy himself and only himself, because even the other refs are starting to hate him and then ruins a game - then the rare few that bother to make a formal complaint (or know how to), make a thread here with evidence and it is considered trivial by the admin and he locks the thread not to mention element trolls the plaintiff with unfunny banter. So many times Element has kicked people for stacking against him or calling him an idiot or arguing with his erroneous decisions and even kicked by mistake aka mini_smash/ cable/ shape/ telvek to name a few. Your continual defense of Element JmZ with the main case of "Element is a good ref though" is no longer (or never was imo) a case for his redemption.

You even had the audacity to PM me in game "can you believe all the nut case abuse threads" You had the notion when you started Pulse, that everyone will be treated equally, I've seen evidence on the contrary. If a player makes any comment that Element dislikes, he starts a wall of text argument with the focal point being "you must respect refs" if not I CAN KICK YOU.

The more you defend this behavior JmZ, the more ppl wake up to the fact that you are just another hoff who does what he wants on his server with no respect for the players that use it. Fair enough you pay the piss ant euro fees to run a server (and they are cheap) 6X more to host US and 8X to host AU, but your server doesn't mean SHIT when you have no players left except elemenet and you remaining.

Oh and by all means, lock this thread, to reinforce my point.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:41 pm
Last edited by djinghis on Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 08 Dec 2016
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Location: Complaints Desk
djinghis wrote:

Element giving himself MMbow on eden
element abuse
Excessive kicks
On eLeMenT using his ref to "win" arguments
Re: Re: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee
Concerns about Element as a referee

UNLOCKED so far.

3xRe: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee
Element abuse - Doesnt understand rule 7 (AGAIN)
element abus
please remove ref from element
3dman element etc

Requesting Ref for Newerth (Pulse) Public EU Server

So who is it locking element abuse threads despite provided evidence times and various vets making the complaints? is it JmZ (my money is on him). And can anyone see a pattern here? - let me brake it down for ya...

Element gets bored/angry/vengeful and uses ref commands to satisfy himself and only himself, because even the other refs are starting to hate him and then ruins a game - then the rare few that bother to make a formal complaint (or know how to), make a thread here with evidence and it is considered trivial by the admin and he locks the thread not to mention element trolls the plaintiff with unfunny banter. So many times Element has kicked people for stacking against him or calling him an idiot or arguing with his erroneous decisions and even kicked by mistake aka mini_smash/ cable/ shape/ telvek to name a few. Your continual defense of Element JmZ with the main case of "Element is a good ref though" is no longer (or never was imo) a case for his redemption.

You even had the audacity to PM me in game "can you believe all the nut case abuse threads" You had the notion when you started Pulse, that everyone will be treated equally, I've seen evidence on the contrary. If a player makes any comment that Element dislikes, he starts a wall of text argument with the focal point being "you must respect refs" if not I CAN KICK YOU.

The more you defend this behavior JmZ, the more ppl wake up to the fact that you are just another hoff who does what he wants on his server with no respect for the players that use it. Fair enough you pay the piss ant euro fees to run a server (and they are cheap) 6X more to host US and 8X to host AU, but your server doesn't mean SHIT when you have no players left except elemenet and you remaining.

Oh and by all means, lock this thread, to reinforce my point.

People who complained:

D Day:

3dman element etc:

please remove ref from element:

element abus: (troll post)
AbusedAndDisgusted (has 2 forum posts, name reminiscent of refabuseisreal)

Element abuse - Doesnt understand rule 7 (AGAIN):

3xRe: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee :

Concerns about Element as a referee:

Re: Re: April Changes & Concerns about Element as a referee:

On eLeMenT using his ref to "win" arguments:

Excessive kicks:

element abuse:

Element giving himself MMbow on eden:

My thoughts on these individuals
As you can see, it's the same 4 individuals making constant claims.

