Brad Troika
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Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
On what maps siege camping is allowed? So it popped up before in my conversation with refs that they consider some maps to be exempt of the spawn siege camping rule (maps I think are in this category include izi, kinixx, gaome, etc.).
While I personally disagree that these or any maps should be exempt, if they are, could we get a list of maps where refs won't enforce the rule?
If the list is not too long, could it be also included in the server rules that you can read through client?
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 2:55 pm
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Joined: 09 Nov 2014 Posts: 78
It is my understanding that this is the case aswell (some maps seems to be exceptions from the rule of siege camping).
It's also my understanding that most of these maps are 32x32 in size, and initially allways have only one path to the enemy base (the keyword beeing initially, as on some maps, more paths gets open as grimms falls, kinixxx for example).
I have mentioned to many people that these maps should be included in the rules section. However, as JMZ have stated, he doesnt want to update the rules for Pulse, because he fears it breaks consistency with Groentjuhs ruleset, creating confusion for h
So, basically : Dont discuss rules here, discuss it on Groentjuhs part of the forum, as any changes to the rules are not possible on this server.
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:12 pm
Brad Troika
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Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
So if Groent server rules change in this matter, will you update your rules and ask your refs to enforce that JMZ?
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:48 am
The Raging Asparagus
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Joined: 18 Mar 2016 Posts: 127
Hi Brad.
I'd like to put here an excerpt of a thread I opened a few months ago on Pulse's ref area:
"Hi Refs,
I wanted to ask.. I know Kinixxx is a free-camp map.
There are also some maps where the behes are allowed to camp mist (like xr_phoe).
Do we have a list of such "excpetional" maps?
I mean is IzI/XR_Tiny/Gaome part of these maps? maybe you can direct me to some past thread on the matter?
"I don't think we have a list because it may not be a good idea to put them in stone, so to speak.
Some maps are just terrible, so i think most refs are lenient with camping etc by common sense. If we have a list, i can see us one day having a discussion of why x isnt in the list and y is...
So, personally, I'd say if you think its a commonly camped map, be a little more flexible. But if you're unsure, ask another ref (on here or in-game, like you are ;p)"
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:06 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
I hope you guys can see the pattern some day regarding this rule.
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:51 pm
Brad Troika
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Joined: 22 Dec 2011 Posts: 45
I don't know whats wrong with a discussion about whether map x should be on a list or not.
I've seen someone votekicked from kinixx for siege camping and this state where different refs might enforce different rules seems worse then an (almost surely) internal discussion, so please try to come up with a list and at least provide it on this forum.
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:24 pm
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Joined: 25 Sep 2014 Posts: 554
djinghis wrote: I hope you guys can see the pattern some day regarding this rule.
ok here it is, brace yourself.
The camping rule is not enforced 50% of the time due to no refs being present 50% of the time. not including the dead zone
The camping rule is not enforced 100% of the time on the most popular maps are played "izi" kinixxx" "anvale" "circlewar" "mini_xp" "gaome" "avenue"
The camping rule is not alwasy enforced due to refs playing the game and being in another place while it happens.
The camping rule is not enforced when refs are unsure of what is camping - which is 90% of the time.
The camping rule is not map dependent either in advantage it brings or simply its annoyance, and spawn points are in every map.
So the pattern I refer to is simple - the camping rule is not a popular rule both from refs and players, so why have it at all?
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:53 pm
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