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Complaint: Djinghis spamming kick Phoe votes Perhaps a script could be written so that kick votes which fail by a certain margin could block any kick vote on that player for a period of time?
Here is a Phoe's complaint:,18280.0/topicseen.html
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:42 pm
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Happens if you allow lower-life forms to play.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:12 am
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Trigardon wrote: Happens if you allow lower-life forms to play. G2 love those hypocrites.
Small minded German kids aside, what the point of this thread Jazzking?
A: It was a one time pass kick vote.
B: its a 5 minute kick for someone who was afk for 20 minutes (running scripts).
C: He was animating his name using scripting and lagging the server.
D: He was obviously not there to press f2 for himself.
E: If you don't keep this demented individual from posting cry threads and making lengthy binds that never make sense, I'm sure it saves a lot of cats being skinned in his basement.
F: Long live Pulse.
[EDIT] Just noticed Groent Doctored this post , I guess he tried to make trig sound less stupid (an uphill battle). I.E admission of guilt yet questions the format of the evidence lel.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:22 am
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Ever heared about mute/ignore? Scripts changing names lag the server? Cmon don't be silly.
You are just a mean heartless guy who would probably be the one skinning cats and raping puppies if it wasn't for savage where you can compensate for your mental issues by harassing innocent people without having to fear any consequences. Long lives the internet.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:27 am
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Ale wrote: Ever heared about mute/ignore? Scripts changing names lag the server? Cmon don't be silly.
You are just a mean heartless guy who would probably be the one skinning cats and raping puppies if it wasn't for savage where you can compensate for your mental issues by harassing innocent people without having to fear any consequences. Long lives the internet.
Mute does not solve the issue, did you read?
Small minded German kids aside, this thread is pointless.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:37 am
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djinghis wrote: did you read?.
I did. Obviously you didn't.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:59 pm
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If the vote failed and you called it again repeatedly in short succession, I can see why jazz (and whoever else) feels the need to complain.
djinghis: lets just try avoid it in future, keep everyone happy. phoe's a bit of a pain sometimes especially when hes afk running his scripts, but one kick was enough. i trust that you will at my request, even if you had justification for it (im not disagreeing with you so much on that).
not siding with anyone here really, just want to avoid further unnecessary drama, as should you :p
problem solved, get back in game all of you and have some fun
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:10 pm
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As I stated in A: it was one vote, so the complaint and request is based on something that didn't happen. But on the name animation phoe does, it does in fact lag the server and can even crash it, I noticed this when I made a script a few months back, the irony is that on one of the rare occasions i actually read one of phoes dribble binds, he was trying to communicate to me - saying.
Please stop the name mixing (I was doing name animations) it may bring down server, words to that effect but coloured and crazier ). So practice what you preach, this saying obviously eludes him, I just hope that your one active ref "3D" mutes phoe when he spams that nonsense every time he dies (which is often) instead of muting me for calling him a hapless prick (for example) )
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:13 am
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I don't really see how sending and manipulating some text information could lag a powerful game server. I've seen Phoe animating his name many times before yet never noticed any lags.
This case is entirly based on your words against Phoe's. I see no reason why anyone should trust the words of a proven hacker/liar/troll/asshole over Phoe's.
Besides, what is it that makes you be so mean to him? You act like a grown up stealing a little childs candy.
Back on topic: Multiple kick-votes for the same person might be annoying when unjustified but can be useful IF justified. I remember the days when Cpt. Kenway was doing his thing on Groentjuhs server, exploitng the hack out of each map. We repeatedly tried to kick him but votes wouldn't pass due to his 10 separate accounts sitting in spec, voting F2. It took a lot of effort and countless votes to finally get rid of him and his companions. The proposed script woudl have protected him.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:23 am
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Ale wrote: I don't really see how sending and manipulating some text information could lag a powerful game server. I've seen Phoe animating his name many times before yet never noticed any lags.
Depending on what the script actually does it is definitely possible to lag a server.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:18 pm
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I would prefer being a hacker/liar/troll/asshole than a moron any day of the week Ale )
Love live Pulse.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:05 am
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djinghis wrote: I would prefer being a hacker/liar/troll/asshole than a moron any day of the week Ale )
So why are you all of it at once?
Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 8:35 am
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Ale <3
Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 5:46 pm
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Ale wrote: djinghis wrote: I would prefer being a hacker/liar/troll/asshole than a moron any day of the week Ale )
So why are you all of it at once?
almost a month to respond, and your lap dog is never far behind.
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 2:09 am
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Believe it or not but I actually have a life.
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:35 am
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