djinghis exploits almost every game then blames it on map design/bad game coding. Instead of being proactive and helping the game grow, djinghis abuses the game mechanics to give himself an unfair advantage over others. djinghis flames/trolls/makes maps that steal peoples' passwords. djinghis loves to say the n word, making jewish and nazi references, loves to talk down to people, making claims about how europeans are stupid, uneducated, jobless, bad at the game. djinghis also loves to troll refs. djinghis is banned from, the most important website for Savage, and the one that represents Savage itself. djinghis has a kick on sight policy setup on him the Groentjuh servers (which I didn't follow, and allowed him to play, I appologize). djinghis is basically someone no one wants, nothing djinghis says is to be taken seriously, he is on a mission to destroy servers and the game itself, hence why he's not wanted. djinghis is mad at server admins and game developers for not taking him seriously and believes that they won't let his art make it through. djinghis steals people's concepts (3d models) and turns them into his own concepts.

refabuseisreal is cable as far as I understand. cable's personality really is a mystery to be cracked. On some days he's very serious, very respectful and very polite, while on some others he puts down people, making fun of them and trolling. cable is Kenway's friend. Based on what I've read/heard, Kenway was a problem for Savage while I wasn't playing the game (which he certainly isn't now as far as I know, he's a really funny guy and I actually quite like him). cable enjoys trolling refs and drama However, since cable's personality is unpredictable, it's impossible to know whether he has a real concern or is simply on a mission to troll refs. I prefer to believe the latter and not take him seriously. When I first got ref, in an attempt to disrespect me, challenged me to a dueling session where if he would win 50-0, I would lose my ref. I won the first duel and left.

bullet isn't a troll, bullet is very opinionated. bullet doesn't even play the game and starts lengthy discussions, and butts into abuse threads that don't concern him. bullet started his whole anti-element thing when he believed I was nicklaming as a ref (which again, wasn't me). However, bullet isn't a troll and he only wants what's fair and best for the game, but his judgement is clouded by that event, which he believes so strongly in. An investigation, which wasn't conclusive, was conducted on that event. Another instance of a nicklaming ref happened while he was away, a person called "life", which threatened to kick the whole server. It obviously wasn't me as I kicked him the instant he said that and was already playing for a long time when he was there. The investigation here was also inconclusive.

Personally, the only person whose opinion I actually respect. Gridfon is a respected individual in the Savage community and contributes a lot when he can. Similarly to bullet though, Gridfon can also get opinionated and goes on posting sprees, where he is determined to make a change. Despite our differences, Gridfon usually has a level headed approach to his concerns and opinions, and is fair. In his quest for fairness however, Gridfon can miss the big picture. Despite that, Gridfon's concerns are legitimate and strive for fairness, not overthrowing refs (although I'm not so sure anymore), and his opinion is generally to be respected in my opinion.

My thoughts on all this
This is a game and we have a community. I don't like drama, I like playing games. Saying that "the other refs are starting to hate him" is very, very, very disconnected from reality. I am convinced I'm doing whatever is necessary to make sure the game is fair and that we have a good community, and the other refs are with me on this point. I'm a trained Real Estate Agent (not jobless as you claim I am), and never do ANYTHING without backing myself up first, so I always have a reason for doing what I do. I've been sued, and have sued, twice already and never lost my case. Contrary to what you may spout, the decisions I take are always backed up, and are never taken willy nilly. I think the other refs currently don't care enough to post on the forums because it doesn't concern them. However, I'm sure the ones that play and see why I take my actions will back me up if need be. Contrary to what you may believe, we have a real TEAM, and what I do, I do with the conviction that I'm doing what we, as team, want to do. I might step out of my way to take harsher measurements to ensure that we don't get repeat offenses, otherwise, I'm very fair, and wouldn't treat you, or someone I'm close to, such as Trigardon any differently, because I do what I do with integrity. I'm the safety net for the players that play in the morning and all of them, except for 2-3 (which constantly claim abuse) really appreciate and respect what I do. You can go around asking koko, supreme, hugo, etc for their opinion. I had a huge argument with Trigardon about the way I'm doing things, just to show you how far your constant nagging is taking you, it has even polluted his mind, the guy doesn't even play the game, but none of this will discourage me. I could make more comments about peoples' personalities and describe what everyone's is, people taken actions on etc, but I think I've done enough. There are similarities between players and it all boils down to: we all want what's best for the game and community, except you djinghis, you just care about yourself. If people are on the same page and stop abusing/trolling refs while respecting the game, you wouldn't see me take the actions I do. However, so far, that has been the complete opposite, people exploit and abuse the game and refs while claiming that refs are abusing them. JmZ's post the other day made me hopeful as it resonates with me, because I want exactly what he wants, more positivity, and less negativity.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:44 pm
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I can only talk for my self:

bullet isn't a troll, bullet is very opinionated. bullet doesn't even play the game and starts lengthy discussions, and butts into abuse threads that don't concern him. ( I got over 2k hours in the game, my playing pattern varies. Besides, if Im not fit to raise my opinion on community related matters,as a part of the community, why should anyone be fit? Im all in for internal solutions in the game, but stuff on forum is public, and people have the right to say their opinion, as long is its respectful and constructive (something this forum lacks greatly).)

If you try to discourage people from posting complaints, youre on the wrong path. Thats a part of the recipe on how to create a gap between referees and the playerbase, and we dont want that .


bullet started his whole anti-element thing when he believed I was nicklaming as a ref (which again, wasn't me).

Wrong. My impression about you as a referee became broken when you told me referees was above the rules, and the fact that you was not humble enough to admit you had broken rules, and referee abused in attempt to get away with it (teamswitched, people complained, you muted people who complained, and eventually, muted me, in the game after, for taking it up with you - where you admitted you considered yourself above the rule.)
It is such a fundamental flaw for a referee to consider themself above the rules, that I cannot let you remain a referee, because you show no sign of regret or humbleness in the game, nor on the forums. You keep talking about how you listen to people and all that, but you know, just as well as me, that you dont do that. You mute them for "flaming", when they complain on a rulebreak you did, accuse them of creating drama, when you was the aggressor in the situation, or on a ref power you used without legitimate reason.

However, I fear I cannot help you anymore. I recommend taking a break from savage, and count the complaints coming in on other referees. Element, how would you explain that you are the referee which get the most complaints on yourself? What is your explanation - why does someone in the playerbase disrespect you ? Why does the other referees seem to be more respected?).

The way I see it, a referee loose respect from the playerbase the second they dont follow the rules they are set to enforce. This is what have happened with you. You switch maps, stop legitimate votes, change mod, use ref powers to add weird shit into the game, crash server, mute without valid reason, slay people without valid reason, kick people without valid reason, teamswitch yourself and refusing to accept the vote on yourself beause people reacted on it(yes, if you break a rule, you should accept the punishment for it, referee or not. Rules apply to all players (with common sense).). Mute people who get upset when you break rules(Yes, you have done that in multiple instances). Indeed, some of these cases have happened because someone have deliberately been trying to provoke you, but they wouldnt do that in the first place if they hadnt experienced you breaking the rules yourself in the first place.

Its pretty simple logic;
if the police breaks the laws, the people breaks the laws, and get angry at the police. You dont seem to realize that, and its only worsening the case that it seems JMZ dont see that either.

For a regular player, its seen as double standard if rules apply to them, but not for the referees. You call it disrespectfull and hateful, but look at the mirror, its not like me and gridfon suddenly started disliking you as a referee (not on a person level, im sure youre a great guy to grab a beer with in real life, in all seriousness).

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:38 pm
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djinghis exploits almost every game then blames it on map design/bad game coding. Instead of being proactive and helping the game grow, djinghis abuses the game mechanics to give himself an unfair advantage over others. djinghis flames/trolls/makes maps that steal peoples' passwords. djinghis loves to say the n word, making jewish and nazi references, loves to talk down to people, making claims about how europeans are stupid, uneducated, jobless, bad at the game. djinghis also loves to troll refs. djinghis is banned from, the most important website for Savage, and the one that represents Savage itself. djinghis has a kick on sight policy setup on him the Groentjuh servers (which I didn't follow, and allowed him to play, I appologize). djinghis is basically someone no one wants, nothing djinghis says is to be taken seriously, he is on a mission to destroy servers and the game itself, hence why he's not wanted. djinghis is mad at server admins and game developers for not taking him seriously and believes that they won't let his art make it through. djinghis steals people's concepts (3d models) and turns them into his own concepts.

This is mostly because you can't use your brain and think for yourself - and oh wait - "you said you hate daemon and agree with me about him trashing savage with his updates" but I guess if you can't look beyond the person whos saying something and evaluate what is said - this makes you no better than daemon (who banned me because I had an opinion). I'm not going to trash ppls ideas unless they ask for it (adding glider to standard savage etc). I've been in the game development industry for almost 4 years now and I have never seen such incompetence, belligerence and spiteful childish behavior from developers even though I've only been involved with non-free games. I've seen a few programmers and a level designer who showed the same level of stupidity and self righteousness as Hakugai and daemon, and their behavior was quickly dealt with, they were fired. The constant rant I hear from these 2 bedroom developers is "But we are volunteers and do this out of kindness" I could respect that if they hadn't shut down the source code with the lame excuse "oh too many ppl cheat" and not allow anyone with differing opinions to have any say in savage development.
I'm affraid to say as much as you know I'm right, these 2 remaining developers have it all wrong.

The network lag/ occasional server crash/ spiking framerates/ broken collision/ ugly broken textures/ un centered prop offsets/ overlapping UV texture maps/ Overlapping model non- contigeous meshes/ floating verticies/ broken animations/ poor and absent animation blending/ a massive stack of unused files cluttering the main files/ clunky animation loops/ contrasting stylized graphics/ zero support system/ archaic account and persistent stat system with poor data allocation/ convoluted multiple server system/ swing through glitches/ inaccurate ray tracing to animation/ unused GUI/ missing HUD bars/ shader conflicts/. outdated OpenGL/.

OFC not mentioning the recent updates and problems they have created, but the point is you are using this as an argument when you feel the exact same way I do about the situation - which is downright hypocritical. And you should also know that when I exploit hills, I never pose a threat (usually I just have a scav and ember).

You created a list of ppl who wrote complaints about your abuse as ref and one by one you attempt to document their flaws as though that's some sort of justifications for you abusing god ref abilities, where do you get off doing that M8 - seriously, if you could just stand back and take a breath and think about your responses to your abuse threads, if you have any decency and common sense, you would not reply at all, it can only incriminate you more.

And you've dug your hole so deep now that if JmZ wont release you then have some honor and resign so someone less emotional can take the role.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:34 pm
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I locked the mentioned threads because I had opened a general thread for it overall, rather than having so much repetition over a bunch of threads.

I did state this in the top of the thread I opened.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:17 pm
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There are a few threads regarding some events in game, most of these threads overlap in some way so have been locked and this made the point of discussion.

[to clarify] You didn't specify exactly who locked them and the pulse moderator group list no members. You made a point of discussion, but that's not how it works and never has afaict, each case needs to be handled case by case, you can't simply super paraphrase complaints into a thread where you basically dismiss them all at once despite varying degrees of abuse.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:00 pm
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I was not attacking your persona, I was implying that your persona is getting in the way of your thinking. I also said "bullet isn't a troll and he only wants what's fair and best for the game, but his judgement is clouded by that event, which he believes so strongly in". You're getting extremely defensive, yet again, just as I thought you would, as you might've not comprehended what I said or read between the lines. I guess the event I believed was the cause of all this was wrong so I will answer your concern.

As far as being above the rules, maybe it was a misunderstanding, maybe it was you paraphrasing or maybe it was a sarcastic comment I made.

This is exactly how I feel: rules are written by players over the years (I even had a hand in rewriting them a few times in the past) so I understand where rules come from. Rules are there to promote fair games and most importantly, keep everyone happy and the server populated. As you know, the rules weren't written by lawyers, and were written by players so they are fundamentally flawed. On one hand, you have to follow them but on the other hand, they open up the path for ambiguity, which isn't ideal in the real world. So again, that means that on one hand, you have to follow them to the letter and on the other hand you have to think for yourself and act on your instincts. Let me tell you this: I respect the rules so much and have such a high honor code that "that gets in the way I think", just as is in your case. The Savage I knew in the past was all about honor between players, a progressive and selfless community that had written and unwritten rules. It is that notion that sometimes pushes me to extremes as I want to bring Savage back to that time, a time where we were a great community. Unfortunately, these days, players flame referees, flame each other, exploit purposely, don't care about anyone but themselves. This really pushes me hard to sometimes "break the rules" because the unwritten ones or even the written ones, aren't taken seriously enough.

Rule #1 (the very first, the foundation): Players are not allowed to insult other players.
Rule #19: Respect the referees and their decisions. In case the rules are unclear concerning any of the topics above the referees will decide how to apply them.
Rule #20: Referees will punish you if you break any of the rules or if you misbehaved in a way that might not be literally listed in the rules.

On a daily basis, no one respects any of these rules, which are very, very important from a personal standpoint and from a referee standpoint. So how do I make players respect them? By doing crazy stuff that no one has done before (this is what I think is the correct path at least). By punishing them so severely that they will start to actually respect them. Maybe it was the right approach, or maybe I didn't get my point across to the players affected the way I wanted to. At the end of the day though, if there is anyone that really cares about this community, it's me, and if anyone has an unrelenting drive to get there, it's me, and I won't give up so easily. JmZ's recent post gave me hope as there may be a chance we could get there without harsh measures, but who knows, only the future will tell.


I didn't agree with you about him trashing savage with his updates. Matter of fact, I absolutely love them while you sit and complain about them. I do however disagree with his approach at times and I feel I'm not taken seriously by him, which he knows, as I've been very very vocal to him about it. I also do agree with the fact that there is incompetent management, which I've also been vocal to him about. However, Hakugei (Clemens) is a great guy and an awesome developer. Clemens however thinks as a coder so if you have concerns, you have to report them in the way a coder thinks. That means, you have to first tell him exactly what you want and second, you have to know exactly what you're talking about, and this is not a broad definition of exactly, it's the exact definition of exactly, exactly Laughing Instead of saying all that stuff you said in orange, you have to describe exactly what is causing them, and you have to do testing first, before reporting them to him. What is causing network lag? Is it the engine? Is it the server? What is it in the engine that is causing that? Those are questions you need to ask yourself before reporting stuff, not give him vague descriptions of what is wrong in your opinion.

As a commander, I absolutely love the new updates, they give so much flexibility and freedom and new avenues to explore, which most haven't really explored (the light transport is amazing for example if you actually know how to use it, and I haven't seen anyone but myself use it as an offensive tool).

To reply to the rest of your post, just read what I said to bullet.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:19 pm
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I'm working with 3 programmers right now, they understand me perfectly, and once again you missed the point.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:35 pm
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Element respects the rules.
How was the mmbow in the first round of the match when none of the teams had tech? Fun, yeah I see. There is huge respect for the rules.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:58 pm
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Even a dead server has better management that pulse, wake up JmZ.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:30 am
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Behavioral complaint
In regard "element"

Complaint Guidelines
If you wish to complain, please follow these guidelines to help us respond to you quickly:

- Provide evidence (demo, screenshot, chat logs)
- Provide a concise explanation as to what happened
- Remain neutral, allow yourself time to cool down if needed
- Stay on topic
- Respect all members, even those you complain about
- No hate speech and what not
- No duplicate complaints (search first)

Lack of evidence will likely result in no response until you provide some.

If your thread is locked, this is likely because these guidelines were heavily broken. You will be notified directly with a response if there isn't one already in the thread.

A quite long and stable game on Anvale yesterday, until Ronaldinho aka element joins. below is an extrapolated sequence of events regarding accusations made against me and also some flaming towards other players. This is in no way an exact incorrect decision, but rather a behavioral study of Element and to determine his fitness of any authoritative role on savage servers. But it is definitely a complaint...


Ronaldinho has joined the game

^clan 73948^Ronaldinho has become referee!
(element aliasing)
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> lol im listening to music
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> hahahha
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> how the fuck did you know
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> u werent comm the entire time

(log and supplied evidence contadicts this accusation)
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> someone told him
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> djinghis is cheating

Concise explanation...

(refer to image source 1,2,3 and 4)

Sasori is approaching clearly seen from my commander view with the guardian and player (LinuxQnx) removing fog of war and adding radar making sasori and anyone who is in that area visible via mini-map.

As explained above, however this time a new dot on the mini-map has emerged, either way, I'm spawning to instigate.

I don't even have to go back to commander seat to see the incoming player - as for reasons stated above.

The last image is of that red dot "element" elec buffing 1 on 1 and me approaching with snare, in the 54 minute demo (I will provide if needed) I snare element 3 times while his elec wears off - obviously this was the quintessential moment that triggered elements repugnant behavior following...

A vote has been called

(element calls a kick vote against me (it fails))
17> ^clan 86588^djingh1s(17)> wtf lol
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> Reason: cheating and ghosting

Time passes while element trash talks GS.
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> come here
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> if it's too easy
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> cant melee for shit dude

changes teams somehow not showing in a shuffle vote or ref cmd, he simply joins my team for a while and goes back soon after...
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> is he doing an exploit gate?

I place a fail gate in front of legionnaires half asleep and half a mouse slip up, it's destroyed instantly losing 300 entropy points.
^clan 73948^Ronaldinho joined the spectators
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> well im ready to kick him any time
^clan 73948^Ronaldinho joined team 1
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> djinghis
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> if he builds an exploit gate
17> ^clan 86588^djingh1s(17)> idiot what exploit gate?
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> u put down a gate right in front of us in mid
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> makes no sense
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> only conclusion i could come up to
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> cute to see achiIes trying so hard for djingh1s(17)

Element goes on trashing GS some more
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> fucking shitty player
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> im not trying hard at all loll
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> The One.JDDSA switched teams
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> he was in t1 and i was demo running with him
17> ^clan 86588^djingh1s(17)> he's just angry/mad, he'll say anything in his current mental state
^900Referee Ronaldinho ^gmoved ^900The One.JDDSA ^900to ^900team ^9001^w
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> na im just replying to gs saying too easy
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> i think gs is crap
^900Referee Ronaldinho ^gmoved ^900The One.JDDSA ^900to ^900team ^9001^w
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> come at me
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> only reason ur shitty melee ever gets me is coz ur really fast and i cant cope with your ping and mine
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> otherwise the most predictable pred in the history of preds
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> 0 moves
^clan 80790^XR_FirstTimePlayer(29) killed ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho with a Rabid
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> cute guy

end game
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> HW with saurus stealing all my buffs
17> ^clan 86588^djingh1s(17)> stack just couldn't do it )
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> see, i cant demo run
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> i havent buffed
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> coz u didnt save buffs
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> i complained about buffs all game
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> fucking braindead people

Trashes his team for not dedicating him exclusive buffs (toxic stlye))
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> saurus by far
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> exploit gate: placing a part of the gate that gets destroyed first, then placing the other part in your base, will lead to an exploit gate that will be placed anywhere around the map, allowing 1 person to spawn. you built a gate in front of our garrison, between the walls in south. it's extremely justified for me to think you're about to exploit.

There was no other part to the gate as anyone with a brain would work out after joining specs immediately and looking at the entropy pool would conclusively determine.
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> anyway i dont need any reason to kick you djinghis, i can just kick u if i felt like i it
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> every single ref, with no exception, thinks you're trash. not only that, the community itself thinks you are
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> while jmz allows you to play here, dont be under the impression you're anything more than trash

Goes of the deep end (as usual)
7> ^clan 39107^achiIes> element, to be honest as much as i like to say djingh1s suck, u suck way more.
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> na im a chill dude
0> ^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> hey djingshit isnt it way past midnight in aussie

Next game I unit sac him and call it a night.


So having a referee make two accusations about me that game, the first - the cheating/ghosting. And the second, the exploit gate that can be proven to be a complete gate and in no way an exploit via the demo (if requested) I was expecting some sort of apology or at least an acknowledgment of the errors, but instead a tirade of trash talk and threats...

Having sent JmZ a private message quoting 0>
^clan 73948^Ronaldinho> anyway i dont need any reason to kick you djinghis, i can just kick u if i felt like i it

I am yet to see a reply. However if this is the case, it can only lead to the servers detriment as it encourages bullying/power abuse and a toxic mentality that is tolerated. Extremely vague or non existent acknowledgments of a mistake is not good enough, and certainly threatening to kick and talk big while belittling a player should be unacceptable by a referee.

It's been said/reported/posted/re-posted and I even warned you on his application, yet for some unknown reason, this individual is still allowed to trash a server with his toxic personality and many many mistakes as referee. Not having fear of any reprisal or recourse for his actions, it's made his behavior even more exacerbated. I sincerely hope you read this with a clear mind and take it seriously JmZ how many chances can one person get?.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:29 am
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Brad Troika
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Cheating/exploiting isn't exactly out of your character. You received no punishment so I really don't see what your problem is.

Element whining about his ping and saying how good he would be otherwise is nothing new and while it's a thing that really annoys me it doesn't make him a bad ref.

What I would like to point out however is him threatening djinghis with a kick. This isn't the first time it happened and I find it really inappropriate because it's just plain and simple bullying.
I understand that there are quite a few people who willingly and repeatedly break the rules and don't deserve a warning to be kicked/muted. If you have a policy to kick people on sight, do it, but threatening with a random kick is just an abuse of power and this behavior should be heavily discouraged.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:40 pm
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Brad Troika wrote:
Cheating/exploiting isn't exactly out of your character. You received no punishment so I really don't see what your problem is.

Element whining about his ping and saying how good he would be otherwise is nothing new and while it's a thing that really annoys me it doesn't make him a bad ref.

What I would like to point out however is him threatening djinghis with a kick. This isn't the first time it happened and I find it really inappropriate because it's just plain and simple bullying.
I understand that there are quite a few people who willingly and repeatedly break the rules and don't deserve a warning to be kicked/muted. If you have a policy to kick people on sight, do it, but threatening with a random kick is just an abuse of power and this behavior should be heavily discouraged.

nobody asked you.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:14 pm
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One does not argue with Djignhis expecting a conclusion or better understanding of one another. One argues with Djinghis for the sake of arguement.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:33 am
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Tjens wrote:
One does not argue with Djignhis expecting a conclusion or better understanding of one another. One argues with Djinghis for the sake of arguement.

While I got you here Tjens, "please don't ruin savage" stop suggesting the changes and let classic savage come back - it's not just me. only insane ppl and brown noses are giving feedback on newerth which is not a representation of the community. If you want gameplay changes so bad for a game you rarely play - confine it to a mod i.e. evolution etc.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:20 am
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